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Nick GhostWolf

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Posts posted by Nick GhostWolf

  1. Congrats on the peace. Both sides fault admirably. 




    Immortan Junka, it was a shame that this didn't go on longer.  I've wanted to personally fight you for a loooong time.  Rain check til next time?  Also, I commend you for having gained the humility to admit defeat with some dignity.  Thank you for not making this a sideshow or another propaganda thread.  In the long run, if you do things this way, you will find that the notoriety and scorn you reap now may be replaced with the respect that you really desire.  <ooc> alternately head over to TE next round and i'll show you a whole new level of war there.

  2. M Inc is sorry for beating down SNX prior to Polar coming in (not sorry)


    Well, L_H, we appreciate the concern.  We also thank you for not taking too much of the proverbial pie, and having the foresight to only take minimal NS from Supernova-X.  I'm sure Immortan Junka also appreciates the easy XP you gave him; it will bulwark his forces with strong generals and make them more formidable opponents for us.  You've done me in particular a great service as I appreciate when my foes are strengthened before I strike, and I look forward to your contribution to SNX increasing the number of my casualties.

  3. My problem is more with the posts of some like Zoskia who are claiming that all of SNX are terrible fighters/cowards/etc when he happens to be fighting a less-active nation who has a problem following our standards in the first place. If Zoskia 1v1'd someone like AvengerFin, Bewill or Zzniperr he would be demolished.

    I've already talked to Eatemup and there's actually alot we agree on in regards to this war and other matters, but some of the hateful and inaccurate rhetoric by some polars really makes the whole Order look bad and makes bridges difficult to rebuild.


    I didn't claim all of SNX are terrible fighters.  We don't have enough data to judge whether or not your fighters are worthwhile because so many of them are turtling.  And the argument that you have three strong nations putting up a marginal fight against Polars is overshadowed by the fact you are forcing these soldiers to fight alone against unpalatable odds.  1v1 maybe they have a chance but this is an alliance war not a series of battle-royales.  Did they volunteer to take the beating for the rest of your top tier to wait in the safety of peace mode?  Is this your strategy, to send your fighters out a few at a time to be slaughtered at will, seriously outnumbered and staggered and virtually doomed to ZI?


    You may as well change their alliance ranks to "sacrificial lambs".

  4. Doom Kingdom actually almost always signs optional treaties and often stays there.  It avoids e-lawyers.  We do have two M level treaties.


    That's exactly what I meant by pragmatic.  Keep everything optional and you hold the cards on making decisions and you can't be plied into action.



    SNX has not requested the military assistance of our several allies and I asked them specifically to not engage because we are not afraid of holding our ground against braggarts and thugs. This is not our first rolling and will not be our last. If we were afraid of fighting I would not have asked for an upgrade from protectorate status.

    Are all of my members as good at war as our best fighters? No, that is an unreasonable expectation. One thing I am proud of though is the courage of Imperators who fight against overwhelming odds, their dignity in the face of constant insults, their dedication and willingness to fight for eternity to preserve the Imperial Truth against a crass and hateful enemy. I am proud to call them my family.


    You spin around like a top.  Ultimately the performance of your fighters is going to be the measure of their worth, not their "heart".  You speak of holding your ground and yet the numbers tell a whole different tale.  You have 50 accepted members, 9 members ghosting (some of whom are also burning for you).  18 of your people are in peace mode, the majority of whom are 50k+ NS.  Most of the rest of SNX is in anarchy.  Counter-declares are sparse and limited wholly to the lower tier.  I have visually inspected every war screen and the majority of NpO vs SNX wars thus far show SNX nations either refusing to return fire or being simply outdamaged, with a few notable examples to the contrary.  If you call what is very visibly a pile of turtles and peacemoders "dedicated and willing to fight" you are totally delusional.  I invite you to do as I have done, inspect the war screens, and actually put action into motion.  It's right there for all to see.  If you've given an order to stand valiantly your troops are failing to uphold it.  If you have not given them this order, you are failing your troops.

  5. Don't be so harsh, they will defend SNX when the threat is minimal and make a big public show of it, like they did just over a month ago.

    I will take their in action going off previous standards of theirs as a show of fear of Polar and Oculus.

    Take it as a compliment and don't rub it in...


    I'm not going to overtake it as a compliment.  I can recall the Doom War, and those fights were nothing like these SNX pushovers I'm farming for XP engaged in an epic battle with now.

  6. No thanks, we turned Junka away long ago. Junka did not sign that protectorate or "upgrade" alone. DK signed it too, and insist it is "stronger" now (an actual upgrade would not weaken anyones position).

    Point was, she said others should have done it. They signed him on and upgraded him.


    The irony isn't lost on me.  I'm of the opinion personally that if a leadership structure cannot, on its own, teach its members to fight properly then that leadership structure is to blame for the failings.  Not a protectorate-turned-ODoAP.  This has the appearance of a treaty holding-pattern; unwilling to commit military force to SNX's defense at this time but unwilling to scrub the relationship completely.


    Thats the thing with internal jokes, they don't make sense with people not in the know.


    Look at the war screens, look at SNX's... er... decisions for how they set up their nations, and all will be made clear.  Unless you don't find SNX getting squashed to be funny, in which case I guess your lack of humor would be understandable.


    You were their protector undertheir illustrious and unequated Junka. You felt them ready to be "upgraded" from a protectorate to stand on their own.

    Maybe you should have worked with them? Or was that "upgrade" so you can sit back pointing fingers?


    Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to have to wipe SNX's ass for them every time they went and did something dumb?  DK are nothing if not pragmatic, and cheap tech farms can be set up elsewhere without as much political damage control necessary.

  8. So you can't try to threaten/persuade someone into a spies-only war without turning off xp?

    This wouldn't be a pre-arranged thing. I'm talking declaring war and sending a message saying spy attacks will occur and if ground attacks/cms/non-spy attacks are launched by the defender, they will face nuclear consequences; They still have the option to attack and may full well do so, but the option to retaliate with spy-only attacks may sound like the better option. 


    Spy attacks can still be damaging, attacking money, weapons, etc. 


    I'm not sure you could actually convince anyone to do that, but if you could prove after the fact that it was not pre-arranged and you had no prior relation to the nation in question (same AA, history of aid/trade, etc) I'm not seeing the problem.  Course, if you're gonna skirmish like that you may as well do it right with the single lv1 fighters and cautious ground attacks and such.  Just keep in mind, whoever you raid might decide they don't like that idea, then you have a war on your hands.

  9. Idk if "abuse" is the right word for it.  Plenty of Empire-themed AA's in the world, which means plenty of Emperors who can make Imperial Decrees and then fight over which one end up being dominant.  At the worst it's just a tired cliche that shows a lack of creativity.  Nothing to throw a fit about.  I'd take a succinct "imperial Decree" over 10 paragraphs of self righteous ego-fondling any day.

  10. To be fair, you kind of brought it on yourself by declaring war on him.


    It's secretly a pro-Junka propaganda move.  He's been chirping for months about the glory of being a <5k superpower, and he worked out an honorable and brave secret treaty with Polar to help ensure everyone in SNX becomes a <5k superpower through lots and lots of nuking



    Shall we beat a dead horse together, you and I?


    I'm going to insult our collective intelligence by explaining this, on the off chance that you are not familiar with how this dance goes: Alliance's shift nations periodically into peace mode/war mode in long engagements in order to optimize their military efforts. There's nothing cowardly about utilizing strategy, and beating the drum and going on about how cowardly SNX is when Polaris is much more powerful than SNX in Nation Strength is either obtuse or incredibly disingenuous.


    An alliance led by someone who perpetually keeps his nation out of range of anyone who could injure them has more than one way of being construed as cowardly.  And, SNX does have treaties, I'd be amazed if they don't activate them.  I doubt this war will remain in a vacuum.


    10 years of CN, and people still make asinine comments about peace mode. Never change, Cybernations, never change.


    i wouldn't say it's asinine, the point of the post was to express my displeasure that i may end up with no one to beat on myself :(.  mostly a complaint about my own lack of targets.  and a very true and correct statement about the cowardice of "junk".

  13. In case anybody cares, which in these days of decadence and decay is unlikely, this treaty contains an error, brief though it is.

    69 hour's notice

    should read

    69 hours' notice

    This has been a service of Ancient Penguin Drive-by Copy Editing and Proofreading Services(TM)




    in all seriousness though, happy to see this treaty is now a thing.


    o/ Polaris

    o/ Sengoku

  14. To make things easier for all I have copied 15 outstanding insults.

      When referring to people that you are at war with you can save time by just inserting insult number. 


    1. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!

    2. He is dark and handsome. When it's dark, he's handsome.

    3. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

    4. I'd like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks?

    5. At least there's one thing good about your body. It isn't as ugly as your face!Â

    6. Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing

    7. Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!

    8. I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.

    9. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?

    10. If I had a face like yours. I'd sue my parents!

    11. Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!

    12. Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?

    13. Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent!

    14. Don't you love nature, despite what it did to you?

    15. Don't think, it may sprain your brain!


    Wile E Coyote



    That reminds me, I need to dig up my compendium of witty war declaration reasons...

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