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Newbie (1/14)

  1. [quote]If you don't mind my asking, who are you? [/quote] I thought you'd never ask. I am a guy who hangs out on the IRC and on the Forums. I like reading about wars. For more questions (and this goes for everyone) please send me a PM. [quote]So you deny being TPC? and a rogue? [/quote] I deny being TPC; they've been handling this situation with much more class, restraint and civility than I have. I don't deny being a rogue, if by rogue you mean "unaligned nation that makes its own decisions".
  2. [quote]TPC begged for peace[/quote] The leaders of the alliance all wanted to strike . So whoever these people were who "begged for peace" were not TPC leaders and had no authority to speak on TPC's behalf. [quote]but warriors were NEVER our target... [/quote] The evidence shows otherwise. [quote]Malachi you are obviously a TPC rogue nation hence the work you did to try to provoke us to hit TFK...[/quote] Then don't you think I would have been in TFK when I did it? How exactly do you suppose an unaligned nation can persuade anyone to align with anything? You're obviously not thinking. [quote]...and the effort you put into making that picture,[/quote] I've obviously struck a nerve by making this "picture". But I'm making them for every war on CN:TE. Don't go thinking you're so special. [quote]I'm pretty sure TPC declared war on DB4D last round while DB4D was already at war with Hellas... so lets look at the numbers...[/quote] ...which all goes to prove my point. You started this war because TPC beat you last time. [quote]The fact that they have shown no ability to war what so ever apart from a blitz quite simply amuses me...[/quote] You don't sound amused. In fact, in the very next sentence you sound upset: [quote]it is no longer a war... more a hunt and quite simply a waste of my money so why they choose to drag it out is beyond me.[/quote] Dragging out a war is a waste of money? Really? Are you even aware you're playing a war-based game? A game in which wars are [i]supposed[/i] to happen? Where your enemies don't bow down to your every wish? Well you [i]are[/i] playing that kind of game, so no more whining about it, kay?
  3. A satirical history of the war so far: [img]http://i.imgur.com/xGlWP.jpg[/img]
  4. [quote] Common TPC , cant you just move on ! [/quote] MOVE ON? Are you serious?! You slaughter them and then you have the audacity to tell them to "move on"? Unbelievable. Here's the part that really gets me though. A few pages ago Alexandros said: [quote] 2. There were no more than a few Hellas members who constantly do donations. The fast growth is due to our nice preparation since the end of previous round, ready trades, building plan etc. [/quote] So you have some brilliant plan to grow fast to put some of your guys in the top 5% (WITHOUT donations). But despite having this brilliant plan, you let half your members end up in some lower tier where they could all get anarchied by a "defeated" TPC? Do you even CARE about the bottom half of your alliance? Actually, a quote from one of your top tier players sums it up pretty well: [quote] Comrade, Hellas soldier is born to die, especially if in lower tier. [/quote] Your alliance members need to take a good look at how you view them. Players should be born to win, not born to die.
  5. [quote] So you are also creating new nations to attack us ? " Malachi" join TFK and declared war on a Hellas to make it look like TFK vs Hellas thing ? [/quote] So I'm a "created new nation", am I? Dude, I've been a part of this conversation for over a week now. Where have you been? Yes, it's true I declared on 1 single nation that turned out to be in your alliance. But I hadn't been in TFK for quite some time so don't drag them into this. Predictably, of course, when I offered to peace out, you responded by throwing another nation at me (someone ironically named “tolerance”).
  6. [quote]2. There were no more than a few Hellas members who constantly do donations. The fast growth is due to our nice preparation since the end of previous round, ready trades, building plan etc.[/quote] We all saw the numbers. I asked you not to patronize us and yet you have. [quote]P.S. We are the most popular! Look the interest our threads usually create in this and previous rounds.[/quote] Looking at the other threads, you're not “the most popular” because people like you, but because you provoke them into arguing with you. They're drawn to you in the same way that people are drawn to stare at train wrecks. Like in this case, where you come on and start a thread about how great you are that you slaughtered a smaller alliance with no nukes. [quote] the 45:26 is including the fact that we had 8 nations or so that had not even grown since the first day let alone fight so that bring it down to 37:26, we then had 4 more nations completely inactive so that's 33:26 and then had another 3 nations who simply did not go to war and decided to just tech raid instead. 30:26. [/quote] Okay, we get it, your alliance sucks. That still doesn't address the 50:0 nuke ratio. [quote] It is ok for TPC nations to be upset, [/quote] No one said TPC was upset (you may not have noticed that I'm not in TPC). TPC is actually handling this situation very well, especially considering that they’re being punished for having the audacity to win the last round. [quote] "you started Turtling from day 1 , and up till now , all you do is lunching your Cruise missiles ." [/quote] Listen, here's the bottom line: You're saying TPC had this attack coming because they went to war with smaller alliances and they weren’t truthful about everything. Yet this thread shows that you've done BOTH of those things. Not in the last round, but right here in this round. A stronger alliance ought to take YOU down, and they will, now that you're weakened from fighting TPC.
  7. [quote]are you new to the game? it was not a 2:1, they had 26 fighting nations, we have roughly the same, we simply built up earlier than TPC and got the first strike in[/quote] Guys: Stop acting like you're cool or strong or skilled or whatever. Looking at the stats, the ratio of the war is [i]EXACTLY[/i] 45:26 and the ratio of nukes is 50:0. And you only GOT those nukes first because of all the in-game donations your players made (and don’t even [i]TRY[/i] patronize us and claim that you didn’t). But even with the odds at 45:26 you STILL didn't dare to attack TPC until you made your donations and got your 50 nukes. So let's be clear: you aren't better players at all; you're better donators. Seriously guys it's one thing to launching a massacre against a team that beat you last round. But it's another thing to come on here and act like you're all better than them when all you're doing is acting like a bully who never learned to pick on someone his own size.
  8. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hit em everyday with everything, no mercy.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Pound em down so I can hit em again the day they come out of anarchy.[/font][/color][/quote] Listen Hellas and Kiwis: are you in this game to win, or are you here to take down TPC? Because it's the alliances who are here to win who will take the round, not those who let themselves be controlled by an old grudge.
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