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Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Posts posted by Tom Marvolo Riddle

  1. [quote name='New Elysia' timestamp='1357335603' post='3071347']
    The king would like to thank your hospitality by visiting your nation and holding a large feast. Customary by not only that of the nation but of the religion that he follows. He will bring the nations best food and wine and 2 crates full of beer. We ask permission for fireworks to be launched. Your worker will be paid fairly a yearly wage of $50,000 Paradisian Florins. The current exchange rate is 1 US dollar is 1.88 florins.
    [/quote]Alright then. The congress has agreed to let us use the Parliament building for the feast. Multiple congressional and political leaders will be attending along with temproray President and Secretary of War, Thomas Yesnef-Riddle. I, Fuji the Great will also attend and 1 media member will also be allowed.

    As for fireworks, they are not allowed to be imported, but sense your a Leader of a nation, our customs officals will turn a blind eye to it. Our only requestis that they get inspected by our officials before you reach the parliament building. We will send a bomb squad to look them over when your one mile from the building.

    One of the many customs of feast in the Dark mark is to eat Native Rattlesnake, which is the custom for all State Dinners. You may bring whatever you like to go with it but we will also serve the finest champagne to go along with your beer. Some people have diffrent tastes so everyone can be pleased.

    Signed- Fuji the Great, Lead Diplomat

  2. "Alright then said Riddle" He began to write a Press Release.

    It said:

    "To the citzens of the Dark Mark, this day will forever be remembered. not do to a major accomplishment or war victory but instead will live in infamy for our allies to mourn and our enemys to rejoice. Tom Marvolo Riddle the second, esteemed leader of the Dark Mark was killed in a bombing run by mistake. The attack was meant to target someone else but President Riddle was trapped near the target when the bombing run was called and as a result he and 2 others where killed in the attack. Their names are being kept private for the time being. I Tom Marvolo Riddle the Third and one pilot where the only friendly survivors. The target of the attack was wounded, but not fatally and is expected to make a full recovery. As we remain in Selencartos for questioning regaurding the attack, I have decided to appoint My Son, the Secretary of War in the Nation, Mr. Yesnef-Riddle to the position of President until I return to the Nation."

  3. [b]Embassy application submitted on the Dark Mark's Offical Page has been reviewed and accepted. Here is your compound information:[/b]

    [b]Locational Information:You have been placed in Forewalkersville, the nations third largest city and the country's highest income per capita average.

    Staff and Equipment Information:
    - Diplomatic Staff: Ambassador Boone along with three assistants appoitned by the Dark Mark.[/b]
    [b]- Security Staff: 35 armed [color=#225985]police officers[/color]
    - Service Staff: You have recieved an array of fine staff. You have recieved the nations finest cook, Vichlev Brehcov, 2 Personal Waiters who will also do cleaning and a single member of the Dark Mark's Elite Military Squadron, Brendon Rickter, will teach you how to defend yourself int he case of an attack.[/b]
    [b]- Number and Type of Weapons: 50 M9 Berrata Pistols 50 UMP 45 Submachine guns batons 50 [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Skin"][color=#225985]dragon skin[/color][/url] carbon nanotube reenforced body armour
    - Number and Type of Vehicles: You have recieved 2 of the Nation's best car's, both of which where used by late leader Tom Marvolo Riddle the 2nd, Fully Bullet Proof, exquipped with 2 miniguns, each with 5000 Rounds of ammo and two AR-15, each of which are equipped with 2500 Rounds of ammo and Red Dot Sights.[/b]

    [b]You will also be recieving the nation's finest champagne, only brewed in the Presidential compund, standard flavors include grape, cherry and coconut but can be changed at the ambassador's request. You will recieve 3 shipments a month, each sipment consists of 10 bottles.[/b]

    [b]Signed, Fuji the Great, Lead Diplomat[/b]

  4. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1357265775' post='3071099']
    Suddenly the Russian Mafia busted in and assassinated Tom Riddle III. Why? Because the Riddles stole their vodka and nobody $%&@s with the Russian Mafia.
    [/quote]OOC: Disregaurded.


    Riddle stood up and said to the gaurd "I need to make one phone call to the New Agency of the Dark Mark giving the situation. The people deserve to know that their leader is dead, The Major General is Dead and the next President is in a cold cell. They deserve to know and it would be best if that call came from their new leader and not from the Selencartos Government. I won't name the country even when i call.?

  5. [quote name='MadPanda' timestamp='1357254510' post='3071022']
    Can you please paste the info here?
    [/quote]Winner Said: OK everyone stop saying that Tom is me. He's not, ok? Alright. Now if you actually want to talk to me so I can prove to you he's not by either posting here or by contacting tom and I will answer them here.

    Now if this isn't OK with the GPF I totally understand. I will start a new forum for this if nesscarey.

  6. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1357251259' post='3071007']
    The second pilot, the first if he survived, and Riddle III (surrounded on the field) were arrested, disarmed, and transported to holding cells in a military base near Manila.
    [/quote] Tom Marvolo Riddle the 3rd stood up. "We can give you secrets in exchange for our release and your official recognition of the Dark Mark. If you do this we will sign a peace treaty, cede all hostilities and if you wish you will recieve constant aid and protection from us. Now these secrets are military, governmental, the secret police and our spy programs." We can hand over documents proving what we say."

  7. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1357250352' post='3070999']

    Following an attack on Selenarctos soil by military elements of the Dark Mark, the government of Selenarctos does hereby withdraw recognition of the Dark Mark. Citizens, ships, and aircraft of Dark Mark are hereby forbidden from entry to Selenarctos. Ownership of property in greater Manila by Dark Mark citizens or corporations is suspended with the national government assuming ownership until items in question may be sold on an open auction. Citizens of the Dark Mark currently in Selenarctos have twenty-four to exit the country or face penalty of law. Dark Mark military vessels or aircraft entering Selenarctos waters or airspace will be shot down on sight.

    [i]Abo Raya[/i], Chief of Staff

    The nation of the Dark Mark respects your opinions and wishes your nation nothing but the best. Currently we are not in a position, leadership and economic, to fight a war succesfully. We do not plan to bother you. The attack on Selencartos soil was a attack on a seperate elader which was nessacary for the soveriegnity of both of our nations. She was a power hungry tyrant who only wanted power and nothing more. Her goal of world domination would destroy both me and you. Whether your an ally or a enemy, you would not stand in her way. We hope that the attack was a wakeup call to her and her nation. We hope you reconsider as we are currently in a state of peace and wish to keep it that way.

    Sincerely, Thomas Yesnef-Riddle - Secretary of War

  8. The Second F-15 took a nosedive, shuting off the engine to save fuel and then leveled off. After gaining visual of the F-1, he refired the engine.

    "This is FJ5, do not fire, i repeat do not fire. I am out of fuel, I am landing ASAP. I repeat do not fire. I am no longer a hostile aircraft."

    The pilot surrendered after he exited the plane.

  9. [quote name='Tom Riddle' timestamp='1357164566' post='3070565']

    The Squad knew for a fact they only had enough fuel to make 2 quick passes over the meeting sight. After flying through the mountains, they caught visual of 2 jets, appeared to be commerical but they decided not to risk it. Remaining at 125 feet they went to full afterburner, so know if they got shot down, they would die trying to save the world from a tyrant.

    [i]Classfied Channel[/i]

    Yesnef: "Do you read PV17?"

    PV17: "Read you loud and clear, this is Gigirion Bach"

    Yesnef "Here is your mission. You are to distract the gaurds as soon as the Dark lord gives the word. As you know for a Private Jet that means to crash. Crash about 300-500 yards away from him"

    PV17: "Is the Word, Bird?"

    Yesnef: "No Bird is not the Word. I repeat the Bird is Not the Word"

    PV17: "Understood"

    Yesnef: "As soon as you crash, we will take care of the rest."

    As Yesnef said this, he gave the thumbs up to his allied fighter and they stormed to the site.
    [/quote][b]TRANSMISSION CONTINUED:[/b]

    "Uh this is Yesnef do you read FJ5?"

    FJ5:"Read loud and clear, Private First Class Fidor Xavier here"

    Yesnef: "Alright here's the plan. We get over the site, wait for Riddle's signle. The Jet will crash and we will bomb at least once. This is a suicide mission we will not make it alive. If we don't have a lot of fuel, not enough for another bombing run, either we try to do a nosedive into the original bombing site, we crash land and die that way or we can crash into any enemy transport."

    FJ5: "Understood"


    The bombers where running low on fuel. They had to make a descicion. Either go back for another pass, risk running out of fuel, crash land or crash into the enemy trasport.

    "FJ5 Circle back. Bombing run succesful. Go 225 miles per hour and no faster." Said Yesnef " I am picking up a enemy chopper and 6 bogeys on on radar." Yesnef had to make a descision. He knew if he tried to either crash into them or tried to bomb them, they would get shot down.

    "Generral um i have an idea." Said FJ5 "I see something that is about twice the length of an aircraft carrier. It is just grass. We could land there. After that, we armed with missiles. We could chase. Not for long. FIrst shot takes em out."

    "Do it" Yesnef waited in the skys as FJ5 landed. Then Yesnef landed. Now out of site they saw the chopper.

    "GO GO GO GO GO GO" Said Yesnef. They both got in the air quickly and took chase.

    "I'm out out of fuel" Said Yesnef "I'm going down. I want you to know one thing, It was worth it"

    FJ5 continued the pursuit with about 15 minutes of fuel left.

  10. [b]EARIER:[/b]

    The Squad knew for a fact they only had enough fuel to make 2 quick passes over the meeting sight. After flying through the mountains, they caught visual of 2 jets, appeared to be commerical but they decided not to risk it. Remaining at 125 feet they went to full afterburner, so know if they got shot down, they would die trying to save the world from a tyrant.

    [i]Classfied Channel[/i]

    Yesnef: "Do you read PV17?"

    PV17: "Read you loud and clear, this is Gigirion Bach"

    Yesnef "Here is your mission. You are to distract the gaurds as soon as the Dark lord gives the word. As you know for a Private Jet that means to crash. Crash about 300-500 yards away from him"

    PV17: "Is the Word, Bird?"

    Yesnef: "No Bird is not the Word. I repeat the Bird is Not the Word"

    PV17: "Understood"

    Yesnef: "As soon as you crash, we will take care of the rest."

    As Yesnef said this, he gave the thumbs up to his allied fighter and they stormed to the site.

  11. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1357158856' post='3070509']
    "A flight plan for non-allied military aircraft must be filed twenty-four hours in advance," the Air Force officer begin, then paused, "Please hold."

    The channel went silent for a few seconds before a new voice spoke. "Major General Viktor Yesnef? This is Chief of Staff Abo Raya, speaking with full legal authority for the President of Selenarctos. You are violating the sovereign airspace of Selenarctos. By all definitions, that is act of war. I don't want to go to war. You don't want to lose a war so lets cut to the chase.

    "The Air Force flight control officer told your planes what to do. That's the [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos#Government_Policies"]law[/url], a law you ignored, and so complying is non-negotiable. Then you threatened to invade us. Well, that ain't going to happen either because we'll blow the $%&@ out of any troops that enter our waters or airspace. Finally, you said your leader may be in danger. I can assure you he's in no more danger than he volunteered for by coming here. He's alive right now, I have audio tapes confirming that, but I will not release proof to you until your military jets get the $%&@ out of Selenarctos airspace. Is that understood?"

    "Fine. Now let me just say-" The radio went silent and all three planes went of radar. Now the planes flying at about 125 feet could sore through the Selecartos landscape undetectable. Even if they where found most planes couldn't fly that low. The command was given to the Private Jet to regain altitude and leave Selencartos airspace.

    ""This is Gigirion Bach, flyer of the Private Jet, we are exiting Selencartos airspace immediatelly at the command of Major General Yesnef."

    OOC:My planes have to get by eventually Krolm, it already happened so let it happen. And Elysia, no not yet. We will soon.

  12. [quote name='New Elysia' timestamp='1357123928' post='3070404']
    Application for a embassy and/or Consulate
    National Information: Paradisia
    - Full Name of Nation: United Socialist Republic of Paradisia
    - Government Type: Federal Reoublic Supported by a monarch
    - Head of State: President S.Tait
    - Head of Government: President M Kingston
    - Minister of Foreign Affairs or Equivalent: Minister J Downing

    Ambassadorial Information:
    - Ambassador's Name: Craig Boone
    - Ambassador's Family: none

    Locational Information:
    - First Choice Location: Capital
    - Second Choice Location: second largest city

    Staff and Equipment Information:
    - Diplomatic Staff: ambassador
    - Security Staff: 50 armed police officers
    - Service Staff: waiters, receptionists, cooks, cleaners.
    - Will you be hiring locally? Yes
    - Number and Type of Weapons: 50 M9 Berrata Pistols 50 UMP 45 Submachine guns batons 50 dragon skin carbon nanotube reenforced body armour
    - Number and Type of Vehicles: 5 Humvees with m29 saw and trophy system one armoured stretch limo. 5 4x4 armoured car s with mini guns and advanced weapons systems.

    - Would you like us to establish an embassy in your nation? Yes
    - Do you have any special requests? No
    - Would you like to enter into trade/treaty talks? Yes
    - Is there any additional information we should know? No
    - Please declare any drugs, alcohol, animals or plants you are bringing into the nation. 10 Crates of Budweiser or the nations best champagne, decorative palm trees.
    [/quote]Wrong thread?

  13. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1357099987' post='3070346']
    "Negative Squadron one six niner, your flight path has not been filed correctly and as such I must ask your F-15 escorts to turn around immediately. Per standing law for over thirty years Manila Standard Time, all air traffic entering Selenarctos, military or civilian, must file a flight plan twenty-four hours in advance. Flight plans for military crafts must be filed with the Air Force directly, and I show no records for two F-15s flying from Dark Mark, nor any records for a civilian jet of your description with the local authorities.

    "Be advised that four F-X strike fighters are shadowing you as we speak, and they will engage your planes with lethal force if you do not comply with my instructions. I repeat, your F-15 escorts must turn around immediately, and the civilian jet must land at Francisco Bangoy International Airport in Davao City where it will be inspected by customs officials. After the inspection and after a correct flight plan is filed, the civilian plane will be permitted to continue to its destination."
    [/quote]"That's a negative, this is a urgent emergency, we migth have dead leader on or hands, do you really want to get blamed for that? You will be if you delay this flight. The uh Private jet is somewhat behind us, about 100 miles, we are escorting it, we plan on circling back in a few minutes to at least get a visual of it. I cannot emphisize this enough, we might have 1 or maybe even 2 dead leaders on our hands, please let us through. Look how long does a flight plan take, can we do one in the air?"

  14. [quote name='Horo the Wise Wolf' timestamp='1355140137' post='3062364']
    Pasloe's first quantum computer was completed, aided by the creation of a room-temperature superconductor. This computer would be set to research more efficient and superior ways of creating and utilising quantum computers.

    During this time, GrACE would be set on the investigation of Molten Salt Reactors, and their nanosization for use in power plants, and other areas.
    [/quote]"Very Impressive." Said Secretary of Science Fredrick Vischlov "Now our nation, the Drak Mark, is currently seaking some technological advancement and we are willing to pay a hefty amount for this technology. Now we are willing to pay a lot of money, or we can pay in militarial support."

    "If you gave us this technology" said Secretary of the Treasury Vichev Federov " We would be lifelong allies and we would be willing to give you a blank check if it's nesscary to get this technology."

  15. [quote name='gundam21' timestamp='1356785382' post='3069089']
    Yes i'm hitting submit, i'm not a moron
    [/quote]Here is what i want you to do. After you hit the "Submit Foriegn Aid) button, before it goes to a new page, hit refresh. I have that problem sometimes and that often fixes it.

  16. OOC: I am RPing my response to your aircraft, who requested me to responde.

    IC: "Uh yes this is Squadron 169, Major General Viktor Yesnef, moving with only thermal cameras. We are attemtping to rescue our leader, his son called us in about 20 minutes ago, said that they might be getting ready to fight. We are unarmed, if you attempt to shoot us down, you will be invaded." Little did the Selencartos Government know that the Planes where carrying thousands of pounds of explosives and bombs, bound for the ultimate suicide mission.

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