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Posts posted by Gilly754

  1. I would like to apologize to for my recent slaits of what i have done i am not proud and happy with what i have done and if i could turn back time i would

    First apology goes to dawny who i would like to say sorry to for calling her a !@#$%* i took my anger out on her when i should not of and i am truely sorry

    Second i would like to aplogize to Invicta as a whole for selling my votes which was very silly and foolish of me and i should of never had done this i don't even know why i did it

    as a sign of good will i am paying back the 3 mill i own to the allaince plus i am going to give the 3 nations that attacked me 1 mill each for their losses so if they can be patient i will be able to send this a.s.a.p as i am bruised and battered at the moment

    I am very sorry for what i have done and now i hope that dawny and invicta can accept this apology and we can leave this in the past and say this never happened


    a very sorry


  2. No, you were put on ZI for repeatedly doing idioc things not limited but including.

    Embezelment of Invicta Funds (strike one)<<< no i offered to pay it back if dawny gave peace which she refused

    Disobeying direct orders (multiple times) (strike two)<<< no i did not

    Slander<<< only after she did to me first

    Endangering Invicta<<< how the hell have i endangered invicta this had nothing to do with invicta just me thats all

    Refusing to divulge information critical to the security of Invicta (strike 3)<<< how was it going to help the security of this allaince the allaince had nothing to do with this at all it was me that agreed to sell my votes and invicta was not involved in anyway at all it was all my nations action there was no security issue at all

  3. Ok time to clear this up

    first of all i did steal the 450K for joining aid when i started the game as i thought it was a gift but i paid it all back and made my self an honory member(dawny said this to me only 2 days ago)

    then i sold my votes and dawny went mad and ordered an attack on me which M6 stateman28 and Hans did

    i then said if she wants the 3 mill back i owe the allaince she will have to get all 3 nations to decare immediate peace then i will send it out to a nation which she said no and told them to continue attacking

    i am no thief and No criminal it was a loan i got and am willing to pay it back as i am a good person

  4. Dawny the leader of invicta has put me on ZI because iwould not tell her who i sold my vote slots for and now invicta are voting for No Wedge (suppose to be kept quiet) to try to get peace in purple sphere

    i think i have been wrongly treated and want to know aht other people think

    in my personal voice i think dawny is just 1000% mad with power

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