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Posts posted by Gilly754

  1. Hm, I guess we should have warned WAPA about tigers too, not just sharks.

    whats the fun in that thought let it be a suprise

    Hehe, good luck guys :awesome:

    thank you nice to know this is supported

    Good luck STA. I wish you great success in this endeavour. Kill WAPA for me.

    oh we will we will we will make them go 6 foot under for you

  2. Article III

    In the signing of this treaty, the signatory alliances agree to support one another in the defense of the White Team from invaders, rogues, and aggressors. If a signatory alliance requests aid, be it military or financially, the other signatory alliances have the option of honoring the request. Aid will only be sent if the entire White Team is in jeopardy of takeover or an alliance is being stricken by Rogue Nations. This treaty will be overridden by MDPs and/or MADPs.

    /me sits and waits for the order to attack (if it ever comes)

  3. i might be moving soon so my IP will change but will i get deleted becasue someone else might be using that network

    so my question is whats the probablity of me being deletedwhen i mve as someone might of played the game at that address

  4. when you get to 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, and 8K infra the upkeep costs go up so do the buy costs so you save up for around 200 infra so you don't make a loss from it

    basically you stay at 999.99 infra till you have around $3 million then you buy 200 infra or so believe me soo worth it or the profit you get each day drops

  5. I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. There is honour in opposing someone or something. It all depends what you stand for and how you go about it. As for shameless censoring people with opposing points of view by stigmatising them as 'dishonourable', I don't think there is much honour in that.

    As for CN having more 'honourable' people a year ago. Were you here? The result would not be too far off. The Cyberverse was split on its opinion of the NPO (and any other alliance for that matter) the same way it is now. NPO has a love/hate relationship so its no wonder there were so many votes - could you imagine any other alliance getting such a ballot turnout!?

    perhaps the GGA or gato who have been around for a long time

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