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Posts posted by greatmagnus

  1. I think the MK has definitely snagged the "mindless drone posting whatever supports their alliance and allies" crown.

    (You may all start throwing tomatoes at me now)

    We are the Borg Mushroom Kingdom. You will be Assimilated nuked. We will add your biological land and technological distinctiveness to our own.

  2. White peace was never actually rejected, FWIW. Negotiations were to continue the next day.

    fff I am such a liar. One... More...

    Being offered white peace and then stating the talks are getting nowhere is rejecting it. It means white peace is not good enough, or they simply do not want peace. No way around it. Had it been worded differently or under different circumstances yes (or no? fff English), it might not have been considered a rejection.

  3. But, I thought peace talks occurred while a war is ongoing?

    I lied. One more then I go to bed.

    Nothing to do with the point I made except try to deflect it. Peace talks should go on during a war, and they were apparently moving along nicely. White peace was offered, TPF had achieved what it wanted. Then it kinda... Bails. I guess one side was talking peace, while the other was stalling.

    One more GM Pro-Tip for the masses:

    GM Pro-Tip Number 4: Attempting to make the other side look bad scared by stating they ran when a coalition was formed is silly. Both sides knew almost immediately what the lines were. It did not take 6 days for people to go "Welp, I guess I read this here first thread enough times with these certain alliances for and then certain alliances against it." Takes a glance at the web and a glance at public opinion. Add that onto leaked logs and we have lines being drawn being obvious after about the second day. Anything else?

    And last but not least: King George Abel Magnus Gregory XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI or something needs his pillow. And his stuffed teddy. Night all, see you tomorrow.

  4. Welp, one last protip before I go to bed.

    GM protip #3: Sending TPF to conduct peace talks, and then saying that it would have been impossible to stop the attack is basically arguing against yourself. By all of your own admissions in this thread, not ONLY did TPF go forth to earnestly discuss a peaceful resolution, but they also had no way of stopping the attack. Might as well have called it quits and never showed up in the first place.

    EDIT: ffffffff missed a period

  5. Protip: White peace has no terms. When people spout out that "Terms had not been finalized" it is nothing but a giant "Oh ****" about the PR backlash that just whipped them right across the face. The second white peace is offered, the terms of said peace are done. TPF wanted white peace, was offered, and then walked out stating "[2010-01-01 23:27:35] <Desperado`> Ok, this doesnt seem to have gotten anywhere". Gee, you got what you wanted, and now you say it did not go anywhere.

    Second Protip: Stopping an attack is easy, and we all know it. Takes 30 seconds in the govt channel that I am sure exists, and another 30 for each alliance channel. Add a final 30 if an alliance fragments itself into multiple battalion/platoon/whatever channels. Anything else is again fishing in the dark for the enormous backlash that whipped someone right across the face.

  6. Even if we did manage to stop every DoW in just a few minutes, what is the point of it? I don't see a cease fire or anything. As far as I know TPF is still fighting. I guess it's ok for TPF to face a large coalition while peace negotiations are underway but it's not ok for TPF's allies to join the fight while peace negotiations are underway? :rolleyes: At least be consistent with what you are complaining about.

    White peace. Means war is over. Negotiations were over.

  7. He infiltrated the New Sith Order with the multi.

    Doesn't mean it was made to do it. From what I saw he did it at the end of his CN career. There is no proof he made the nation just to spy on other people. And if ghosting is now considered infiltrating, then most every alliance in CN has been infiltrated.

  8. The irony is delicious. Supercomplaints always makes fun of TOP and Citadel for being infra huggers, yet TOP will have their top 100 nations in war mode ready to lose their precious infra while Supercomplaints is protecting all of their infra at the top level by putting them in peace mode.

    Supercomplaints, the true infra huggers.

    Over 9000!!! nations in peace mode (not really but saw the opportunity) compared to several hundred.

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