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Posts posted by bombuator


    It might be time to get back to that policy. Maybe that would keep these feuds from becoming blood feuds. It is hilarious to talk about, but it sucks the air out of the game. Who is going to take on someone when they know everyone and their brother in X alliance will take it as a sign of being aligned with OP, Misfits, Warriors, Citadel, Hellas, RE...WD...and is going to try to put a bullet in your back the first chance you turn around? Might as well wait until someone is three days into a curbstomp attempt and slaughter them just on general principles. No exceptions. 


    The fighting was cute last round when we were all just fooling around, but I don't know if I can tolerate this level of crap when we're really playing the game. 


    Then why don't you do something about it? TPC doesn't have any sworn enemies to my knowledge, and is fair the most elite AA in the game. Citadel's war against Warriors is somewhat justified with the enormous downdeclare Warriors did against Cit earlier in the round though. 

  2. At the time I'm pretty sure if the Warriors had DoW anyone else it'd have been a massive down declare. I believe Citadel was the obvious choice and you can't blame the Warriors for your lack of money, nukes or use this "we're a newbie alliance and the Warriors are elite" excuse. Citadel are far from a newbie alliance and most if not all AA's have newbies.


    The irony in this one is great. So its perfect when Warriors downdeclares a ton, but when Hellas/RB/WDs hits Skaro/Misfits and rolled you guys when you had some advantages its horrible? Might I say that I'm 100% sure that you used the argument in that thread that "Skaro isn't very good, everyone knows it" and the pure lack of money both AAs had. 


    The veterans should lead by example and try to make the game as fair and fun as possible but they're the ones doing the opposite, further diminishing TE membership.


    Your posting will drive more from the game than the leaders. 



    Btw, I like this war. Have fun Kong and DZE. o/

  3. Bombuator, aren't you use to your opponents needing to win underdog attacks nearly every war? Enough said there.....Paul why would I clear the facts just to provide you with true intel ;).

    Ya it's funny that I got you into the range where you have to use underdog attacks when you started with higher NS.
  4. This round made me to reevaluate so many people as never before.


    Kong's words of wisdom, randomly thrown into shit threads to try to make them better? 


    WD, OP, and now RB vs Misfits, I don't want to see anymore of you crying.
    Ps. We like these odds. :)

    Oh and 17k vs 6k

    To: Kaboom From: Danger Mouse Date: 3/12/2014 11:59:56 PM

    Subject: Battle Report
    Message: You have been attacked by Danger Mouse.

    You lost 2,361 soldiers and 174 tanks. You killed 6,570 soldiers and 1,410 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $159,037.36 in your enemy's abandoned equipment.

    In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    Come on brother.


    You certainly shouldn't talk about failing at war, especially GAs.


    ok let's run over the main points as I have seen them..... 


    Misfits declared on an alliance that was mostly in anarchy which is huge !@#$%* move- CHECK

    Misfits called out OP while pulling a the previously mentioned !@#$%* move- CHECK

    Misfits whine about being wronged and ganged up on and then to right that "wrong" they do something that can only be considered a !@#$%* move- CHECK

    Now Misfits get to pay the piper for their bad judgement- CHECK MATE


    Did I miss any? 


    This was great, I love you HM  :wub:


    Can I get into this war somehow? It sounds like great fun.


    If everyone else can do it, so can I.




    They were a lot closer when we picked you as a target. I guess we just ended up preparing (mostly nukes) more than you guys, which we were even on about 2 or 3 days ago.


    You are quite kind aren't you? 


    At least in every single other war the defending side had an advantage, at least 1. In this war you have :


    8 Nation Advantage

    ~1K ANS 

    ~100K NS

    ~40 Nukes

  7. This is how badly you wanted me, you had nations not at war with me spy me. I wasn't pissed about buying spies, in fact I was going to any way but had planned to after the war to protect my generals. I had over 20 mil banked when the war started, so spending 5 mil on generals was no big deal.


    Again, why should I believe you claim all the spy ops were in my range? Do you even know what my range was? It was less than 2 mil NS until the 22nd and then I had no money left to conduct any spy ops until I collected which wasn't botched If I was attacked and we all know I was. After a spy ops told you I had very little money you sent in the Calvary. Al these spy ops you claim were committed on the 21st and 22nd but you attacked me on the 23rd after a spy ops told you I had rebuilt but not yet collected You took advantage of it and proceeded with the low blow.


    Lets just be honest, this had nothing to do with a couple of unknown spy ops. Its not my fault they couldn't buy spies, you saw me buy spies during our war to counter the unknown spy ops. This was clearly just about all you lot being butthurt about not sharing the same opinions with me and you took revenge for it.


    Half of this post makes no sense at all. To be frank, we were going to hit you no matter the $ amount you had. You decided to be utterly stupid and rebuild while in nuclear anarchy when knowing you just pissed off many people in WDs, Hellas etc. If we were already going to attack you, wouldn't we neutralize you as a threat when it was simple as could be? Its not our fault that you couldn't wait 2 days and rebuild outside of nuclear anarchy. 


    Wasso: was 14.2k NS on 15, declared on Rathouse (8K) 

    Antonia: Was 12k on 2/16, declared on jon elway (7k) Alabama (8k) 

    Blackstorm: 12k on 2/15, declared on barrybondo (6k)  jon elway (7k)


    Do you really want me to keep going?


    Also there is no !@#$@#$ slight about it, as I told you on IRC. It's a BS war. The nation ranges never don't match up. Also besides in "coalilition" war I've never actively looked for a downdeclare.




    You seem to give some kind of !@#$% about past rounds to have gone along with this.


    Wasso declared on the 16th, not the 15th. That was after he accepted peace from one of our targets to hit a missed assignment, I'll give you that.


    Blackstorm and Antonia both hit Jon elway started with 2499 Infra, 2nd in the whole war behind one War Doves guy. Alabama had 450 Tech, the most in the war iirc. Barrybondo and Alabama are the same person, why do you have 2 different stats... 


    NS doesn't really dictate a downdeclare, you should know that. Blackstorm and Antonia both had lots of Military NS in the equation while Alabama and Elway didn't, if properly defended both nations could have easily done quite a bit of damage. 



    Few key words here.


    1: Coalition

    2: Previous rounds





    1: There shouldn't be a coalition, yes I will be the first to admit that I was part of a few. This was when TE was twice if not three times as large (Larger the further we go back). All you are doing now with your "coalition" is making things stale in the long run, how do you think we got here?


    2: Who gives a !@#$? Again, I can say that I did this in the past, do I regret it? Yes. It's not worth it, just stop grudging over stupid things.


    Also, again. They don't give a !@#$ about how you view mass recruiting, stop being a dick about it.



    They have different views on membership than you do, and yes I'm sure  that they should be sorry their larger nations of 8k NS weren't able to withstand your downdeclares, same goes for Misfits. (Also looking at your wars bro, nice down declares.)


    Also, if you doubt me on this, I will pull stats directly from your war pages.


    You should actually look at most of the Hellen upper tier wars. I declared on 3 guys equal or above NS, Wasso was around the same NS and Samwise was quite a bit lower. Hellas was assigned to 4 Skaro nations above 7K NS, all with reason for them to get downdeclared upon. (Looking over the TL, 4 Nukes, 450 Tech, 2499 Infra, and 12K NS) 


    It was obvious we had a slight upper tier advantage, take out Mr. Hunt and Kings Landing though considering they had 2 wars combined.


    So practically, you are condemning us for stuff that you have done several times in your history of TE? That's cool. 


    And I don't give a shit about coalition warfare and previous rounds, stop being a dick about it.

  10. I didn't even know they were recruiting. How do you know that? I assumed nations just applied/joined as is the norm of TE and it wouldn't be fair to deny anyone membership unless they didn't meet basic protocols such as being in offensive wars and such.


    Skaro's allies and friends were unfairly rolled last round so I don't see anything wrong with helping on that front. The opportunist WD's deserved to get hit after they declared on AA's already in war and they cry because the same happened to them. Now they've found another opportunity to be victors and settle that grudge against Skaro for doing what they did.


    It isn't the norm of TE to just allow random people to join your AA.


    WD's attacked and helped OP AFTER Warriors attacked OP AFTER Misfits was already on OP. Get your facts straight, the person who set off that chain of events is Warriors, not WDs. 

  11. How exactly did Skaro use Misfits as a meat shield when your DoW was on both? This war was only about knocking down Misfits, avoiding war with certain AA's, avoiding being declared on and using Skaro to inflate the numbers and make the DoW look like a fair to up declare. If it wasn't any more obvious, look at how bad the stats are now. The next time you pick a "legit" war will be the first time.


    It was more the other way around actually, several of the AA leaders inside the coalition disliked current Skaro policies and actions in previous rounds. I personally don't like the idea of mass recruiting, what better way to show the AA leader that it doesn't work by rolling half their alliance?

  12.  I'm not here to be the best builder, or flag run, or highest casualties, I just play for a few rounds of war and have some fun at the same time. We ain't all trying to be the best like you but do keep sounding like a 10 year old who loves to brag about always winning. It's very classy for a AA leader.


    Then stop bragging as if you are. Every single one of your posts is stating exactly what I'm stating, except saying that I am doing what you are doing. I don't always win, and where did I state that? You've gone on and on about how you are so fucking good, and all I've stated is that you ain't fool. Keep backing up, we ain't going to let up. Your time to prove yourself is near. 

  13. They were all within the same NS as me so what exactly makes them weaker? All but 2 of them are attacking daily but they all have no coordination and nearly all combined war chest levels were smaller than mine and still could be even after I was forced to buy max spy's. They were granted the exact same privileges and access to build. It's not my fault they'd rather spend their money on infra and tech which by the way half of whom have more infra and tech. You obviously know little so you should stop commenting on what you know little about.


    So I finally stopped being lazy and decided to check your war stats... you are getting destroyed by Tyler Canoe and Santa's Village is beating you. I'm glad I forced you to buy max spies after I spied your Threat Level. Obviously the people that have more infra/tech aren't getting rolled that much, right? Or they would have less infra/tech than you. Just check my wars, all 3 targets now have the combined infra of a few hundred less than me, its going to get much worst now that they ran out of nukes as well. Oh really? If you are such a big talker why weren't you up in the upper tier? It wouldn't be hard at all to get into Skaro's upper tier... you were granted the exact same privileges to build, oh wait its not my fault you suck. 


    I obviously know very little about warfare, building or TE as a whole. I'll just go over and be a cheerleader alongside Kurdanak. 

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