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Posts posted by bombuator


    yung flow, on 31 May 2014 - 3:34 PM, said:snapback.png


    I so agree with this. There's no insider trading in international politics. Unless you are reprogramming the game or filling spy/war slots, it is impossible to play unfairly as all of us have the ability to access the same resources. I approached TEPD about possibly (legitimately) playing their AA next round and although I will probably stick with Warriors, they offered to let me in. What this tells me, Yung Flow, is that you could very well have planted spies in their AA if you had wanted to, and they fact that they have spies in yours and you don't have spies in theirs tells me that A.) They are better at planning, concealment, and manipulation, all legitimate parts of this game and B.) They put a great deal more effort into the game and take it much more seriously. Now, this may not make them worthy of real-world admiration, but to act

    as if they are behaving unfairly by taking full advantage of the rules as they function and not breaking them is just being a sore loser/winner, unless in and of itself it is an attempt to drum up a casus belli or propagandize against him for the purposes of in-game success, in which case I am sure he wishes you luck.


    Yes, this statement defends the alliance I am currently fighting. The current state of pixels is irrelevant to my ideology. And honestly I think TEPD has every right to play the way they do, as does ANYONE who isn't slot-filling or running multis.



    Just a note, TEPD does not have spies in any alliance. The spies that Paul has set up are his own, none of them have been planted by anyone in TEPD government.


    Edit : You started using the quoting system. I like you 100% more now.


    I don't think anyone has said that to you. I mean, if you read what I posted I said you guys justly decided to hit some of our people at the start. Do you really expect us to sit quietly while you take us one by one out back and shoot us?


    Anyway, you keep trolling and we'll keep fighting. 


    You know we didn't expect it by conversations in our gov-gov channel, and its pretty funny that you are putting on a show here while acting completely calm the last few days. 

  3. "So where did you think that this war was actually fair?"


    Sorry. I couldn't find my "declare a F*%^ing tea party" button.


    No warrior in war has ever warred with a warrior the way War Doves and Warriors' warriors are going to war with each other's warriors.


    Good Luck!


    Considering the extent of this downdeclare it will be a tea party by the last day, ANS and nukes are hugely in favor of Warriors. Even when declaring the war they knew it, so they don't even add stats. 

  4. Confirmed with all yeah?
    Nothing better than taking a cheap shot on the strongest nation you would be lining up against.

    Confirmed with all yeah?
    Nothing better than taking a cheap shot on the strongest nation you would be lining up against.

    If we hit you during the blitz you would have turtled for sure, but even after destroying any chance you have for the flag you STILL turtle.
  5. Lie? You literally declared war within 5 days out of revenge and clearly said that. Hellas was getting back at somebody. But ok if you say so.


    Under my crappy Kingship we never did that. If you go back long enough I'm sure we seeked revenge against someone just like every other alliance in the game. 

  6. Haha throwback bomb time. "I donate" I'm sure if I donated I would be on the same page as the other donators. Not to mention, your "elite" alliance has some members with god awful warchest. What's even better bomb, is the fact I was in Hellas rounds and rounds before misfits and know your alliances building guide. I also left after that only round due to your alliance seeking "revenge" within the first 5 days of building.


    I actually didn't donate at all this round, I'm just better than you. Do I care you were in Hellas? No. The fact that you blantantly lie about one of my policies is quite humerous though, you could ask Wasso/Eljierro/Alexandros that my plans were almost always kept to myself much less given out to the whole alliance.  

  7. Considering you didn't even catch the identity, how would you even know it's the same person. I've heard communications has been off so it could be someone different. Why would I want to join a scrub alliance? Ruins the point of creating my own?


    It doesn't have to be the same person, the fact that Daenery's didn't tell the other person that spied me that my gov was already done. I know 100% that the first one is Dae though, received attacks just minutes before. On the 2nd op, received attacks from Dae just minutes after. 


    Just saying, we wouldn't allow you in anyway. Can a scrub call anyone else a scrub? Just look at how bad your nation building is... but what would I know Stevie tells me that I'm horrible. 

  8. To: Kaboom From: Ovidsidios Date: 5/13/2014 1:05:59 AM

    Subject: RE: Spy Operation Attack
    Message: I am flattered by the offer. My wingman and I are just in for the ride, and our coordination is our practice. TE Police is an attempt to bring together the best of the best.

    You're clearly good nation leading material, maybe you should just join us :)

    I prefer to fight with quality players, rather than against them. You're a dime a dozen

    Guess your alliance isn't completely full of people I can't stand.

    On another note, my odds actually went up after the nuke so apparently it did something right. I'm sure we are all aware the game has its flaws. For instance when you send in only bombers and they have none and it does no damage...


    Application : Denied. 





    To: bombuator    From: Unknown Sender    Date: 5/13/2014 2:05:37 AM

    Subject: Spy Operation Attack


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your population and managed to incite new governmentarrow-10x10.png propaganda. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.


    To: bombuator    From: Unknown Sender    Date: 5/14/2014 1:12:58 AM

    Subject: Spy Operation Attack


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your population and managed to incite new governmentarrow-10x10.png propaganda. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.


    Good job, Daenery's. Your inner noob is showing one way or another.

  9. Your flag runners show different....so you realize we never had plans for Della Luna till the last second? If you looked back you would know I had the SDI for my first war to be ready.


    It doesn't matter if you didn't have plans for Della Luna until the last second, you still did a non nuclear war. 

  10. Samwise, more tried than you think....
    I didn't even read it....
    Mostly because I think you take the whole thing far too seriously.
    You knew of NAOs relationship with Skaro. I wasn't ready to.let go of that. Mordor had different ambitions, and maybe it was a combo of those two things that led me to purposely $%&@ up your blitz. You may feel betrayed, but honestly, I felt equally betrayed.
    I wasnt happy. I intended to stay in TE, but I was forced to quit. Because I felt like I was starting all over anyway. If I wanted to start from point A, Id make a new username.
    I also felt like you blatantly ignored my feelings. I offered a very reasonable request which I clearly expressed was important to.me. You didn't care. Being former govt of a fairly successfull alliance, I might just have fair requirements. Or otherwise, again, Id just become somebody else. If Im going.to turn 180 on my previous position, why would I stay Fox Fire?
    So I ended my TE days with a statement. That I won't be swayed to blatantly backstab friends because someone told me to.
    I have a fiery reputation to keep, Samwise. Hate me for it. I actually followed your orders and hit Skaro. I just.did so in the only way I was willing.

    If you want an actual discussion about this, take it to PM and Ill likely read it. But consider things from my POV.
    While Mordor was handling WD diplomacy, I handled Skaro diplomacy.


    Feelings in TE? I just hit my old AA I was leader of for many rounds and didn't fuck up our blitz. 

  11. Wow, I must be really good then. To load up navy and nukes well before most of you, and hang out at 500 tech and #1 #2, and still be considered a flag runner. Of course Im going to be up there with you guys, as we were all on roughly the same infra.


    You did what you did in order to keep your nations as the richest nations in the game. Your big huge war against more nations and nukes wont  be a problem with 70 80 100 mil in the bank for most of your top tier.


    Oh we havent had a war, and you had? Against pitiful opponents who didnt even fight back? My raid targets actually fought back. And defensive casualties do not lie, regardless of how you think I just got casualties from raids.


    [01:43:49] StevieG what did you collect?
    [01:44:47] StevieG looks like you are catching cuncato
    [01:45:44]hartfweh, i'm still being careless
    [01:45:55] hartfw fucked something up tonight but oh well
    [01:46:26] StevieG and we all got the same wonder, typical
    [01:46:55] hartfw yeah, but some of us bought it before update
    [01:47:02] hartfw and one of us after update for no reason
    [01:47:08] StevieG yes, ofc we did
    [01:47:12] StevieG lol
    [01:48:26] hartfw republic?
    [01:48:37] StevieG infra
    [01:48:40] StevieG and spies
    [01:49:07] StevieG democracy to collect btw
    [01:49:36] hartfw i only collect in whichever gov gives extra lc's
    [01:50:57] StevieG fuck u cunts
    [01:51:08] hartfw hm?
    [01:52:19] hartfw oh shit
    [01:52:40] StevieG alright if its the way you want
    [01:52:44] StevieG il just rouge you 
    Already dumping logs, might as well drop some more.
    02:10 Auctor goes from 

    02:10 Auctor hey we're so cool 

    02:10 Auctor we're exactly alike 

    02:10 Auctor got the same tonka truck and everything 

    02:10 TBRaiders[DBDC] yeah 

    02:10 Auctor to mostly words that get filtered on the owf


    Remember 10K soldier efficiency is an invitation. 

  12. yeah Im the flag runner.


    Just a glance at the money page will tell the real tale. If you keep talking enough !@#$%^&*, you may end up believing it. ;)


    Good to know you dont wanna fight fair. Hows the 70 mill warchest mr flagrunner?


    Stevie stop being butthurt, we screwed your flag run. Everyone knows you were running, stop even trying to deny it. The fact that you are still on the money page after we killed that collection proves it. 


    70M warchest is weak btw, almost as weak as my 1M :(

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