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Posts posted by Crownguard

  1. It would be nice to celebrate DoD and wish them well instead of having to throw @#$% around about things involving MI6.  I mean if you're going to be super-spies or whatever, try to keep it as classy as your namesakes.  You're cordially invited to redirect all that anger to us instead; DoD has nothing to do with issues between us.

  2. After all we tried to teach you commies about fun filled DOW's themed as romantic Prom nights from hell .... and THIS is what you produce ..... forrrrrr shame!

    PS - up em Fark.... up em real good!



    I learned that putting real effort into DoWs never really made much of a difference for people on here, sadly.  Not many appreciate Choose Your Own Adventure or astrophysics :(.


    That said, Marx-speed, INT!  The lolcommie Umbrella bloc salutes you.

  3. Wow rude, I don't even hate anyone, that'd be a waste of energy in this world!


    Considering I'm used to one versus six warfare, there might be a difference but you're still going to take far more damage in either situation than you are going to in your alliance's current position.



    Well I'm disappointed then.  While I disagree with the vast majority of what you say, I had hoped there was some semblance of *passion* behind it rather than just trolling for the sake of trolling itself.  I can see someone being passionately wrong about stuff, but I guess I don't quite understand how you want to sustain this level of effort in thread after thread.

  4. I will just never understand those who side with someone one war, and then in the next, claim they are warring them over past transgressions which pre-date their previous loose allegiance.


    If you're really dwelling on stuff that long, and not mentioning it for 2 years, you need to think a little bit more positively.


    Edit: Although I just now remembered you are ex-Int, so I guess I will forgive you this time, as I understand the NoR blood-fued. You get a free pass.



    Your edit is the correct answer, if only because I spent way too much time on that DoW post to throw it out by hitting by being asked to hit MCXA again :s

  5. I like you. But really? Your AA attacks without warning, without reason and you are "glad they are mad"? Sinking low.



    Still ridiculous cowardice. Their CB was because they could, no other reason. Classless cowards, end of.



    Yes.  I am Kill.




    They may not have been the lead actor, they may not have been the stem of it, but as was so eloquently stated:


    "An attack on one is an attack on all"


    As far as I am concerned, Avalanche can burn.  Let them live by their principles and go on the pyre with the rest.  I sat and watched them jump the bandwagon with 20 others to get their licks in on my alliance.  If you want pity, you won't find it in this direction.

  6. 4208.png


    A mistake in the DoW:  the Chandrasekhar limit is the mass for a stellar core to collapse into a neutron star (NS) and form a supernova, not the mass to form a black hole.  The limit for forming a black hole is not well known but is probably closer to 2 solar masses, and in any case depends on how much material falls back onto the neutron star during the supernova explosion.


    Also, supernovae generated all the uranium on Earth and created the conditions for humans to create nukes, which are of course an inspiration for pixel-destroying CN nukes.  We thereby thank SNX for providing us with the Elesef-blessed R-process elements necessary for the Manhattan Project!  Death to powindah pixels!


    o/ SNX!  o/ Elesef!



    The mass of the inert matter in Supernova X perhaps had been too conservatively estimated. Thank you for highlighting this as estimates will be up-adjusted in compensation.


    [ooc]For those interested: Its the mass limit for a stable white dwarf star to form; a greater mass than this estimated limit leads to it starting to collapse back in on itself, though the mass ultimately determines the stars fate (neutron star, or neutron star forming to a black hole) as you alluded to.  For black holes this has been around 2-3 solar masses of white dwarf size.[/ooc]











    The International's Communist Science Agency (TICSA), as part of its on-going effort to brainwash the masses with Science and lead to Socialism across Planet Bob, brings you this lesson on the formulation of Black Holes.












    A black hole created from the collapse of a white dwarf star, sometimes after expelling itself out into a Supernova. This 'black hole' absorbs entirely all that is brought into it as it collapses further inward on itself perpetually. The sheer inactive mass's gravitation 'dead weight' inhabiting the core of it continues to collapse as only the remnants of radiation emit from it.


    This is detectable from space by our budding Cosmonauts; recent signals monitoring residue from the Supernova designated 'X' have revealed such radiation leakage on our screens. INT scientists, originally distracted by small bodies of minor debris breaking off from the Die Linke micro-cluster, turned to investigate this new presentation of Science.


    Our analysis of these field efforts have led our brave Communist scientists to the following parameters to explain this phenomenon of Supernova collapse into a black hole.



    This is related in the following equation:






    where h is the planck constant, c represents the speed of light, m(p) is mass, and G the universal gravitational constant.




    This equation is known as the “Chandrasekhar limit”, assuming a constant density as exhibited by “Supernova X” at 1.72 NS. This is generally approximated to 1.44 solar masses of the white star remnant.


    Where the 'white dwarf remnant' of 'Supernova X mass is beyond the 1.44 (Nationstrength) limit of the inactive dead core of nations exuding said radiation, we have determined Supernova 'X' is ripe for further research into the effects of radiation on expediting gravitational collapse of this unstable entity.


    Towards that end we have elected to launch suitable sorties to assist ongoing research there conducted by allied Parasolians. We are thankful to our allied pioneers in Science research leading the way in high-energy physics and have elected to ally our efforts towards their initial inquiries in this matter. This is in accordance with noted resonance frequencies demonstrated by previous relational ties between ourselves and the Parasolians on an MDoAP level of space-time operation.




    For Science!






    We now return you to your regular broadcast on the OWF.





    The Congress of The International

    (dictated by Crownguard, Parasolian envoy)






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