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Warlord Jim

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Posts posted by Warlord Jim

  1. Listen, FOOL - I'm a rogue, which by definition means that I'm not bound by your legalistic appeals to the "rules" - I am quitting CN and thus the LSF-NoV drama no longer concerns me. Anyways, check your inbox.

    And you told your alliance about it and they did nothing to stop you or tell the supposed targets about it. That is the main problem with this whole thing, not you going rogue.

  2. RedTerror jokes about raiding, ZIing, and nuking random people all the time, often members of LSF - there was no reason to take this threat seriously.

    They still should alert the NoV that this may have been a possibility so they could prepare for it. They were complicit in knowledge of a nuclear attack from a member of their organization and they did nothing about it.

  3. Hurray for more trouble for LSF brewing.

    Going nuclear rogue is no official policy of LSF, although I am sure many would not mind some charecters being nuked, neither would I, but I, like the LSF do not condone nuclear rogues.

    So now you ask for ours and SE's protection, hmmmm....

    It might not be your policy, but from the screenshots it seems at least a few of your admins support it.

  4. The Orders are successful because they play realpolitik (and play it very well). Whether the rest of Planet Bob knows their bigger plans, rest-assured they always have a plan. It's the failure to understand that basic concept that doomed the UJP-side from the get go.

    Thank you?

  5. The rumors that are spread about me by good for nothing trolls are false, libelous, and defamatory. Nevertheless if an alliance supports injustice they must inexorably be torn down and trampled, regardless of any possible propaganda to the contrary. If any power shall attempt to defer me from my pursuit of peace they shall feel the full wrath of the NSO.

    Go away. We don't need your kind of trolling on these forums. <_<

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