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Posts posted by Tehmina


    Mostly STOLEN from SECOM in my view, and I can say that as a founder and co-leader of SECOM.  Members came over to SECOM just for the vote to merge into ICP2.0 if you recall.  If you recall also, my roots are not in LSF, although that is my recent home.  I wasn't a founder of CPCN, but I was a long time member and joined fairly early on.  
    Apparently I was one of the few then smart enough to not trust Martens.
    As for the failed coup of Demokratikos, do you remember who one of your co-conspirators was?  
    Even so, Jaki is a changed man, plus, more importantly, he doesn't have Root admin on the forums.  
    So...  To sum up, Come on FC, come join us!

    jaki has been good an nice :)
    also, you should try out CPCN under the leadership of new jaki :)
  2. An open letter to INT, Craig, and all powindah who seek and plot our demise
    Mark me on your collective list, you are all nobodies to me. You have spent years clamoring for the NPO's turd of power, and you destroyed yourselves in order to attain it. Yet  you suddenly found out out you were just a pawn sucking on someone elses turd in the powindah game, and no, you don't become queen when you reach the end of the board. You fall off and are forgotten.

    Craig, you said you will plot your revenge on all those who join the AA. You have been excommunicated from the Elesufi faith. You took haraldurs second home and turned it into a communist powindah theme park It was fun till the rides got stale, creeky and old from war after war trying to win favor with the two or three forces that control all wars over NPO's turd. Now, you are no longer in existance. 

    Just keep this in mind; you turd sucking Powindah; I am an ancient Elesufi mystic. I don't worship numbers. In fact, I have transcended them with the sacred martyrdom and resurrection.  You were seduced by the NPO's turd of power, and it let your alliance go down the doomed path.
    You should have martryed yourselves with the Elesufi in the suicide struggle against the fascsits while the end of times were farther away.
    Now, the end of times are coming even closer - approaching in misery filled long boring cycles of turd eating and fighting powindah power struggles. They get more meaningless by the month.

    It's time to choose our own wars. Damn the Doomed birds and mushrooms, and franco's politics. The powindah herd may mock  say  "lolcommies", but that is like the Buffalo calling you stupid while being driven off a cliff by Native Americans. We are independent warriors of like mind. Fighting wars  and struggles that WE care about. Curse the Down syndrom herd and the powindah beasts
    Me and my armed millitia, Geli Reuballs Urethra, Pledge an oath of alliegence to the Priemier of the Communist Party of Cybernations. The one and only.  If you attack us in the CPCN somewhere in the future, we will at least fight and struggle in our own war, and on our own terms. Unlike the retarded, hollow, Done by Silent child: INT.
    I Resign from the Elesufi heartland, LSF, in order fulfill the divine plon  to rebuild the holy land from it's curropted past.

    - Elder Mystic of the Elesufi faith

    Peace be upon our great Prophet Haraldur and his band of revolutionaries.
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