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Posts posted by Ameroca

  1. You guys happened to attack the LPC, then it seems after Kashmir talked to your leader you guys became convinced you should do Kashmir's bidding for them. You might think you are free, but you are being controlled to do someone else's bidding without even realizing it. Kashmir is the alliance most happy to see the LPC stuck in an endless war with you guys.


    I know I said I wouldn't bother responding to things Meth says that's the literal opposite of reality, but three points:

    (a) I'm not the leader of GOONS in any sense, and make effort to clarify that to others

    (b) you attacked us

    (c) I am perfectly happy to see you stuck in an endless war with us. now stop claiming to also be happy yet whine for help from everyone else




    I think its obvious to most already if people weren't responding, there would be nothing for me to respond to. So congrats on stating the obvious if by going away you mean I wouldn't be posting responses if there is nothing I can respond to.. I'm not in the habit of having conversations with myself. :P



    When no one is paying attention to you, you most certainly have a habit of wandering in and crapping up random threads out of left field. The only time I ever saw you shut up was when I required it for a ceasefire.

  2. You post this, then I explain how you're constantly burning through way more money for what I spend...


    Then you throw a hissy fit over me pointing out how faulty your claim was, since you just want to stroke your ego this war with no one responding to your absurdities.


    For every dollar I burn through, you've burned through many times as much. By a large margin as well. That isn't bragging, its pointing out why your comment was wrong. I was only doing spy ops for one round on you, so if I start them up again I can start reducing you the same rate as then.


    Don't post if you don't want your flaws pointed out. I realize backing your claims and providing any substance beyond insults when responded to is hard for you, which is why I rarely respond to you...



    Except you keep making posts in direct response to my posts, meaning its you who is unable to shut up in this back and forth you keep trying to start between us (Then claim the opposite)


    Although with you nothing surprises, you've never tried to make any sense in your position or actions; which is why I still believe force is all you really understand & you'e going to need to hit rock bottom.



    Shut up, Methrage

  3. you are bragging about having a grand total of 5 successful spy ops in three rounds of war. Congrats, I guess. Then bragging about when the other person doesn't have an occasional successful spy op about how smart you are at everything.


    actually, I don't want to go through the rest of your nonsense that's literally the opposite of reality spun to make you into the moral victor no matter what happens - I'm just going to tell you to shut up methrage from now on.


    Shut up, Methrage.



    Bring it on toddlers.....let's burn some of your nations down......unless of course you are just full of slimy talk and are skeered to walk the walk. Monsters are paitently waiting for your next move.  Snorrrre....


    Big words from a completely broke nation who couldn't even inconvenience the people he does manage to hit.

  5. "GOONS" will be destroyed regardless of whether they call themselves an alliance & eating dirt for the foreseeable future. The great crusade of our era, purging the GOONS remnants.


    o/ Monsters Inc


    What are you talking about, you nut? Literally nothing in this thread had anything to do with goons or yourself.


    And your great crusade has left your alliance with sub 15k NS, and you in anarchy and broke, despite your constant flow of aid. So I don't think it's going objectively the way it is in your drug-addled head.



    We don't even really coordinate a war effort. I don't care about Fark, some other guys did, those guys hit Fark. I don't care about NPO, some other guys did, those guys hit NPO. I wanted to hit Methrage, so I did. Another guy did, too, so he did.


    When Kashmir negotiated peace for COBRA, Sir William talked to each individual attacking you guys, not an alliance representative.


    The only thing we really share is that we came from the same alliance before it disbanded.


    Also, tone down the rhetoric in an attempt to seem logical, it just makes you verbose and overwrought in a very grandiloquent manner.

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