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Everything posted by ALT3RNAT1V3

  1. [center][img]http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9768/toaannouncement.jpg[/img] [color="#000000"][size="7"]The Order of Anarchy[/size][/color] [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]-------[url="http://cnte-toa.darkbb.com"]Forums[/url]----------[url="http://cnte-toa.darkbb.com/h4-toa-irc"]#TOA[/url] on Coldfront-------[/color][/size] TOA is a new alliance residing on the Red Sphere (Kind of)and we want YOU TO JOIN! [color="#FF0000"][size="6"]Preamble [/size][/color] We, the Nations of The Order of Anarchy ("TOA"), gathered here to protect and serve, any Nation under our banner, to wreak havoc on the nation of Cybernations Tournament Edition, declare this our Charter. We will be strong in the face of adversity; will be fearless in the face of danger. At such times when our values are threatened our Charter will be there to guide us, to make us strong; It will be the beacon of salvation when all seems lost and guide us to victory. [size="6"][color="#FF0000"]Article I. Membership[/color][/size] All Nations of TOA must swear allegiance to The Charter and The Overlord. Every member is bound by The Charter to work towards the betterment of the Alliance. Members wishing to join must not be, members of another alliance. [color="#FF0000"][size="6"]Article II Government[/size][/color] Section 1 The Order of Anarchy government comprises of the Overlord, and the following Ministers; Minister of the Inside, Minister of War, Minister of State, Minister of Trade, Minister of Recruitment, and Minister of Propaganda The Overlord is responsible for the Government as a whole. Department Ministers are also responsible and accountable for their Departments. Extended Government Each Minister may have a Deputy. Government Positions and Descriptions Overlord The Overlord is the head of TOA, he makes all government desicion's and all Declarations of War. The Overlord has absolute power. Ministers * Minister of the Inside: Manages day to day internal affairs, and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. * Minister of War: Manages day to day military affairs (offensive and defensive), and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. * Minister of State: Manages day to day foreign affairs (embassies, ambassadors), and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. * Minister of Recruitment: Manages day to day recruiting and membership and trains new members, and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. *Minister of Trade: Manages the daily physical responsibilities including all aid interactions, and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. *Minister of Propaganda: Manages the day to day running of communications within TOA, and may assist with other ministers duties in their absence. Deputy Ministers Each respective Minister will have a deputy, ranked 1 tier bellow the Minister. Section 2 Elections Any member of TOA may contest in the Elections for a Ministerial Office. Only Ministers may contest in the elections for the position of Overlord. Each member of TOA may vote in elections for contested Ministerial Offices. Elections shall be carried out at the start of every new round in CN:TE. Section 3 Appointments Deputy Ministers Deputy Ministers are appointed by department Ministers. When a Minister resigns or vacates his Office the Deputy Minister takes over the department as the acting Minister until a new member is elected to that Office. Section 4 By-Elections In all instances when a government member resigns or vacates the Office he holds, by-elections are to be held for that Office only. Election rules apply for by-elections. Section 5 Position of Overlord The election for Overlord will only be held when the current Overlord resigns. [size="6"][color="#FF0000"]Article III War[/color][/size] Section 1 Declaration of War The Overlord of TOA declares war on another alliance on behalf of the TOA members. Section 2 War 1. Offensive Wars: Although TOA recognizes the sovereignty of each of our nations, members may only declare war on the following: a. Unaligned nations, that being said you do so at your own nations peril. Do not write checks your ass can't cash. b. Members of alliances under 5 members. c. Nations listed on TOA ZI list. d. Enemies of TOA. e. Nations TOA are at war with. Offensive wars may be subject to further restrictions as may be determined by alliance government from time to time. These may include, but are not limited to, temporary alliance wide moratoria for the purpose of war preparation, alliance growth efforts, or getting a nation's attention for waging potentially destructive war, restrictions resulting from treaties signed with other alliances, and additional restrictions which may be placed upon members deemed to have trainee status within the alliance. 2. Defensive Wars: Any alliance member (in good standing) engaged in a defensive war IS authorized to request assistance and the alliance should make every effort to assist said nation. All TOA nations are free to attack nations involved in aggressive wars against TOA nations. If you are not kicking their ass for attacking us, you are wrong. e) Nuclear First Strike Policy The government & members of TRR realize that nuclear weapons are beneficial to the alliance and fully support nuclear development. We say if you've got nuclear weapons; use them. f) Zero Infrastructure The government & members of TOA realize that in time of unrest and aggression that the use of ZI is needed to ensure the safety of the alliance . ZI terms are not to exceed the round. [size="6"] [color="#FF0000"]Article IV Amending The Charter[/color][/size] Amendments may be proposed by the government. An amendment is submitted to the Alliance members for approval after receiving an nod from the Overlord of TOA, the Overlord will then propose the amendment to the government and the amendment must receive an absolute majority. [/center] Signed, ALT3RNAT1V3 --------------- Overlord of TOA Guppy --------------- Minister of War Kirza94 ----------------------- Minister of Recruitment coLoneL poGi ---------------------- Minister of Propaganda
  2. [quote name='Skomand' timestamp='1296461212' post='2612720'] My alliance was raided by Gay Rollers. Even if they changed their AA before raid they're now back in GR. What for was that? They could raid us without this masquerade. We're 7 nations alliance so we are not protected by CN Diplomatic Laws or something (sorry it's still my imagination that CN:TE is game where honourable people are fighting...) If you'll look at my alliance Nuclear News screen you'll see that Gay Rollers nuked us. And we responded... Questions: 1) If it's Gay Rollers vs. Parrot Pirates raid - someone is able to explain those AA changes? 2) If it's raid - what for were those nukes? 3) If it was tech raid in the beginning - why they raided guy with 24 Tech? 4) If I'm Homophobic - how do they know about it? 5) If it's not raid - where is DoW? 6) If it was raid or not - what will stop us from fighting to the end, to defend our right to existence even if we're alliance under 10 members? PS. I'm not expecting that they will say sorry and send peace. They shouldn't expect that we will ask for peace. Have fun! I have! [/quote] Um, it's called T.E for a reason XD
  3. [quote name='Karolina' timestamp='1296473029' post='2612849'] No offence, but this is a terrible way to put yourself out there as a candidate to be recruited, for so many reasons. Do the adult thing, attempt to resolve the problem [u][b]in private[/b][/u]. If that doesn't work, give in your resignation [u][b]in private[/b][/u], go into peace mode and then post here, without bad mouthing Sparta [u][b]in public[/b][/u]. Anyway, as jeff said, leaving during a war is never a good thing. No decent alliance would want you after doing that anyway. [/quote] Woah Thessaly gone too? Dam strike two. Guess i can't talk i'm on my seventh . Join FEB best alliance in Bob
  4. That sucks I really used to get under his skin, yours too I believe.
  5. Awesome Issue, Caption ="So you planned to get fit, OWH BALLS."
  6. PSN: YO_MOMMA_ii Favorite Game Genre(s): FPS and Racing Games you play: Grand Theft Auto 4 + Modern Warfare 2 Are you interested in single(1v1) double(2v2) or team type play(4v4 or more):(All is an option) ALL Time zone: GMT Best Way to contact you:(IRC In-Game etc.) PM + IRC (#tfeb) Would you be willing to compete in a tournament? Yes Questions Comments or Suggestions: Nope
  7. Its a cool alliance but I'm good and happy with my alliance EDIT: GUPPY IS A Fish
  8. But what if i'm already in an awesome alliance?
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