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Lord Levistus

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Posts posted by Lord Levistus

  1. Complaining about it as some sort of ethical issue only really serves to illustrate how unfamiliar you are with the general ethical standards in play here.

    oh, we're all quite familiar with the ethical values, or lack there of, involved in activating treaties.

    KingSqrt just chose to defend a wording and in doing so made a gross generalization of how treaties work.

    I am quite aware that this discussion will have no impact on the DoW itself. My original response was merely sarcastic, as nearly all DoW's include a citation of the treaty being activated in some way to legitimize the DoW.

  2. you find it more fair to claim that we are barely fighting than to admit to the fact that we are taking on a great deal of power for one alliance alone. you people are sad to call enemies the day you say fighting even 3 to 1 is a close fight. the fact is that (and as much as i dont want this to sound disrespectful just as i am sure your statements arent meant in such a way) we are fighting a great deal of decent if not good fighters and we still hold our own and now because we have held our own no matter how much you want to claim we have barely fought. you still have to send 2 more well known alliances after us. so deal with the fact that we are putting on a good show and we are fighting Extremely well because if you cant then i dont know why you play the game. if you want to insult someone go to high school if you want to have a good political and effectively war ridden battle play the game. and dont try to make us look bad because we are taking on a lot of alliances and for that reason alone you do look bad.


    Punctuation, spacing.. these things make it a lot easier to read rants. :huh:

    Also, You're allowing them to bait you. ;)

  3. Really? Because if you are attacking umbrella back and Farkistan is jumping into this war to defend them form said counter attacks I do not see how their DoW is poorly worded.

    Any argument against the word 'defend' in this DoW is nothing but e-lawyering.

    Then under your definition, every MDP is actually an MADP. Good thing you're here to tell us these things KingSqrt.

    KingSqrt: Redefining treaties as he sees fit since 2007.

  4. I believe that ModusOperandi was referring to the Moldavi Doctrine, which proclaims absolute sovereignty over the entire Red sphere and senate, and prohibits an alliance of any significant size from either basing themselves in the Red sphere or having 60% of their membership there.

    This is a seperate doctrine from the Revenge Doctrine.

    Yeah, i know he was referring to the Moldavi doctrine, but since that was enacted so very long ago, it's hardly something evil and oppressive anymore. You just base your AA on a different colour. Problem Solved.

    My comment was just pointing out that his agnst regarding the Moldavi doctrine doesn't outweigh the benefit to "innocent" NONEs who take advantage of NPO's colour dominance. That same dominance that allows the revenge doctrine to exist.

  5. It is the hope of many on the Red Team that Karma, once and for all, breaks the shackles that have been imposed on the Cyberverse and enables other communities to flourish there; Red has been prohibited from enjoying liberty since the origin of the spheres..

    Oh yeah, darn NPO revenge doctrine allowing NONEs to have a safe place to hang out and still recieve colour trades. <_<

  6. "Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey.

    I don't know this one, sorry. Guess it'll be war then.

    Could prolly sing "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls, but you'd have to still war us then. I wouldn't expect you to cheapen your selves by accepting a surrogate song.

    Besides, bringing war to Valhalla is prolly the best present we could ask for =)

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