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Posts posted by Rextu

  1. Uppland, that's a pretty dog move to start a new trade circle when you've already signed up to one in the making. You better leave lead and rubber free anyway. I would say silver and gems as well, but looks like you've changed your mind (while dicking around Blood Ruler).

  2. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1286257379' post='2475648']
    You and TSO really know how to make stupid decisions when it comes to topic titles don't you. Congrats on the treaty I guess.

    To be fair, TSO just had a rickroll in their DoE for the first post.

    [i](Mutters something about TSO and MCXA in semi-contemporary Bob history and how it keeps coming up)[/i]

    Lovin' the bawwwing.

    Although, MK did drop a stack of treaties... :awesome:

  3. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1286257225' post='2475642']
    I've added a new blog entry asking if you'd like to see Survivor alliances ranked by absolute or percentage gain. You can check it out [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=11&showentry=2157"]here[/url].

    Gopher's blogs are like crack, except good for you. Read them ;)

  4. I'm chipping in $3mil to nations who change to blue to be a part of this sphere.

    Aluminum -
    Coal - Uppland
    Gems - Blood Ruler
    Gold -
    Iron - Uppland
    Lead - Rextu
    Lumber -
    Marble -
    Oil -
    Rubber - Rextu
    Silver - Blood Ruler
    Uranium -

    Link list
    Blood Ruler - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=285793
    Rextu - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=97906
    Uppland - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=417256

    Bonus Resources (max)
    Fine Jewelry
    Radiation Cleanup

    Nation Bonuses
    Initial infrastructure cost: -37.5%
    Soldier increase: 42.6%
    Nuclear Weapons cost decrease: -20%
    Infrastructure upkeep: -24.7%
    Soldier cost decrease: $-6
    Nuclear Weapons upkeep decrease: -60% Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5
    Frigate purchase cost decrease: -25%
    Citizen income increase: $9.5
    Tank cost decrease: -8%
    Frigate upkeep cost decrease: -38%
    Population happiness increase: 14
    Tank upkeep cost: -17%
    Destroyer purchase cost decrease: -25%
    Initial land cost: -10%
    Aircraft cost decrease: -7.8%
    Destroyer upkeep cost decrease: -38%
    Purchase land area increase: 38%
    Aircraft upkeep cost decrease: -25%
    Submarine purchase cost decrease: -30%
    Aircraft limit increase: 10 units
    Submarine upkeep cost decrease: -41.6%
    Technology cost decrease: -13%
    Cruise Missile cost decrease: -20%
    Aircraft carrier purchase cost decrease: -37.6%
    Environment: 1
    Cruise Missile upkeep cost decrease: -20%
    Aircraft Carrier upkeep cost decrease: -41.6%
    Environment penalty reduction: -50%
    Other navy purchase cost decrease: -15%
    Global Radiation reduction: 50%
    Other navy upkeep cost decrease: -28%

  5. [quote=iamwalrus]
    Dear whoever the hell you are,

    Thank you for going rogue on one of our nations so that I can casually attack you and gain free tech. I was able to do this without entering any defcon that would hinder my collection of taxes.

    Thank you also for running two ground attacks on me which earned me an additional 15 million.

    Next time don't think of yourself to be so important that we would all enter defcon "!@#$ hit the fan" and panic that a small nation is attacking us. Reality check is that you are a tech raid that came to us.


    You sir, are a liar. My nation and yours are far too small to generate $15 million. Perhaps you mean 15 thousand, a much more meager amount even to my nation. Your exaggeration by a thousandfold is a true example of your dishonesty and conceit. Furthermore, this is shown when you think I share your personality.

    I am simply offering kind advice on how to improve the effectiveness of your attacks. It is an easy way for you to be a better nation and not willing to learn is a sign of pure arrogance.

    aw wtf i get tied up with school and miss all the fun?!

    first off...why demand peace in TE? the whole point of TE is to blow !@#$ up [/quote]

    This is precisely why your nation PIMPTOPIA should be expelled from the Parrot Pirates. He offered me peace.

  6. Gelatinous tapeworms, I offer you replies to your comments:

    [quote=Bionic redhead]
    It's not as if getting anarchied automatically causes you to stop fighting. Besides, I think they can afford to take their time, Considering they outnumber you 11-1.

    Perhaps you should demonstrate how it should be done and anarchy their other two nations in defcon 5.[/quote]

    Taking time is for fools, for it is against the spirit of TE, or even all of Cyber Nations. But you fail to understand that being outnumbered is of no equal comparison to larger nations in DEFCON 5. I seek not to boast, but to criticize and encourage.

    Do you want a prize?[/quote]

    Yes. A bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label, please.

    [quote=seixas]So let me get this straight lol, you're bashing them on successfully attacking you from DEFCON 5?

    This is certainly the kind of advice I'd expect from the MCXA. [/quote]

    Your gelatinous tapeworm body still remains unstraightened. I am offering my criticism of the attacks laid upon me by the Parrot Pirates alliance. Whilst they did manage to put my nation into anarchy, it would have been of much less expense to their nations if they had been in DEFCON 1. One of their nations was also anarchied by me (PIMPTOPIA) however and that nation was in DEFCON 5.

    I must also clarify that as gelatinous tapeworms do not have arms, hands and palms, they cannot effectively facepalm. I will warrant their heads comprising of useful probisci to be considered a face, however.

  7. To the alliance known as Parrot Pirates,

    Congratulations on finally sending my nation into anarchy as a result of my deliberate rogue attack on one of your nations. It took you four nations and three days to do it, but you have finally succeeded. I also commend you on your prompt (although thoroughly disorganised) retaliation against my nation, instead of choosing the soft option of demanding immediate peace in the spirit of Tournament Edition.

    However, I must bring attention to the flaws of your onslaught:

    1.Get three nations to attack a single rogue nation simultaneously over the update. It was clear that my four guerrilla camp improvements made it challenging for your nations of a similar size to mine to put me into anarchy given the deployment limits. Furthermore, attacking just after the enemy's deployment would have made this even easier. Luckily for me, I was not online at the same time as any of your nations, nor did I attack at update myself.

    2.You conducted bombing runs before my nation in anarchy. This delayed the onset of my anarchy as I required a lower number of defending soldiers to avoid anarchy. However this would only have been a flaw if you had made an efficient attack as outlined in point 1. You identified the fact that infra is slow to rebuild and that it lowered the maximum number of defending soldiers that I had, leaving your higher deployment limits to be advantageous. This point taken, this was less a flaw than point 1.

    3. Some of your nations are attacking in DEFCON 5.

    I do not believe it should have taken as long as it did to anarchy my nation. I will also not be accepting the peace offer from your nation PIMPTOPIA unless I get peace offers from the other three nations. The reason being that the recently emptied defensive war slot could be filled by one of your healthier nations.

    Yours Faithfully,
    TE Rogue.

  8. That's actually quite nicely written.

    I think it sums up the nature of war in this game--something I fear is forgotten amongst the lust for bureaucracy and evidence before war breaks out. It's always nice when we just get involved in a war for the sake of [i]pride[/i].

    On the other hand, perhaps this bureaucracy leads to the sweetening of the bigger wars, the ones that change the course of the game, like the Great Wars and Karma.

  9. Congratulations NPO on the anniversary of your long and vibrant history. It gives me great pleasure to see an alliance that has contributed so much to this game to bounce back after being humbled in such a major war. You have much reason to celebrate and I wish you the best for your endeavours to constantly improve.

    PS: for the newer players to CN, the speech draws on the foundation days of the NPO in !@#$%* and the dramas there. (Correct me if I'm wrong, however)
    PPS: I like the .mp3, even if it does sound like some guy sitting back on his couch on a Sunday afternoon. Saves my eyes a bit. :awesome:

    EDIT: Word filter picks up the name of another game where a lot of the early players from this game originated.

  10. [quote name='Atlashill' timestamp='1282786162' post='2431384']
    Congratulations to all elected. Having worked with Rextu in the past, I believe he will be an effective chancellor and will enact this SSBLCHKP with great success.

    Best wishes from a friend in Invicta.

    Thank you for your kind words, Atlashill. I will do my best to make sure the plan works. :)

  11. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1282747947' post='2430838']
    I know a lot of people don't like us but theres a difference between not liking someone and them being a WAE. Also its funny that many of the ex-heg alliances are still up there. Maybe a little bit of voting bias?

    A little bit?

    I think it's at the point now where people are voting to spite/convince/be a jerk so it would actually be hard to progress to the next round. So if you're actually trying to win, you'd have to do something pretty big and bad to draw attention.

    But in other things, I know who I want to win. :ph34r:

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