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Henry Rollins

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Blog Entries posted by Henry Rollins

  1. Henry Rollins
    Hi Schatt, Mason, Genghis, Legend and all the rest in former UNSC, now GUN, NADC, GLOF, and any I've left out. How are things>?
    2.5 hours ago a nurse just informed my gf and I that we we're pregnant. <<<
    I've had 2 jo**ts and 2 beers since then.

  2. Henry Rollins
    For some reason this thing wouldn't let me post a comment on Peggy Sue's blog.
    I have Fish and Wheat, am willing to change to any color for a trade circle, and can't find anything. I have never had this problem in over four years of playing Cybernations (with a few different nations, of course).
    The game is on the decline and I wouldn't be surprised to see us dip all the way down to 12 to 13 thousand players before this year is over.
    Admin is sitting on his hands.
    There's a clique of hardcore players out there who refuse to recognize the problem (they're the ones who say that its all the players faults) and won't let great Suggestions in the Suggestions box work.
    The game is dying.
    In fact, I'd go so far as to say that its almost on life-support right now.
    We need a Cybernations 2.
    This is bloody ridiculous.
  3. Henry Rollins
    I saw Admin dancing there by the server machine
    I knew I must have been about 4-ish years between
    Since when I was going strong, playin my top-5%
    I could tell it wouldn't be long 'till CN would nuke me
    Yeah me
    I could tell it wouldn't be long 'till Admin was with me
    Yeah me

    Singing I love my C-N!
    So put another design in the gameplay baby
    I love Admin's C-N!
    So come and take the time and rhyme with me


    NADC smiled so I got up and asked for their name
    But that don't matter EmpCharles said cuz staying neutral in GW2, GW3 it's all the same
    GOONs said can nuke ya home, where we can Shark alone
    And next I'm rogueing on and next GLOF was with me
    Yeah me
    We were movin' on and singing that Freemason song
    Yeah me

    Singing I love my C-N!
    So put another design in the gameplay baby
    I love Admin's C-N!
    So come and take the time and rhyme with me

    Karma said can I take ya home where we can be alone
    In a New World next we're movin' on
    Yeah with me
    And we were movin' on and singing that same old song
    Yeah with me

    CHORUS (x5)
  4. Henry Rollins
    This is my first blog and I'm writing because it is a good way to collect thoughts, explore opinions and share experiences.
    Today, as I was driving home after a practical exam (I'm a health care worker), I saw four transports competing with one another for spacing on the road. I sped past them to avoid the dangerous congestion and one of the trucks insisted on passing another (which is unsafe) and pulled behind me.
    I made a right turn on to an on-ramp and looked over at the intersection which I was avoiding. The light had turned red and the transport which was behind me just kept going; there was an old man in a car at the intersection who had been waiting for the light to turn green.
    When it turned, he approached and then entered the intersection just as the transport blew through; it tore off the entire front half of his vehicle at about 80-90 kms an hour. The car flew and then rested on the shoulder.
    I did a u-turn and three other witnesses went over to his vehicle. We couldn't get the doors opened (automatic locks) and the windows were shut. He was in shock, chewing on his fingers and appeared to be conscious but was uncommunicative. After two minutes, he listened to us when we asked him to unlock his door and he put his window down. Just as the window went down, his entire cabin filled with smoke.
    His air bag had gone off so it may have been the powder but there was a burning smell and fluids dripping everywhere. We made the decision to assist him out of the vehicle after he was visibly coughing.
    Resting him at the side of the road, I comforted him and looked over my shoulder; seeing a little wooden cross which had been placed there as a memorial to the death of some one's loved one at the same intersection a few months ago.
    I didn't let him see it. EMS arrived and I guess he's at the hospital now, we all provided witness reports.
    Anyway, this entire scenario took five minutes to happen. Just five minutes.
    It could have happened to any of us.
    It could have been me.
    It could have been you.
    No one is invincible.
    Let's use our heads this holiday season and I wish everyone here (I've been playing this game so long that I consider every CN player to be a friend) a safe and very Merry Christmas.
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