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jutopia la

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Posts posted by jutopia la

  1. OOC: We really need to open up proper relations. :D

    OOC: Well.... I already know you exist so.... hi there :)

    They recognize the creature's excitement. It was flanked by guards and escorted to the nearest government building. It was gestured to sit in a seat... across a desk from another storm dragon with extensive writing utilities and a recording device.

    A tile was placed in front of the creature, it was a tile of many colors. One at a time, the dragon would point to a color tile, then look sternly at the creature in front of him while looking as though he were about to write.


    The pilot was baffled. He had no clue what was going on. Was he supposed to to just sit and watch? Was he supposed to say the name of the color in hopes for an accurate translation? The other creature had pointed to a tile. This one was blue.

    "Blue." He said. He hoped he didn't ruin anything by saying that.

  2. The plane flying over/into the Storm Dragon Empire would be greeted by the territorial air national guard. A pair of their jets came to fly beside the plane. The Storm Dragons pointed down to a runway and indicated they should land now.

    The pilot followed the storm dragons instructions and made his way down to the runway. After he landed and settled, he exited his plane and thought "Wait till I tell the president!" He looked in astonishment at the dragons. He had never seen anything like them. Their form, their wings. He was in total awe. "Should I be afraid?" He thought.

    "Greetings fellow members of this planet. Thank you very much for your help!"

    It had just hit him that they would probably not understand him. Instead, he made body motions that he felt expressed his gratitude in the best way

    OOC: Aww, nuts, none in my direction...yet.

    OOC: Sorry. I kind of just drew 5 lines. Are you in Australia?

    IC: Somewhere in South America

    A pilot noticed commotion underneath his flight path. "Could it be a civilization?" He said to himself. He flew down to check it out.

    OOC: Estados Iluminados.... thats you.

    IC: African West Coast

    The pilot had landed and was writing in his journal

    "I had flown over that huge mass of water for some time expecting I was never going to find anything. I was overjoyed to hit this area. Despite the fact that there was no one here, I needed sleep and rest. I miss my home. Why did I volunteer for this?"

    The Atlantic Ocean

    The pilot had been flying northeast for quite some time and still had not spotted any land. He was worried about his fuel. He contemplated turning back but decided against it. It would be the wrong thing to do in his eyes.


    The pilot had made his way to Hawaii and began writing of his account

    "After flying for a long time, I stopped on this large mass of land. I'm going to check it out. Maybe find food or civilization. That would be nice. Then I'll continue flying."

  3. ISS Orion

    As the Moonchaser was pulled in towards the ISS Memorio en Ciel, Captain Eldhack spoke again.

    "Alright, looks like Adlai has got him, but don't let your guard down. Keep the weapons charged and prep the fighters. If anything comes out of that dock, get them moving and get a firing solution. Nobody slips in or out past us."

    "Aye Captain," his XO responded.

    Over the PA System

    "All hands to General Quarters. Shift 2 pilots to stations, prepare for possible scram."

    OOC: Are the rebels supposed to get away to continue the RP or does it end here with them getting killed?

    ooc: how do you know we won't win? :ph34r:

  4. 7 pilots walked into their planes. Each with a full tank of fuel. They had brought a lot of food with them. They were expecting a long trip.

    "Listen men. Your goal is simple. You are to travel along this planet until you find something, or someone. We can not live in this pool of uncertainty any longer. We have to know who else is here. Who else is on this planet, if anyone at all. As you know, we have recently received a transmission from what we believe to be another civilization. We have no idea who they are or if they even exist. It is your goal to find that out. Move out."

    The planes took off.

    Projected Direction


    Anything outside of the green circle is unknown territory.

  5. Tyler had been frozen for a moment. With the initial shock of everything going on, he could not move. Once he managed, he ran outside and noticed Sargun and the other man holding a young woman hostage. Me made a mad dash toward them until he finally reached their location.

    "Thanks for that. We could have been taken if it weren't for your quick thinking. Where exactly are we headed?"

  6. I've not yet detailed my history. Any suggestions?

    edit: A note about the confederacy. Instead of the confederacy winning the war, it should be a bloody draw where each side ends up greatly diminished in power because the confederacy has lost land. Either that or due to a lack of a adequate centralized government in the confederacy led to regionalism and more secession such as rebel Virginia who then expanded somewhat into what was the US.

  7. Space Station Ceo

    Tyler walked up to Sargun attempting to sound very professional.

    "I'm Tyler Stein and I've seen you drinking for quite some time and I think you might have a problem. I know this place that you can go to that you could get very good help at. Here's the card. It has the location, number and everything."

    He took out what looked like a business card. However, it had nothing to do with alcohol. Instead, it had the words "I prefer cardinals" written on it. He motioned to hand it to Sargun.

    "I hope this can be helpful. So whats up?"

  8. I, the president of Jutopia Land, would be very interested in joining this second PAC. One of my main grievances with the first was the amount of time it took to do things. By this new treaty, it will hopefully go faster. I will inform you once the legislature has decided whether or not to join.

  9. The embassy for USC and NAAC has been established in Bogota, Colombia. The Chinese one is located near the west end of the city and the NAAC's is located in the north end.


    The NAAC is interested and some sort of deal with the Panama Canal that would be mutually beneficial. Perhaps we could rent the rights to it from you or limit the permission of the military ships that can travel through it to those of us and our allies in exchange for money or resources?

    OOC: Does the Panama Canal exist? I was planning on building it. If it does exist though, then this will be the RP, but if it doesn't then this never happened.


    *Classified to Mastab*

    We are sorry, but we are not yet ready to begin to share such a strategic position with anyone. All commercial ships from any area at the moment are welcome to pass through it, though


    *Classified for Gran Colombia only*

    A conversation between the president and his advisers

    "Have you seen the request from NAAC?"

    "Yes. And to be a bit honest, I'm skeptical of their intentions."


    "Well, I've been told they treat all capitalist entities as enemies. It looks like a plot so that he and other anarchist nations can gain military superiority."


  10. So long as we are speaking on a minor level, the United Kingdom would like to open trade relations with you. We would like to inquire, as well, about trading deals for resources such as Natural Gas and Oil. Our reserves in the North Sea and the Atlantic are strained as it is, and importing seems like a good way to ease the stress on those stations.

    I'm sure we could strike a deal of some sort. As it stands, we are only using about half of the amount of resources we can readily produce, so we do have a decent amount to spare.

  11. The United States of China would welcome a dialogue between our two people, and would like to inquire about purchasing natural gas and oil as part of a long term deal.

    Any preference of floor in the building? You are the first nation to request.

    As for the deal, we would be happy to be involved in such an agreement. If you would just state about how much of each you would like I'm sure we could come up with a reasonable price.

  12. Greetings fellow members of the world! The Gran Colombian government has decided to officially open itself to foreign relations and discussion after its establishment not too long ago. The Gran Colombian influence on this planet is prepared to go global. We will be:

    -Allowing diplomats to come here and establish embassies in our embassy building.

    -Opening up our first international flight line in Bolivar Airport in Caracas, Venezuela.

    -Opening our ports for minor trade agreements until more intense relations can be established.

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