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jutopia la

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Posts posted by jutopia la

  1. we are entering GWIV

    I feel there comes a time in every alliances time, in which a path must be chosen. And for DUAL, this 3 week old alliance, the path is now. We have allies in both sides, which makes this even harder. We all have principles, in which we follow, whether it be \m/'s tech raid all active nations, to GPA's nuetrality. For DUAL, it is to never give up, respect all alliances, and to honor our committments to our allies. Even though people may think this war is one sided, we do not. We see it as a war that only time will tell. Both sides are respectable, and are fighting well, and for that, we find this as a good in all this bad. Recently DUAL signed a Maroon Brotherhood Pact, in which we vowe our support to our maroon bretherin, MDC, and ONOS. As they are our allies and indeed march off to war, we must support them in as many ways as we can. In so, we choose to declare a state of war on The Phoenix Federation, as to preserve our values. Our path has been chosen, and we stand by it.

    The Supreme Istari: Pikajew

    The Grand Istari: Compstomper

    The Istari Council:

    DAn123123, Jaketopia, Jutopia, Solomon,

    Al Gore, therealsuperjosh

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