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Posts posted by emmabuddie

  1. The fact that you needed help with governing yourselves from the outside after how long? is very telling.
    As well as that he needed to leave to "expand his knowlage of CN". You may not have a lot of treaties, but you should have something of a clue of world politics. You should have connections to the outside world and not be forced to leave to gain knowledge.

    ^the amount of [modedit] given
    ^the amount of relevance this has to do with you or anyone.

  2. Hooligans should have communicated to us. It is not GATO's job to deliver a message.


    That being said, Hooligans, thank you for fighting. Seriously though, keep the comms lines open and let us know if you need any help.



    thankyou, airme. i never thought id hear that. best of luck in the war yourself





    The amount you hopped to and from Hooligans showed very little, if any, loyalty to their organization. Stop pretending.




    xanth was leaving hooligans to join Hb after the war anyway, due to government conflict and arguements he choose to leave early. with that he had still been working with hooligans, helping us and our newer government with anything we need. also he left to join our closest ally, who are at war with the exact same people we are. if anything the only thing that changed is the word next to alliance affiliation.



    hes a born and raised hooligan, his previous leavings were to expand his knowlage of CN as well as his point of view on planet bob. there is no conflict between xanth or hooligans. i appreciate your concern however it is not needed

  3. for those who are noobs out there and need a lesson in building an alliance

    step one, know what you are doing

    step two, sort your forums, government and charter

    step three, find and insure protection

    step four, recruit like crazy and build up a membership base

    step five, announce your existence shortly after your protecting alliance announces your protection

    and lastly step six, don't do dumb !@#$

  4. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1353196494' post='3053890']
    We're asking legitimate questions. like what alliance is protecting you guys, because so far there is no answer from you and no alliance has stepped forward claiming you guys.

    apparently we are... apparently


    ^ i suggest you guys catch up

  5. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bc6lw.jpg[/img][/center]

    [center][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]once upon a time in the land of the greed[/i][/font][/center]
    [center][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]another fearless hooligan stepped down from his steed [/i][/font][/center]
    [center][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]he crouched on one knee to look his enemy in the eye[/i][/font][/center]
    [center][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]to tell him our nation strength is high. [/i][/font][/center]
    [center][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][i]but do not fear, for we are doing great [/i][/font][/center]
    [center][i][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]as today we are here to only celebrate [/font][/i][/center]

    Its been a long a wild ride with many victorys under our belt, we have ranged in numbers as well as strength, but today! Im happy to say we are once again sitting comfortably over one million nation strength . We can also celebrate our slot usage is at its highest sitting between 60-70% thanks to xanth and cyberline :D

  6. [quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1341257802' post='3001886']
    Nailed it. Saying this shows Hooligans support the whole Dave93 issue is like saying Brazil entered WWII against Germany to avenge Pearl Harbor.

    This is what it is -- MHA and Hooligans both entered at the request of their allies to defend them. This is a time honored and honorable CB.

    You have to credit their style, as well -- they didn't wait 5 days for MHA to get anarchied and lose NS before declaring. GATO said they needed help, and Hooligans declared next day. Sounds like a pretty good friend to have in your corner.

    That reminds me... (looks at watch)
    Guess I can start the countdown for the PPO counter attack. T minus 5 days ;)

    Oh -- has Green Muffins surrendered yet?

    i love you

  7. we have no ties or relationship with MK, we don't sell tech and or converse with them at all...we declared war on MHA to defend an alliance in which doesn't have a relationship with MK.

    so to answer your question......

    yes..... we are

    [color="#FF00FF"]emmbuddie reaches for her pillow gun[/color]


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