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Third King

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Posts posted by Third King

  1. Of course we want you to come to blows with DBDC. Both of you sat on stats for years and have built up to ridiculous levels. Now, DBDC has allied everyone in range, and IRON has successfully joined the winning side yet again.


    The difference between TOP-Polar and IRON-DBDC is that there was an actual (and very bitter) war involved, and more than a week between fighting and allying. You allied DBDC to preserve stats. We allied TOP to eliminate others stats. That's the key difference.


    Eventually you and Valhalla will be caught up to. I'd almost like to get involved back into politics to unite the IRON/Val haters into a nice grouping. Watch out, because I promise someone will do it.


    Good analysis. There is no coincidence that DBDC has only openly opposed the heavily mid tier XX and AFM in the past few years. Any alliance with a significant presence in the top tier has been quickly allied by them.


    1. IRON did not successfully join the winning side, we helped create it.
    2. There are numerous differences between TOP-NpO and IRON-DBDC, and I don't expect you to know or acknowledge all of them. That NAP was signed almost a year ago now. I suggest getting over it.



    Where was IRON when XX/AF were getting rolled? You did nothing when you were able too and then you wanted those unable to do anything to come help you. IRON fought back and rolled 1-2? of their smaller nations but no one was worried about them. You knew no one had the resources to do anything, and you knew the only option was lose your top tier or reach a resolution to end hostilities. IRON made the right choice but don't blame anyone else for your decision.


    . . .What?

  2. We've rendered treaties useless on two, almost competing levels.  On the one hand, we treat treaties like Facebook friends, where every casual acquaintance in CN merits a MDP. On the other hand, we manipulate treaties to the point where between ghost declarations and 3 and 4 step chains, any alliance can essentially come i against any other alliance.


    A good point. I'd just add that this standard has changed over time, and will continue to change as long as people keep playing.


    So, let's say you got hit immediately after the last war ended, no CB, simply because TOP wanted you to get rolled, you'd be perfectly content with that?


    Yes. In fact, it was pretty much expected. And if after this war IRON immediately hit TOP for the same reason, then I'd have no issue. The desire to inflict harm on somebody is the core of all CBs anyway. IRON-TOP requires next to zero dressing up though, so it may not be a good context to look at CBs.


    You're almost four years late on the "The is the end of the CB". I'll direct you to Doomhouse's "Everything. Must. Die." DoW.


    Perhaps the OP should see the precedent as an opportunity for a new way of doing things. Especially if the old ways have not worked for you.

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