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Posts posted by Rebounder

  1. [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1297032546' post='2622787']
    So... Are you standing for Independence, Multi-polarity or Defending Allies?


    [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1297032668' post='2622791']
    Oh dear you are a lost cause. Is it better that I leave my members blissfully unaware of its governments intentions? I laid out our intentions to our members from the get go and I am baffled as to where your indignation for this decision stems from. The fact that you have omitted a rather sizeable chunk of my post which puts the context of which that decision was made and where it would apply suggests you either don't have it or realise it would show you up as a twit. That level of comprehension is probably beyond you so I am going to go with option 1.

    I might add that None of our allies have been attacked to defend so stop your gibberish.

    The context of the rest of the post doesn't change anything, but I feel that putting up the entire screenshot would endanger my comrades who are doing the toughest work at the moment, and I won't do that just because you dare me to. I'm a little smarter than that.

  2. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1297031623' post='2622759']
    Well lets not pretend this is something it is not. You are certainly not doing this for the sake of "morality" or "the greater good". You are doing it to be a pain in the neck for !@#$% and giggles because you simply do not like us. You really are nothing more than a minor inconvenience and that is all you can aspire to be.

    I never really held anything against IRON before this war, but to announce to your members that they can expect neutrality at the onset of a war is rather telling

    And thank you for calling me an inconvenience. That's all I hope to be.

  3. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1297029003' post='2622675']
    Keep in mind that Pacifica has pretty much openly stated that the main reason they want to see us enter the war is to see us burn.

    You're a terrible psychologist, or mind-reader, or whatever you're trying to be.

    If you think I have that kind of relationship with Pacifica at the moment, you haven't read this topic.

    Also, take a look at the numbers. Entering this war at this point would not mean you "burn." However, the fact that you're too cowardly to even take that chance says a lot about the future of Duckroll as a political entity.

  4. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1297016702' post='2622357']
    I don't think there is a lot to know about you...

    And if you're referring to BiPolar, it isn't so much that we lost the war, it's more that we lost the war because another N_O alliance turned on us from within our very own coalition. This leads to intense dislike and certainly a lack of desire to come to the Orders' defense. Imagine that.

    Lumping the Orders together? Terrible mistake in the modern political climate

  5. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1297015494' post='2622326']
    Funny, when we all tried to figure out which side of the war to align to, the answer came out "neither".

    As for who will win the next war, what will the sides even be?

    Then again, given the alliance you hail from, independence in this world must be an unfamiliar concept.

    Rather, I think you're just a sore loser pining for the days where alliances ran to NPO's defense as a matter of course.

    Quite off-base, you don't know my history as well as you think you do. However you did show that you're sore from the days you were expected to defend your allies, and you actually had to lose a war that one time. Imagine that.

  6. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1296982835' post='2621885']
    That's the thing. I have no idea what you're standing for. Not a damn clue. You're just spouting out meaningless platitudes like a kid who washed out of freshman Philosophy.

    I stand for a feeling of independence only scarcely seen in Planet Bob. I'm standing against all the topics within alliances' forums titled "Which side do we align to? Which will win the next war?"

    [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296995022' post='2622002']
    Actually, that would be good. We have some new recruits that wed like to get familiarized with the war mechanics. :D

    Well then declare in defense of your allies :awesome:

  7. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1296967256' post='2621300']
    I think you just got bored and decided to do this without a plan, thinking that piggybacking on the Vox name would get you followers....or something. You don't have a plan because high-order thinking is beyond you.

    Seriously, when all sides of this war are mocking you, it should tell you something.

    Have you looked around you? I take the fact that both sides think I'm doing something wrong to mean I'm doing something right

    Also, I'll reiterate that I'm not trying to reform Vox or create even a Vox-like movement. My motivations for this are entirely personal, and the name is for entirely personal reasons as well

    I suppose when you stand for nothing it's easy to misunderstand the motivations of a man who decides to stand for something.

  8. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1296916897' post='2620473']
    A vox revival would be rather interesting. This is just embarrassing. :unsure:

    I've stated way too many times in this thread I'm not claiming to be a "Vox revival." That would be really dumb of me to try to do independently.

    But I am up for a few shenanigans. Hell, I have been since just before you made the post containing this


  9. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1296892754' post='2620275']
    I have yet to see the practices of EZI, PZI, secret terms, viceroys, forced hidden rerolls amongst many others that were common before the Karma war. So yes, the endeavor was successful. Ponder this, Voxians are strewn through both sides of this conflict.

    But you have still seen alliances politically paralyzed by fear, and you have seen alliances getting rolled for simply existing outside of the current "power structure."

    The fight isn't over until independence is no longer a crime.

  10. [quote name='Minilla Island' timestamp='1296882829' post='2619906']
    This is bordering on a joke thread. I am laughing so hard at the nonsense that the OP is spewing that I may have to take another BP pill. Vox Populi stood for something. While I was hoping for its return, it is up to those who helped to fly the banner of Vox Populi to re-raise it. Not for someone who has not an inclination of what VP stood for. It is just completely asinine for you to say you are, or hold the banner of, Vox Populi. You can say all you want that you are "Vox", that does not make you Vox.

    If 200 people were to join my AA, from all corners of Bob, I would add the "Populi" back to the name, with or without the approval of Starfox or sponge, and I would be right to do so. However, right now I am just a man standing up for his ideals against a global structure, and thus I am simply a Voice, and you cannot tell me I am not.

    If I was discouraged by the former fellow Voxians who don't believe in this, I wouldn't be living up to it very well at all ;)

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