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    Alpha Omega
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I've got gems, but I'm waiting on something else. I'll post if I've got a free spot. Nation is Maymar.
  2. I can do a 3*3 right now. On this deal I'm willing to use up to 3 slot. I could also do long term, if you want.
  3. I've got 0 slots open for tech deals. I'm willing to do a 2.5 million for 50 tech opposed to a 3 million for 50. Just PM me in the game. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=410585"]My link[/url] Edit: Full, or rather reserved for something else that came up.
  4. I'll be one of the sellers, oops sorry didn't get the part where you have to be in the same alliance, but could I still do it?
  5. Scratch that I don't have enough trade slots.
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