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Posts posted by maddy

  1. [color="#4169E1"]Update

    All of the cement has been laid and dried for the airport. All the pain has been laid on the runways and the electrical wiring has been laid as well. The structures are currently being built.

    NEW Update

    The Navy has begun patrolling the waters of the Nile starting with our northern border of Rebel Army. So far only 100 ships have been put into patrolling the Nile but more are sure to fallow soon as the government spits more money into the Navy department.[/color]


  2. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1282069062' post='2419960']
    The Kingdom of Cochin condemns invasion of Switzerland by Gothisches Reich. We hope the more responsible nations of the region would put down this irresponsible nation for this travesty.
    The United States of Organcia seconds this statement. [/color]

  3. [color="#4169E1"][center][size="7"]Reassurance [/size][/center]

    In recent days there has been many rumors and theories that the NOD government secretly has officials in the Organcian government, controlling how our nation is being ran and dictating what decisions our government makes. There have even been rumors that the President and Chancellor themselves actually work for the NOD government.
    Chancellor Juliet gave a speech today concerning the theories of these people because even the newly elected Governor of Freedom took notice saying,
    "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a greater conspiracy going on in our government."

    The Chancellor put down these theories, here is what she said just this morning,

    The Chancellor looked down at her people while she stood at the podium, "Does anybody know what the exact name of our nation is? Of course the name everybody knows is The United States of Organcia, but does anybody know the actual name?" she skimmed the crowd and saw no hands, "The real name is the Constitutional Free Republic of The United States of Organcia.

    There are four parts to this name. First off, we are all united under one Constitution. Our Constitution is to be followed by every man women and child inside of our lands.
    Secondly, we are Free to the since that we have many freedoms that some nations do not. We have freedom of speech, religion, and the freedom to protest. These things are cherished and give all of you the right to say what you want.

    Thirdly, this is a Republic. Democracies never work to the fullest. A Republic is a large group of people that are represented by a smaller group of people.

    Fourth, we are united states that make Organcia. Four states that each pledge alligance to stay together as one and protect each other threw thick and thin.

    I do not see how a NOD agent could get into our elected government, infiltrate it, threaten and tell me what to do, and run our nation. Why not just invade us in the first place?
    NOD is our friend and I am sure that they know that we recognize that we are independent from them and sovereign. They do not own us."

  4. [color="#4169E1"]*Private*

    The United States of Organcia wishes Artemis to produce 5,000 Ak-47's for our nation. Even though we could produce them ourselves, we were told we could get them made here for $1.50 less a gun. [img]http://www.popularairsoft.com/files/images/AK-47_type_II_Part_DM-ST-89-01131.jpg[/img][/color]

  5. [color="#4169E1"]Lia quickly pulled her arm to her chest where she held it close, "It's umm.. Kind of inappropriate... I would rather not show..." and she thought for a moment, "Umm... If you don't mind can I ask what your rank is?" maybe this boy could be a big help for the cause. Robert would love this, she could maybe even get a promotion. "Isn't that the place where the old King stays?" she asked innocently. [/color]

  6. [color="#4169E1"]Lia smiled, thinking to herself [i]Omg he is asking me out! Kinda... yay![/i] she tried to keep her cool because she didn't want him to think she was desperate, "Sure... I know the PERFECT place!" After they had gotten his eggs she finally got off her shift. She brought him outside and they waved down a taxi. They had some small talk on the way to the cafe but nothing major.

    When they made it to the coffee shop they got in line and Lia started to open up, "So what brings you to the city? I'm studying Liberal Economics. What collage are you going to?"[/color]

  7. [color="#4169E1"]Lia helped the old woman with her groceries. "Oh thank you very much Lia. I am so happy you are back. I have missed you!" Lia smiled to the woman, "I have missed you too Mallika! School is going to start soon but I will keep working here. How is the farm doing?" the women gave a slight sigh, "We are doing okay... But recently a terrible bug destroyed most of our crops... Me and my husband are still living in the city, but we go back to the farm on the weekends to make sure that the men are taking good care of the crops... and they are not."

    Mallika started to walk away but Lia grabbed her arm and turned her back, she looked to make sure the manager wasn't watching and slipped a couple fruits and vegetables in her cart and then gave her about 100 Rupee's out of her own pocket, "It's on the house Mallika." the old woman smiled, "Oh thank you Lia! You are very nice girl!" the woman raised her voice a little so the manager could hear, "I will come to this supermarket for the rest of my life because you give such good customer service!" that was probably Mallika's way of repaying Lia but Lia wouldn't have cared if she hadn't done it. The old woman left with a bigger smile then when she came in.

    When she was done she noticed the attractive young man she saw the other day. He did the strangest thing... He complimented her nose. Of course it was weird, but also flattering because it was more original, "Thank you." she giggled, "I like your hair.." she examined his buzcut. "My name is Lia. What's yours?" [/color]

  8. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1281663470' post='2413603']
    "Legion's formal position in this matter is to tighten our borders even further and to pretend that both Organcia and South Sudan don't exist," explains Denard as he sticks his fingers in his ears and begins to chant, "la la la la la la la la..."
    "I think I speak to Organcia as a whole when I say we are sad to see a sister, or should I say brother nation breaking foreign ties with us like this."[/color]

  9. [color="#4169E1"][quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1281662383' post='2413572']
    "What are your views towards secularism, atheism and socialism in the realms of governing a nation?" - Reporter

    "By law, we have a separation of Church and state policy. This means that we do not a certain religion should control the government. Politicians can base their political beliefs off of their religious ones though. Atheism... Well. Politically, we have nothing against them, they have a right to be atheist if they choose to. Socialism, along with Communism, is looked down with the government to the greatest extent." [/color]

  10. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1281661998' post='2413562']
    "We saw no mention of either candidate's intended foreign affairs policy. Care to enlighten us what it will be? Will this policy differ depending on the region of the nation?"

    [color="#4169E1"]Ashly shifted to the other foot and gave a warm smile, "The Central government controls most foreign affairs for the most part except for trade and commerce. And yes, from each region I'm sure each governor will have their own opinion, but typical we are good friends with the Chancellor so I am sure that if someone in a foreign government would get to know us, we could put in a very good word for them to the Chancellor." [/color]

  11. [center][img]http://mi9.com/datawallpaper/data/9/4186/amanda-bynes-3976/amanda-bynes-beautiful-girl_size_1280x960.jpg[/img][/center]

    Lia had just gotten off the train. The fall semester was about to begin so she, and most of the other girls from rural and smaller areas, came early to party, hook up with guys, or to get good deals on apartments.

    Lia was your typical 21 year old, except for a few of her deep secrets. She was very popular, she had more friends then she could count, and she was fairly attractive. She was a straight "A" student and belonged to the 27th richest family in The Whole Kingdom of Cochin. She was going somewhere in life for sure.

    Lia had a million things on her mind, [i]Okay, I need to get a taxi, then go to the apartment and make sure Richard still has my room with the rest of the group, then I need to go to the meeting-[/i] but her chain of thought was abruptly interrupted by one of the most handsome boys she had ever seen. Her cheeks slowly turned the color of red wine. She tried to keep his attention by flipping her hair once. Unfortunately, it seemed that he had never seen the city before because he was amazed by all the lights, colors, and odd sounds of the city.

    She wanted to try to walk over to the boy but one of her friends came over to her, "Come on Lia! You know how Robert hates it when we are late!" Lia sighed and took one last good look at the boy and ran off with her friends to go to their new apartment.


    Once they had gotten there the rooms they had rented were beautiful. The Landlord let the girls have their rooms painted a different color for a extra fee of $50 so they did it. Each room was a beautiful red color. It was absolutely perfect. Lia started thinking about school and the textbooks she needed to buy, but she couldn't get [i]him[/i] off her mind.[/color]

  12. [quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1281637310' post='2412942']
    Indeed. Anyone who disagrees with the Catholic Church should be crushed.

    [color="#4169E1"]"Because our nation is predominately Christian, we think it is wrong to want to crush a Christian religion, just like we think it would be wrong to crush the Jewish religion. And it's not just disagreeing, it is murdering innocent priests and monks. That's at least what is happening here to some extent and in the Territory of Endra." [/color]

    [color="#4169E1"]Ashly needed to be sworn in soon and got a phone call it was time to go, "I will answer one more question of anyone has one.[/color]

  13. [color="#4169E1"]Ashly stood to the international press, "The beginning of our party is rather secretive. We do have strong ties with the world wide group known as the "Freemasons". Also, it is a terrible misconception to relate the Freemasons and the Illuminati, they are not directly connected and we, the Freemason party as a whole, see them as a unnecessary evil that should be crushed for it's struggle against the Catholic church.

    Any more questions?" Ashly looked around the crowd. [/color]

  14. [i][color="#008000"]The State of Freedom[/color] [/i]
    [color="#008000"][i]Let Freedom Reign[/i][/color]

    [color="#4169E1"]Elections have begun for the Region of Freedom for governor and for the local Council.

    [i]The Freemason Party[/i]

    For the Freemason party, [url="http://www.cuteashleytisdale.com/gallery/2009/8/13/Ashley_Tisdale_Picture_3871L8.jpg"]Ashly Lovington[/url] was nominated by her party for their choice of governor. She is a devout Christian and her main focus is to make gun laws much lighter in Freedom. Her goal is to have semi-automatic weapons legalized. She has been a special adviser for Chancellor Juliet and still is a close friend. She is 25 years old, only 1 year older then the Chancellor herself. She also wants to start drilling off the coast of Organcia to possibly begin export to other nations such as NOD and Rebel Army, if they take it.

    She plans to give tax cuts for farms along the Nile River. One of her ideas that has struck everyone, and some politicians as radical, is forming a Civil Defense Army for each region that would be called the "National Guard". Her ideas are fresh, crisp, and new.
    One of the few negative rumors about her is that she "Sleeps around" but those are totally unconfirmed reports.

    [i]The Conservative Party[/i]

    For the Conservative Party, [url="http://www.cherryfun.com/photos/14/7930-alaa-13ce7b9443.jpg"]Laqab Nisba[/url] has been nominated for governor for the State of Freedom. His main plan is to lower property taxes for citizens and businesses and also income taxes. Although lowering taxes is very popular, he wants to put toll booths in many major roads to help pay for the taxes, in turn, hurting some people who live on the outskirts of cities and need to take a drive to go work. he says, "This helps the majority of Freedom's citizens."

    Laqab does not like the idea of a civil defense army for each state but thinks that funds should be used on more things like anti-communist commercials to run on a public broadcast channel.

    [i]The Green Party[/i]

    The Green Party does not participate in the State of Freedom Yet[/color]


    [color="#4169E1"]This is where all election updates will be given for this round of local elections and the Grand Council elections.

    -Freemason Party
    Origins of the party are shrouded in mystery but now they stand for peace, justice, and capitalism. They believe there should be lighter gun laws. The Freemasons Party believes less in isolationism and wants to spend more money on the military. The Freemason party wants to make some taxes higher against industry. The Freemason Party supports offshore drilling and thinks offshore drilling should be slightly regulated by the government.

    -Conservative Party
    The Conservative party wants to lower taxes for businesses and citizens but wants to put toll booths on every interstate. The Conservative party supports Capitalism. They want to give tax breaks to private schools to encourage more of them to be built and they want to raise the amount of money going into public schools. The Conservative party supports offshore and onshore drilling.

    -Green Party
    The Green Party wants to drastically raise taxes for industry and stop taxing green projects such as windmills and hydro-electric energy. The Green Party supports more isolationism. Because Organcia is in one of the hottest and driest places on Earth, the green party thinks it would be very beneficial to invest a lot of resources into solar panels for energy needs. They are against any drilling offshore but would permit some drilling onshore with heavy regulation.
    The Green Party is more Liberal then the other two parties.

    Voting will end August 11th

  16. [color="#4169E1"][size="7"][center]Our National Flag[/center][/size]

    Today, our glorious leader Juliet announced that our flag is going to be made into this new design.

    Our national crest [center][img]http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae341/thegurl_2010/thing/symbol.jpg[/img][/center]

    The Grand Council voted and outstandingly the vote was 89 For, 11 Against, and amazingly 0 abstained. Polls were taken and 87% of Organcians support the flag change, although that still means there is some controversy.
    "The Chancellor is just taking advantage of the situation!" exclaims Green Party Councilwomen Janie Smith, "She is of the Freemason party so she just so happens to put the all seeing eye in the flag? That not only is wrong but the eye represents God. I thought we had separation of church and state..."

    The Chancellor told our reporters that, "The Green Party can think of whatever they want about our new flag. We picked from 7,000 different designs drawn by high-school students, collage students, and some politicians including myself. The All-Seeing-Eye in the top left corner represents God. Yes we have separation of church and state, but our nation was founded on Christian values. The black represents our ability to hide in the shadows when needed and the gray shows that there is always a middle decision in our nation, there is never a 'Black or White' decision that should be voted on. We should look from every angle and side."

    Along with the change to our nations flag, the flag that represents our Navy, Air force, and Armed forces has been created.

    [center](The Organcian Navy)[/center]

    [center](The Organcian Air force)[/center]

    (The Organcian Armed Forces)
    (Soon To Be Released) [/color]

  17. [color="#4169E1"]Juliet was now limping more than before and was practically hunched over. She walked for about 15 more minutes until she heard the roar of engines behind her. Juliet had lost A LOT of blood, was freezing to death, was injured, and was now disorientated and confused. Her revolver sat slung in her hand with a light grip. Then... The light hum of a engage that got bigger and bigger. The disorientated young woman turned around and yelled, "Your not going to take me alive!!" she blindly shot, even though all six went to the left, the right, and high in the hair, having no chance of hitting one of the men. "Your going to have to kill me if you want to take me!" she confusingly yelled. She kept pulling the trigger, just making a clicking sound each time the gun changed to the next chamber. [/color]

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