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Posts posted by Margrave

  1. Hello, Mogar-lite just here for the attention I see.

    Christ on the cross son, your lilly livered, condescending, cur-like whine is reprehensible as the head of a nation and as the voice of your so-called alliance. watching you and Rey (another laughable leader elected I'm assuming as a national joke) go at it is like watching two fools go unarmed into the arena of wit.

    Sadly, it's still better than the Methrage reality show.
  2. The guy who ran away from his alliance during a time of crisis after helping to start the crisis on Brown should probably duck out of the room when these discussions start happening, keeology.

    I can't believe I'm approving of a Polaris post, but there it is. I wish you both happy and separate fiery nuclear ends, but especially you, dear NpO! Good luck going forward.

  3. Not sure how it's relevant to my post, but yes all AAs in BC fromy memory gave the green light. I would have look at past threads to be 100% but unfortunately I do not have access to them.

    If I had any responsibility towards starting this mess I ceraintly wouldn't be sticking my nose in and talking down to the situation I helped and then ran away from.
  4. first of all, allow me to congratulate my military opponent on bring the first leader to ever nuke me, and also the first to nuke. I have belatedly replied in kind, making you the first to ever be nuked by me.

    That being said; you are either the most delirious or most disengenious madman I have ever known in this world, and though you're handily beating me (with that long and illustrious pile of wonders, I knew that going in), I want you to know that every bit I can chip away from you is a victory to me. You're a blight upon our Digiterra and I revile you as the foul disease you are.

    As for your slack-jawed sycophants who praise your name and incite others to join your riotous, noxious cause, I have neither pity nor sympathy. I consign you to the ash pile of history, to be parked alongside the bombed out wrecks of other evil causes. You invoke Liberty, but liberty by definition is for the few. I invoke Freedom, which is man's natural birthright, and I pledge to commit myself to freeing this planet from your vomitous, malevolent presence.

    Odious filth, I prophesy for you oblivion, ultimately to be forgotten where you are not reviled. Let war cleanse the face of Bob of even your names, lest they remain in our mouths as curses and in doing so keep alive the foulness of your memory. Your pustulic populations, full of vitriolic blasphemy against god and man, I consign to decimation; let the poisonous odors of your arguments be rent by cleansing flame.

    To your meek and mewling whining for liberty for yourselves and burdens for others, I have the reply of cannon fire and sword. Get thee gone from our houses and our planet, you pilfering, posturing, villainous vermin, there is not room for YOU; you are exiled from the Brotherhood of nations and the family of man.

    Let it be heard in every home in every nation of man: For these ruffians and blasphemers, War is the Answer. They are all mad dogs; mad dogs must needs be put down. So we shall.

  5. ROFL @margrave apologists.
    I guess shame is an outmoded concept these days right?

    If that's the complete body of your argument, I suppose shame is indeed an outmoded concept after all. You've castigated me for my character without a shred of anything like proof, just passed around baseless accusations of bad faith like a snake oil salesman hawking curatives to gullible townsfolk in some Music Man-esque, musicless dystopian nightmare.

    Get thee gone then, you and your ilk of moralizing street preachers children, and sell your falsehoods to those with the stomach for them.

    @Hitchcock: I'm sorry your friend is an idiot and can't politic good; his apology was pro forma, but it would have been a good place to start from going forward. As it is now, he's a delusional moralist whose inherent self destructiveness will see him shoot himself in the foot. But of course, you've shown that you yourself dance to that same crazy drum, so I suppose it's one of those birds of a feather things.
    Only he did, and he was right.
    And all caps hasnt been funny since 1987. Please.
    Sadly for you, I do get a turn. I've consistently confronted you and YOU have consistently avoided argumentation.
    I would be happy to take this moment to address any remaining uncertainties... but there are none.
    You are a snake and a master of snakes. I don't imagine I will actually be able to drive you from this world - that is impossible.
    But if you want talks, send someone else. Someone who isn't a snake. 
    Someone who can at least pretend to have a little personal integrity please.

    Climb down from your self appointed cross and give evidence of one time I negotiated in bad faith. I waded in to a stupid war your friends were involved in and took hold of the peace process to make it happen. You can argue I argued poorly, and did a bad job of it, but I will not afford you slights against my morality or character.
  7. Except the jokes on him, it did not work.
    And now everyone knows he's a snake.

    You don't get a turn with the talking stick; you've consistently avoided argumentation with me or anyone else cogent from our side of the conflict; nice of you to avoid the intellectual field of battle, I suppose you've left your razor sharp wit at home?

    Please retort with a comment about how we're unworthy of you, it's the classic sign of mindless pedant who would prefer to retreat from the field.
  8. Nobody doubted Margrave or his word.

    Honor has few avatars in this poor atmosphere. This man is such a one, and I'd rather be vouchsafed by him than all others save my own Kashmiri brethren, and few of them at that. I salute you Zog, and invite you at your convenience to ask some of those dear waffensbruder's of yours to send us an embassy at old Kashmir. Wassail!
  9. Excellent (and honestly, the only) choice. It's a sad day when people can't appreciate all you've done for them, and with the incessant Warmongering from that bunch this year, I'm surprised it took this long for your patience to be at an end. Best of luck, Kashmir. Not that you'll need it.

    I appreciate the sentiment from one of the (truly) elder statesmen the world has left. In this case, our patience ran long because our hopes did too; our hopes ran dry when they waged war against a dear ally who is both our spiritual sister alliance in philosophy and dear to us on friendship. In that case, it became clear that we had a responsibility both towards our dear friends and to "clean up our own mess" so to speak.

    As the ancients say, "sad but necessary".
  10. True perfidy!
    And from Jack Layton of all people.
    I truly never expected it.
    Kashmiri folk, please, buy infra. You just went from one of my favorite alliances to WAE in about 24 hours.
    Kashmir delenda est.*
    *to avoid warn, classical Latin, 'Kashmir will die' or 'Kashmir must be destroyed' and yes if you have a high school diploma you should definitely know that without me having to tell you.

    What a mockery you make of noble name and ancient authority! No true heir are you to storied Rome or its ancient glory. The Goths were not blood inheritors because they shed Roman blood, nor are you and your pack of Johnny come lately barbarians. Such a shameful claim you infer renders every breath of life you breath afterwords an insult to history.

    Carthagio's fate I suscribe for you and all your pack of mongrel dogs; may your homes be salted, razed, and ultimately forgotten, save for when one of the philosopher kings of Kashmir contemplates your fate as they meditate on the uttermost truths of the universe.
  11. I'll be fighting  at least 3 SRA nations as well, but they hardly count. Although I respect your determination to fight me if you don't drag others in with you, it will be an honorable duel.

    I'll duel you. I will take aid from friends and volunteers, but the soldiers and weapons you face will be mine.

    Ivanelterrible, my ancient master, faced such odds against a tyrant on Brown once when the world was younger and brighter. Now, 6 years hence from that struggle, I shall re enact his crusade against Kaos by fighting the Chaos of my day; you. I await your return to the field on the 20th.
  12. What I'm curious about is will Margrave declare on me without bringing other Kashmir nations into war with us or do it on his own?

    Will I be fighting you, a stronger and more heavily wondered nation with nukes and a massive war chest, alone?

    Of course. I may ask for a little cash infusion to make the juice worth the squeeze and make up for the great amount of NS I'm about to lose, but in the end its just pixels; this is the mechanic by which our Lord Admin has allowed me to show my personal and deep distaste for you.

    I will do so with all the ability and weaponry my nation affords me.

    What I'm curious about is when are you going to stop gathering up nations only to shatter them against the rocks of your pride and selfishness.
  13. Sounds like Rey has gained a new cheerleader. How low you've sunk, stick with the gif responses. At least they're entertaining.

    *"I'm done, but wait there's more!"

    You're chained to your delusions; you can't stop posting just like you can't stop crafting schemes by which you can become a tyrant. It is you who needs liberating, Pavlov; it's your mind that needs freedom from delusions.
  14. Then stop being what you hate. You're just bitter because I'm still willing to fight for worthy causes, after you've long given up.
    Edit: Also maybe you should stick with your less words thing you said before and just attack me if I end up in your range if you really believe everything you're saying. I'm done with this thread.

    I await you. May the weapon in my hand be the device by which you are freed of your delusion.
  15. You were part of an alliance led by the biggest proponent of baiting new nations into saying something negative about him, then getting them sanctioned if possible and attacking them. That was about taking out a threat to the Liberty of new nations to speak freely and an enemy of Liberty.. When you follow a tyrant, don't expect hugs and kisses. The Libertarian Guard exists to protect Liberty and take those down a notch who would suppress it. We're not pacifists.
    I never wanted your help, yet you took it personal when I refused to apologize for doing nothing wrong and getting attacked. They may just be words to you, but words have meanings. When fighting for a worthy cause, some things are more important than peace. Maybe someday you'll understand.

    I have fought for more worthy causes, lost causes, and romantic worthy lost causes than you have had hot dinners. I've fought and burnt to the ground nations of Nazi's, I fought in the 3rd Great War, I stood amongst the peers of Vox Populi and then fought during Karma; I have won and lost so much that to try and recall them all would be hubris.

    My objection has never been to Freedom. My objection has always been to liars, tyrants, vile despots who wore the cloak of innocence while propogating vile deceit.
  16. Margrave, you represent nothing except cowardice and lies. You were never willing to help Mi when they were under attack, but more than willing to attack them when they were already in a fight. You spew your non-sense since you are bitter i didn't apologize for getting attacked and sanctioned by III% for running on the Senate. Although by sticking to my guns, we now having good relations with the alliances of Brown and III%. Bravery pays off, cowardice makes you look weak.

    Cowardice, because Kashmir wouldn't join this foolish quest of yours and set you up as the tinpot dictator of Brown? I bought you peace for nothing more than the price of words. If you want to be a bumbling ideologue and sat "not good enough!" to that then go ahead. Your inability to, as Hitchcock snidely said to me, "#realpolitik" is not my fault or my problem. You are full of words; but let your self centered actions show the truth; beneath the facade of steel you show is aught but weak tin.
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