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Posts posted by Margrave

  1. As far as I can tell Animalz has a policy of raiding alliances in the low tier, sometimes in a deliberately provocatic manner, so the fact they are calling in help to deal with a problem they started while their allies are already engaged in a war should raise some eyebrows in LPCN.


    It won't. Methrage will target KoRT and Prussia for a treaty to try and draw them into his sphere of influence. Pretty standard raid and recruit shakedown, though it's ballsy to do it to whole alliances. 


    And it'll be a cold day in hell before Methrage will dare to say anything negative to Sir Kindle or any of the other leaders in his coalition of the crazy. As I've said before, he's got quite a juggling act trying to manage the different psychos and keep them on the same team. 

  2. I started late '06... this is my third nation.

    And holy christ Karma was 6 years ago? I've been around 9 years?

    Jesus christ. CN outlasted my marriage. $%&@ my life.

    You're not a real Marine unless you're a multiple divorcee, brother.
  3. You're not pre-karma?

    When did noobs inherit CN? Wait until you're 3000 days old to post again please.

    (It's creepy to think about. I'm not old in so many ways, and yet old in so many bad ways. It's frightening)

    It's alright, as long as Bros is still around, we're all young bucks.

  4. I thought you had an Empress these days, I think even someone who hasn't been a member for a while wouldn't have to hard of a time beating him if its a straight vote. Even if you've always been critical of me, I would make NSO great again & I think many in NSO realize this. It would be like when Ivan ruled, but even better. The empire he envisioned on Brown would happen overnight. 


    NSO really could be great again if I was leading, its no troll line when I say it.



    I was a Marauder of Media under Ivan Moldavi; when NSO first started up, I was one of the ones who got a personal message from the first Emperor of the Sith asking if I wanted the opportunity. I leaped at the chance, and served faithfully until his departure, continuing as a member of the Sith until the time of the Fourth Emperor, at which point I departed this realm for a time. During that time, I helped write and expound upon the philosophy of the Sith, which allowed me a chance to pick the brain of a great leader once or twice, after having followed his career since my birth into this world shortly before the Saint Paddy's Day Massacre of LSF by NoR.  


    I said all that to say this: You're completely delusional to put yourself into the same category as Ivan Moldavi. Ivan was a master of the political game and had both the patience and the cunning to found three of the greatest alliances the game has ever seen in terms of prestige and ability. You're the type of person that he would have found, manipulated, and disposed of as a matter of course, and your insistence that you deserve to take the seat of the Sith Emperor is too much of a joke for me to take offense to. 


    You also have no understanding of the Sith Philosophy, sad to say; not any of the works the first Media department developed nor Ivan's own original statements. Allow me to enlighten you:


    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Order shall set me free.



    You have no strength, no victory, no virtue, no arete; you are the antithesis of the Sith; you were never worthy of the title to begin with, and you are certainly not worthy of it now.



    I applaud my friends of the Brotherhood of Darkness, the New Sith Order, for taking out the trash. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

  5. It is entertaining, Methrage, to watch you try to orchestrate control over the muddled flock of mental midgets you call friends. You lack the people to meet your grand vision, and that burns, doesn't it? You're using third rate tools for your first rate dream.

    But you're also lacking respectable people; you need to legitimise political relations outside your limited sphere of influence. But no one is leaping to associate their name with yours that hasn't been written out of the serious political players club already. You're just that loud angry micro that's perpetually at war with just enough apparent strength to be perceived by some as dangerous.

    You're North Korea, dude. Just accept it and embrace the intrinsic madness that is part and parsel to both your sphere and the individuals in it, go nuts.

    But don't ever speak in judgement about how other leaders lead, or what morality in Digiterra should be understood, because you are bankrupt when it comes to legitimacy. You're a retirement alliance for the insane. You're full of hot air, and one tiny prick in the right place will blow all of your bull shit to smithereens.

    Enjoy the brief career of a tyrant before your "friends and allies" pull you down and eat you alive. Hopefully, you'll be as ignorant of any point that corresponds to reality then as you are now, and won't even see it coming.

    Me and all my friends will still be here.

  6. Sephiroth I trust you, and the LPC board members, but if I may just interject my two cents...

    I think we should launch a full blown attack on Atlas. It should be declared a perma war, and not end until they disband. I am sick of Alexio acting like he is anything other then a worthless coward. We should expose his weak leadership and lack of intelligence by leveling his garbage alliance. Working with us on brown is a privilege they do not deserve. They have been nothing but rude, and unwilling to contribute to the paradise we have created on brown.

    Dismantling Atlas, as I'm sure you know will be a picnic. Also we can make a buck hitting them, they are mostly farmers. So you guys do what you want in the LPC top tier, like I said I trust you, and my sword for LPC causes. But don't let this arrogant wastetard talk down to you or us.

    My personal vote is stop all talks with Atlas, and we can start quading them tonight. Teach this chump some respect, and to watch his mouth when he is addressing real warriors. Smash up his precious little alliance. Come on Senator what do you think? It'll be fun I promise.


    Watching you burble and bundle about is one of life's simple joys, Sir Kindle. What a simple, unadorned soul you are; bless you for making me laugh with your hilarious hero worship and your baseless braggadocio.


    If you are being honest with yourself Junk you will admit you both fear and admire me... in a really creepy fan boy kind of way.  It is OK, there is nothing wrong with looking up to people who are inherently better than you in every aspect, there is nothing wrong with fearing someone you can not possibly understand.  Your real issue is that you are not sufficiently intelligent to understand the arguments you make let alone the replies to them.  Maybe if you weren't trying so hard to be the tough guy from 4K I could take you more seriously.


    As long as we're having fun, what's the harm? He stalks you, you berate him; sounds healthy enough to me.

  8. Wasn't Stonewall on Kashmir's EZI list when he first joined Limitless Nexus? That's the excuse I heard for the sudden attack on him at least & had to fight a lengthy war with Kashmir's upper tier to get him off..

    You talking about our good friend Stonewall? We're cool with him. Also lol at you having any effect on our foreign policy. You're mad we spanked you in war, wrecked your team of misfits and generally beat you down to zero. And still you send my alliance members messages to try and get them to join your crusade against GOONs.
    What are you crying about now? Go back to IRC and throw a tantrum. 

    You have done absolutely nothing but tell everyone what an angry person you are, dare them to get you upset, and then lost your damn mind once someone called you out. You have a fetish for being the aggrieved party, and with your dismissal from our ranks by our alliance leader you find your reason to be offended.

    You truly are a gigantic baby.
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