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Posts posted by Elorian

  1. It took a war for you to finally get this done.

    I know, it's pretty shameful. But hey - if anything we've become even better friends with time.


    Once again I look upon a TLR thread disappointed that you haven't gotten rid of Stefano. Oh well maybe next time!


    (although I approve of Elorian in tri)


    Gloin! :wub:

    This was a long time in the coming. Congrats to NSO and TLR on a beautiful new treaty!


    o/ NCC - Overlord of NSO

    Thank you. You can now go back to NSO, you'd still be treatied to me ;)


    I'll believe it when I see it.


    In all seriousness though, if TLR survives much beyond this war, congrats and best of luck. It's a good match, and will serve you both well.

    We will most certainly give it our best effort to survive for much longer and we appreciate the good wishes.

  2. Me: So TLR, I see you've finally hit rock bottom

    TLR: OH NO, We can sink wayy lower.



    How is this better than disbanding? :huh:


    Congrats I guess.

    I don't usually do this but since you have been so actively aggressive towards us...




    Seriously, would it hurt to be a little nice? We've never even been close to disbanding. Can your alliance say the same?

  3. Congrats I suppose, but why would NSO sign a treaty with an alliance that is on the verge of disbanding anyways?


    Posts like that confuse me. I am on top of TLR(for now) and I am unaware of any current plan to disband. So, where on earth are you getting this information? Or are you just winging it? But thank you for the congratulations.

  4. Congrats to both,


    OOC: Invaders Must Die was a good album.


    Allies and good alliances signing a mutual treaty and a...

    ...Prodigy reference make this a great win.


    [OOC] Agreed! on the Prodigy note!


    Thank you, everyone! It is a very awesome present for lil ol' me for the going-away parteh and something I've been tinkering on for what seems like forever!

  5. ejol.jpgNSOWhite.png

    The Nerdgasm Accords




    Preamble: Recognizing that both Fallout and Star Wars can be geek heaven to nerds all over the world, The Last Remnants(TLR) and New Sith Order(NSO) hereby enter into this Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact.

    Article I: Your vault or my ship?

    NSO and TLR recognize the sovereignty of each others' territories. No Sith will mess the Vault-dwellers and the mutants and Wastelanders will endeavor to exist with as little offense to the dark jedi business as possible. Sexbots and fluffy neutral jedi are fair game to all.

    Article II: Galactic Information Kiosks and Broken Radios

    If either ones' communication blacks out, we both agree that it does not mean only one thing - Invasion - and share the information we find important to each order so there will not be needless worrying about the Trade Federation's droid army or the Enclave attacking.

    Article III:  Invaders Must Die!

    Should anyone attempt a violent takeover of the vault or send assassins after the Emperor and/or his seventy wives(Fine, there are 69 of them), the other Nerdnest will send their own assassins, BB guns and armies of radroaches to assist in whatever capacity they are required. If a signatory party has the situation well under control and another apocalypse is unnecessary, the other may sit back and enjoy the executions.

    Article IV: Gang wars

    TLR and NSO may decide to take part in any gang wars and do so together for the sake of peacehavoc and prosperitydestruction.

    Article V: The Final Duel

    In the event of a falling out and the mass of nerdgasms having grown too great to handle so it goes supernova, TLR and NSO will calculate the time they have left and gropehug each other goodbye at least 72 hours before the Fatman sings.



    For the New Sith Order:
    Dark Lord
    Sith Lord

    For the Last Remnants:
    Darth Kestral
    Admiral Rifleman
    Not Anakin Elorian

    Twi'lek dancer Stefano Palmieri - MoIA
    Spacejew JSoprano - MoE
    Rush My Lightsaber is Bigger Than Yours Sykes - MoFA
    Stormtrooper AbsentRaccoon - MoD







  6. I wouldn't say I hate them. I'm kind of over it, but thanks for the /b/lackup. They're getting a small taste of their own medicine and I'm enjoying that. To be honest, I'll go so far as to say once TLR disbands, heck even if Rush Sykes just left CnG, I think I'd consider dialogue with CnG again. Seems to me a low standard for water under the bridge.


    Lol, well. We'll see about that. Innactive TLR is a win for me. Disbanded TLR is a win for me. Heck, even active TLR is a win for me considering TLR has repeatedly shown nobody needs to make trouble for you; you make it for yourself. I just wish I could bet on TLR being irrelevant postwar, the odds say I can't lose!

    Eh. What is it that rubs you so wrong about us? All we are doing is defending a friend and don't give me that BS about DoD being completely innocent. I SAW their wars.


    Or is  there even a point to engaging you in sensible discussion? You seem hell-bent on hating us anyway.

  7. Leave Rush and AirMe alone. They are in Peace Mode because I told them to be in peace mode. Otherwise this thread and others of its' kind wouldn't have become this... fun? But it's run its course, lets leave it behind. They are in PM and they stay in PM. Thank you.


    As to our rebuilding - TLR has been going through difficult times of late and as such, we've had no active economy person to take on the monumental task of arranging this whole rebuild thing, plus some other stuff. We are better now, we'll be ready for the next roll with IRON.

  8. As someone who prepared for TLR's defense of Non Grata and sifted through the declarations made by DoD, I saw the wars and there were more than a few. I never thought they would be *ahem* deleted this fast to justify something rather horrendous but... this is CN and by this time, I think I have seen everything. I'm sorry this happened since I did have a lot of respect for IRON and I tried to keep allies of allies out of this out of respect to just about every ally we have. It's sad. But what's done is done.

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