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Posts posted by koona

  1. They will be selectable in a drop-down box from your profile.

    I need one government member from each sanctioned alliance to PM me with the image that their alliance wants to use. These images may be a maximum size of 48x150.

    Any new Sanctioned Alliance must wait 10 days to get their image added here (the same amount of time required to get your flag added in-game). Whenever an alliance replaces another as sanctioned, the old alliance's image will be removed when the new one's is added.

    I'm guessing you mean 150x48, right?

    Also to others, theses are are not for forum masks, you misunderstood the technical parts behind this.

  2. First, he's plain wrong in thinking FAN hasn't been punished. Keeping an entire alliance in peace mode for over a year and preventing them from signing treaties with anyone besides Vox Populi and OCUK IS punishment. The alliance has been gutted: the old guard has largely left: their growth has been severely stunted: they are friendless. I suspect they faced some spy attacks, too, but I haven't kept up to date with that.

    To think that you need to actually storm a nation and attack it directly in order to "punish" is somewhat...narrow-minded? Unimaginative? Needlessly macho, I would say.

    Personally, I think inner strength isn't about punishment just for punishment's sake. That's what insecure people do. Punishment should be used to alter the way an alliance thinks/makes decisions/whatever.

    We did, yet they violated the surrender terms. There was a time of peace between the two wars.

  3. Oh, so this is about "punishment"

    Nice to see your ego is so damaged by those 80 nations in peace mode. ^_^

    What exactly is your problem with what he posted? I don't believe you support FAN in this war/whatever. I'm just curious of the motivation behind your post.

  4. That is not the case. The admin in question who asked for the graphics wanted to implement the very thing which I spoke about. I know that because I thought him how to do it.

    It requires no administrative maintenance because it's is totally voluntary based. The only downside is, because it's voluntary, everybody can choose it. But it requires no administrative intervention.

  5. This post makes no sense. Unless you're saying that FAN defeating the NPO would be bad for the game. Which seems to be something that you would say. The NPO is the only beacon of peace, stability and strength in the chaotic Cyberverse. Her light shines bright and true.


    I am so glad that we see eye to eye. :P

  6. Now, I'm no expert on the Revenge Doctrine, but I believe you cannot attack the red sphere unaligneds without good reason (i.e. No tech raiding). I do not believe however that it limits you from retaliating if someone there attacks you. But I'm not in the NPO, and I'm sure someone can link you to the wiki of the Doctrine.

    This is correct.

  7. I could care less what he does, but anyone with 1/2 the CN experience I have knows that anyone with any real power in NPO has been there for at least 2 years.

    If we had an award in Pacifica for those who "Got it", you'd be getting one.

  8. My predecessors in the NAAC doomed that one. When I took over leading and found out we had declined that treaty, I faceplamed for a week.

    That being said, I think that if the League would have won GW2, that WUT would only have been dissolved. We would have not forced anyone to disband. And we probably would not have requested reparations for anyone. And lastly, FARK would probably be the dominant force in CN.

    Also, back then GATO was "WE NEED 2 WEEKS TO PREPARE FOR WAR!"


    When you're telling fantasy stories at least try to remember that there are still people around from that time. Sheesh.

  9. Um, wait, let me get this....

    You attacked us.

    You santioned us.

    You put us on a Perma-ZI list.

    We asked you to discuss using sanctions.

    You threatened us and put us on a Perma-ZI list.... again.

    We sanction you.

    And suddenly... what? You're shocked? We can't do this? What?

    Please clarify.

    Actually you attacked us.

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