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Posts posted by Shimmer

  1. I thought that was the case as well. If so, Mogar has actually helped CDS.

    This coup he has but he has created 2-4 new charters in the past 3-4 months each time keeping himself at the head of the realm. He has been couping people in and out of CDS and eliminating anyone who can get rid of him. He once had the official name of Master-Debator that is not the name of an alliance leader. It is the name of an immature person who I have no clue in hell got elected or got powers to the site. I'll admit I helped him get rid of Viel because in the beginning Mogar had a goal for CDS and a plan but as of late.......its been bullcrap.

    He will resign when the debt is paid off. ........ Paid Off but he has to stay because now He can't leave until CDS crosses a million NS again. It's been close to 6 months since it has. Pro-Longing the inevitable that he will have to give up power.

  2. To the Coalition Of Defensive States

    The alliance is nearly dead. Mogar, you have officially ruined the name of CDS. You have couped it in order to keep from being ZI'd, putting yourself before the very people you once swore to protect. At this time I can no longer allow such things to go on. As a lone nation and possibly being ZI'd for this I say it anyway. Mogar you should return the power of CDS back to the people who ran it.

    If upon the time you have rejected peace terms to keep from being ZI'd, you will be anyway due to the rest of the war. Upon this announcement I will attempt to bring respect back to CDS. The Coalition Of Defensive States holds no merit or relation to Coalition Of Dark States. Defensive has failed and always will fail due to the corruption. So I will quit working on COLD and will return my AA To Coalition Of Dark States. Anyone wishing to make this something more may contact me and we can and will restore honor to what once was a respect alliance.


    TimLee, Former Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Former Minister of Internal Affairs, Former Minister Of Defense


    tl;dr Mogar get out and quit couping.

    Edited for Cirrus got rid of grammatical errors.

  3. Official Announcement from COLD

    The Coalition Of Legendary Defense was founded on March 6th, 2007. It was founded by myself and TheBigBad. We used diplomacy to the max in order to unite the white team. We grew real close to an alliance, TotalFarkistan. We later merged to found what is now The Phoenix Federation. While TPF is one of the most honorable alliances CN has ever seen I feel it is doing well. Bringing back COLD is nothing more then me going back to my roots. This has nothing to do with TPF surrendering(I've been AA-Less for over a month). So I present you with the Charter of COLD.

    The Site Is Under Construction. http://z11.invisionfree.com/cncold

    Cold Flag

    Coalition Of Legendary Defense

    Article I: Membership

    Upon being accepted as a member of COLD by Minister of Recruitment you are bound to COLD and may not join or be part of any other alliance upon acceptance.

    SignUp Format:






    Former Alliances:

    Link to nation:

    Article 2: Government

    Supreme Chancellor- Ruler of the alliance and makes all official choices but first must consult

    the rest of the council.


    Defense Minister- Will be in charge of alliances army, squads and preperation for war and defense.

    Foreign Minister- In charge of all the alliances foreign affairs and must hire//fire ambassadors.

    Finance Minister- In charge of the alliances money and were it goes. Creates aid chains, grants, etc.

    Domestic Minister- In charge of alliance to make sure the alliance is internally sound and smoothes out any problems.

    Agents-In charge of auditing the different parts of the alliances. Have no specific job the title is based upon

    merit and hardwork and dedication to the alliance. Go around and help all ministers in any way shape or form.

    May also serve as interium ministers.

    Article 3: Membership

    If your a member of COLD you will recieve: Aid, Protection, and right to voice opinion.

    Article 4: Foreign Policy

    -We will sign MDP's but we will not sign MADP's due to us not wanting to be dragged in other peoples battles.

    Article 5: Sucession

    -Upon the resignation of anyone from any position they may recommend a replacement but its the supreme chancellors choice on who will be appointed.

    -If the supreme chancellor leaves he must first conduct a poll in the HC and the person who recieves the most votes will be replacing him.

    Article 6: War

    -Nuclear Weapons will only be used in defense of the alliance or of ones said nation.

    I realize this charter is kind of blunt but as it will be added on too once the alliance is established. I look forward to re-establishing relations with old friends.

    TimLee, Supreme Chancellor

  4. You know me, I'm stubborn and vindictive. Typical woman, wouldn't you say?


    Human Nature ;) No one is perfect if they were i'd attempt to marry them :wacko:

    Why of course I will! CN is terribly an addiction for me, drama and all. Besides, if I ever left permanently, where would I find such interesting personalities of the people here?

    The interwebs is full of crazy psychotic people. CN is the beginning and I have no clue were the end is. It usually has to do with these guys :nuke:.

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