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Posts posted by Luckao

  1. That's a possibility, but everyone active leaving are people who don't want to fight and barely posted on our forums, if at all. Essentially people who log in every now and then to collect taxes.


    With regards to people who don't want to fight, some think unwavering loyalty is a requisite for being part of an alliance, but it's true, at least to me, that there are some causes that simply aren't worth burning for.

  2. This is barbarism, the preying on the weak not because it is the right thing, but purely because you can. The mob mentality surfaces. Behind this veneer of respectability is nothing but a vicious gang of vultures. It is not about restoring hope, its the about the joy of putting the boot in. Whether Tywin was here or not, we'd still be facing this about now. What would your justification have been then?


    Does anyone dispute their motives?  SNX showed itself to be weak, they saw an opportunity, and here you all are.


    Whatever you believe, it's not a crowd that's going to be receptive to a lecture about its supposed wrongdoings, and SNX still needs to get its shit together.  Your efforts would be best spent focusing on the latter.

  3. Actual footage of Pacifica:



    Still relevant.


    This is awesome.  We've had some pretty rubbish alliances holding that top spot for years, doing very little, and then fumbling as they watch it slip away.  I used to be bored of how everything seemed to gravitate around them, but this resurgence has shown that they're the alliance we truly need, and they'll make that top spot worth something.


    "Holla if ya hear me!" - Pacifica

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