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Posts posted by KingNeptune

  1. Agree with the sentiment of the OP. It would have been nice to have been given a heads up, polite even!

    I find it extremely doubtful that maintenance was scheduled for New Year. More likely a forgotten reset / scheduled server reboot, Admin forgot and more than likely won't notice till he's back from his Christmas and New Year hols. Cynical maybe, but I think the disinterest and lack of some form of acknowledgement speaks volumes about the future of this game. Shame really.

    Hope all concerned have had good holidays and I still appreciate the effort that's put in. Look forward to continuing to play if anyone can be bothered too, or is sober enough to press the appropriate buttons.

  2. I have an idea along a similar theme, what about a lets say 3 or 4 peace windows per round. A peace window would consist of blocks of 3 days of peace. Each nation gets to use their peace windows at any time they like during the round. Limit each nation to 3 or 4 windows / blocks per round.
    For example, you could take 3 days at the beginning of the round, then get straight to war or have another window of 3 more days right after to build or continue sorting trades.
    Recovering after a mid round war would also be back within reach of players that otherwise might not have been capable of recovering.

    You can thank me with tech in CN:SE :awesome:

  3. [quote name='KillerCruiser' timestamp='1335071907' post='2956992']
    lol If I'm not mistaken you guys have been complaining to other alliances about them doing down declares because of them having more nukes and higher ANS... If I'm not mistaken you guys have two times as many nukes as us and have a higher ANS :P.
    And your nations still in defcon5 and completely unprepared. Why?

  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1325606529' post='2891514']
    Lulz aside, and aside from a few members who said things that were unintentionally funny (including some pretty epic attempts at mind games that made me LOL in RL), GOD really hasn't done anything wrong in this war except forget how to tap out. Ok, [i]maybe[/i] should have rethought the whole "let RIA charge in first, then attack later" strategy, but that's a minor quibble.

    No, at this point even GOD supporters are looking at their watch and wondering what the hell. Not that Valhalla minds putting them down, but we thought we were simply going to spade the animal, not have to have "the talk" with owner's kid about the cycle of life and all. <_<

    Your comments are duly noted and appreciated.
    GOD isn't quite dead yet.

  5. It is teh funniez.

    I saw Bordiga deploy tanks today.

    Look I video'd it-: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhFxlLf7u0Y

    As for Snippy Joe

    The species of humanoid known as the "probably teenage and spotty Snippy Joe" can be found in various habitats across the world. It is most commonly found festering in darkened basements surrounded by fast food waste and delivery [s]boys[/s] pizza boxes. Very little light enters their habitat. When confronted by the opposites sex they recoil in fear and can be seen cowering in the corners with headphones on frantically trying to turn up the volume on their ipods. This is a period of their development fraught with danger, the chance of "going outside" becomes smaller and smaller as they progress deeper into their sad gloomy realm. Once adult hood is physically achieved they can be seen scurrying between libraries, comic book shops and bicycle parking areas.

    Here is some footage captured by Sir David Attenbrough -: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=PuDigoT4UYE

  6. [quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1325602083' post='2891483']
    What's your government position, Kingneptune? If it's actually anything, you need to update your information. Otherwise, not written by Xiphosis, so this thread is a joke. Well, okay - would be a joke even IF it were written by Xiphosis and meant to be serious, but you know what I mean.

    Oh, and as far as I've heard, the position of "Future Viceroy of The Sandwich Confederation" hasn't been decided at GOD HQ yet. You should throw your name in for that position. :P
    I love sandwiches.

    /me makes sandwich.

    /me passes one to snippy

    edit-: Aurion are you typing one pixel at a time? You've been in italics for 45 minutes.

  7. [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1325601363' post='2891479']
    Your mom is so ugly people grimace when they look at her.
    Your concise calculated and intelligent responses are truly epic. The delivery, talent and eloquence of you're vocabulary stand you apart from the crowd.

  8. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1325600559' post='2891472']
    Well you should post more often if it evokes this kind of response.

    Also: Say hi to Balder and Kev for me.

    3rd edit: Don't let the oppressive scum silence you!
    I will pass out involuntarily before I'm silenced.

    edit-: Aurions typing a response :ph34r:

    2nd edit-: So's skippy, snippy

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