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    New Sakura Order
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  1. It's always the last that's hard to find isn't it?
  2. I have Fish and Spices http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379175 Currently on Pink but willing to switch to Black.
  3. [quote name='Ginji' timestamp='1308711807' post='2738118'] Said someone just got out of PM, again it's all just sayin' [/quote] I'm not entirely sure this sentence makes sense...
  4. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1308694716' post='2737857'] The word official is in there because it is impossible (OOC: and arguably unethical considering OOC friendships) to stop that many people from even talking as friends. It would have been beyond foolish to try to police that. All that can really be regulated is offical contact. -Bama [/quote] This is pretty much what I was about to say. I'm friends with a few members of SOS. I'm not about to be told I can't talk to them as friends just because a few people with vendettas threw a fit.
  5. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308641185' post='2737015'] Pity you'll never be in range of either of them. I would have liked to have the opportunity to nuke you. [/quote] Same, but, I don't have to personally nuke you. It's fine if someone else does; I can share. Though that is true, at least at the rate my trades like to destroy themselves.
  6. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308640921' post='2737011'] Of course. However, suggestions are that that is not the reason for this peace mode entry. [/quote] No not really. I haven't had trades for a good month now. Why people delete nations without any warning (and not from activity) I'll never know. Not to mention, there's only a couple nations I want to burn. Rest of SOS I don't really want any harm to come to.
  7. [quote name='Fakir' timestamp='1308640263' post='2737002'] Uh, if Mio didn't give approval for it to be an April Fool's Joke, why did Mio post [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=83498]this[/url]? Also, refer to OP and to who is in-charge of said joke. I think that's more than enough consent and is Mio going to deny posting that? Even with the truth right in front of you, you probably still won't believe it. [/quote] This is a silly thing to argue with in the first place. But I will say though that Mio does tend to do some things when her friends really want them to. Because she's nice like that. Very rare quality, and those that have it usually get crapped on like she was. Her above comment doesn't really show she likes it too much, either. If I remember correctly from then it was pretty much people deciding they were going to do it, then telling Mio, and saying "You should post it!" Though I will admit my memory is rather bad, so I can't say for sure that I'm not just misinterpreting how I remember. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308640680' post='2737007'] Ouch. Want some nukes for that [b][color=red]BURN[/color][/b], Tohru? Oh wait, you're cowering in peace mode. [/quote] Yeah, because I have no trades, not to mention RL is a bit of a &*%$#.
  8. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308640074' post='2736999'] Except the part where she was Empress of the 'joke' alliance, yeah okay I buy that. [/quote] Yeah, I could make an April Fools' joke saying we're dual leaders of an alliance. Doesn't mean you approved of it, does it?
  9. [quote name='erikz' timestamp='1308639365' post='2736986'] This is pure Animeosity. [/quote] Pretty much, some people over there like to act like NsO was first an April Fools' joke made by them, when really it was first thought up by Katsumi/Mio, who as far as I've found out, never gave consent for her idea to become an April Fool's joke.
  10. [quote name='Katy Perry' timestamp='1308635450' post='2736911'] Which it won't, so it doesn't matter in any case :-) To be honest, I was less surprised by the fact you went against an alliance a similar size to yourselves than the fact you went to war over this, it appears, rather minor issue. SLCB and SOS have had their differences but I'd say that the limited dealings I had with Locke (if I remember correctly) always gave the impression of his being pretty reasonable. le shrug [/quote] You should look at some lovely comments from our DoE then. Really, I very much doubt this CB was any more than an excuse to do something some of the government of SOS have wanted to do since NsO came into existance. That's why there's a difference between the two alliances and why one gets attacked when the other didn't. As for my opinion to all this, I really don't want to do any harm to SOS. I may have been wronged by a few members of the alliance, but the membership as a whole is (mostly) good. Even considering if we could completely crush SOS, that's nothing I'm fond of. I don't like that quite a number of friends are involved in this, and that in order to have victory, they have to be destroyed in the process, simply just for following orders.
  11. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1308634313' post='2736864'] I already posted somewhere in here the results of diplomatic discussion with NsO the last time an incident popped up. [/quote] That incident being completely bogus (can't believe you got me to partially agree with you on that for awhile, either) and completely out of either of our jurisdictions, as what someone says on Facebook on their own without anyone telling them to say it, whether what is said is terrible or not, is not anything that alliance politics should be sticking their noses into. Not to mention, being how Mio was treated when she was the most nice about the SOS-NsO split, I think she has the right to speak her mind when something like the "last incident" happened.
  12. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1308628996' post='2736649'] Why should we give you more warning than your spies did? [/quote] Well, you'd think if you had a problem with something you'd come to discuss it. I didn't assume the discussion would mean, "Hello, we are going to declare war if you don't do X", but more of an actual discussion, to find out what's really going on. Also those "spies" was pretty much someone telling IAA, who told us that we were going to get attacked, which was only about 10 or 15 minutes beforehand.
  13. [quote name='Ginji' timestamp='1308628029' post='2736594'] You seem to miss his respond though which is fairly important [/quote] No that pretty much was his response? Along with the rest of the word twisting and, whatever this is: [quote]<Mio|afk> yeah, you can stop being a dip!@#$ like that <Mio|afk> before i pressure your allies to expel you Why wouold I ever speak to you again?[/quote] This log from Mio he's using as some sort of weapon, was from the last time SOS contacted us. Which was months ago when they tried to get one of our members expelled for something he said, on his own, on Facebook. Why this is relevant to CN, (and more than that, THIS ISSUE) I have no idea.
  14. Also I'd like to point out that contrary to what Locke seems to be implying, SOS didn't contact us at all in months. Certainly never about any of what is brought up in this CB, which I think is probably most important.
  15. [b]Keep in mind I'm an hour ahead of CN time, so it's not quite an hour, but still there is a time difference here:[/b] [url] http://i55.tinypic.com/fzak2u.png[/url] [url]http://i52.tinypic.com/29ber5z.jpg[/url]
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