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Posts posted by Archon

  1. hmmm or if GOONS were sooooooooooooooo interested in peace they would not demand ridiculous terms. shoe is on both sides not just one foot. but keep tryin to think it is all GGA's fault.

    It is, actually. Need I remind you that all of this started over a "GGA nation" who couldn't keep his AA straight and was later expelled and sentenced to ZI by Bilrow without a second thought when he changed his AA again in the middle of things.

    You seem to think the GGA has the right to demand GOONS lower their demands when it was the GGA who have been at fault from the get-go. No matter how much you try to cover it up, it was your initial blunder that caused this whole mess.

  2. Also what's with all the people from the Orders calling MK LUE2 (2.0)? If you believe that, you're in the wrong alliance as your emperor (Who's word is law and truth) says otherwise or in the case of Polar the Emperor which you recognize as the top Pacifican.

    Don't sweat it, the only ones who do that are impertinent, ill-informed little trolls who can do little more than derail threads with posts that amount to little more than idiotic rambling.

    Speaking of derailment, however, that's what this is quickly becoming, so I'd rather not continue any further.

    Edit: And seeing Top Cat's post just above mine, I'll make it a point to say I'll be silent on this issue from hereon out, and I hope the perpetrators do the same.

  3. GGA - Arrogant? Trying to provoke a conflict? ahahahaha

    My friend in LUE seems to be sorely confused.

    Griswalds - Arrogant? Trying to provoke a conflict?

    Hmm...let's see. He called my alliance LUE. That's painfully ignorant...not quite on the list, but we'll count it anyway. He's also supporting GGA, so he's by default in the category I already outlined.

    Well, looks like we have a winner here folks.

    (In other words - get out troll. You do little more than exacerbate the situation with your mindless drivel.)

  4. 60million from the GGA should be nothing. I know of individual nations with more than 60million on hand right now.

    The fact remains that things have escalated this far due to the hubris of Bilrow and the GGA. Had they not acted so arrogantly and rudely to the Goon Order, I sincerely doubt we would be here today. I have no doubt in my mind that the Grand Global Alliance and those who support them want nothing more than to provoke open conflict. It is a credit to the GOONS mercy that they haven't responded in kind.

  5. I just wanted to let everyone know, both members and diplomats, that the Mushroom Kingdom boards are currently down. We're still trying to figure out what's wrong, but it doesn't seem like just a normal error. As it is, the IP of the domain (lue402.com) currently points to Germany so we're not ruling out any possibilities of foul play.

    If the boards cannot be recovered in a few hours time, we'll be setting up a temporary host based on a database backup taken yesterday. I'll edit this post as things become more clear. As always, you can reach us through our public IRC channel #mushroom on irc.synirc.net

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