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Posts posted by ccabal86

  1. So, just to make everything clear:

    Your're staying and applying for Legion membership, and you're all doing it under this name? Legion is a good pick, but I'd listen to Myth and join R&R if I were you.

  2. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338247073' post='2973727']
    I'd wager that it's just convenient to drudge it up and [b]I'm pretty sure 90-95% of IRON is completely unaware it ever happened[/b].

    To which I replied:

    [quote name='ccabal86' timestamp='1338272549' post='2973973']
    Actually, the BR was quite pissed [b]at the time[/b].

    I think it's pretty clear what I was trying to say: he is wrong in that the overwhelming majority of IRON is unaware that this incident ever took place [i]because[/i] quite a few people were upset when it happened (and probably still remember it, even though it is not subject to topical discussion).

    He then disputed this claim, to which I reacted, and now we're here

  3. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338324843' post='2974175']
    You missed this exchange earlier ITT:


    And...why exactly does that make you think we are actively discussing this issue on our forums?

  4. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338323253' post='2974171']
    So either an ongoing topic from two years ago that has an overwhelming amount of IRON members up in arms about 50 tech from two years ago [b][i]or[/i][/b] 2-3 members running their mouths for any reason they can think of + MCRABT becoming increasingly abrasive to anyone he perceives as not playing ball.


    WTH are you talking about? The the uproar was 2-3 years ago when the incident took place. Many people [i]at that time[/i] were pissed over it. What gave you the idea that this is an active discussion?

  5. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338279514' post='2974004']
    I have a hard time believing the majority of IRON has suddenly found the time to care about such an incident -- especially considering the myriad of things that actually could be considered grudge-worthy that happened during that time period that aren't spoken about.

    Good thing you remember how it happened. You were there after all.

    It wasn't even gov that brought the issue forth, it was some average member who made a topic about it.

  6. [quote name='vandelsand' timestamp='1335797281' post='2961152']
    This was quite unexpected and very honorable. I am sorry for all of the trouble. I hope we can work together in the future.


    You will find that with an honest and open approach, it really isn't hard to get along with us.

    Best of luck to you in the future, and congrats on your treaty :)

  7. [quote name='Maximillian' timestamp='1335759879' post='2961008']
    Gentlemen, please! I can assure you our friends in Bull Moose had no ill intentions and are aware of the consequences of further actions. I think the almight IRON can find forgiveness in it's rusted heart to put this incident behind us, yes?

    This would be a non-issue if it was a first offense, everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately this is the second time we hear of vandelsand in the frame of one week. And that's just us, apparently others have had similar experiences as well. It's getting tiresome.

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