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    Feaderation of Armed Nations
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  1. The only problem I see is lack of gun pr0n. Let me help. [img]http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz282/CDPII/sig-226-556-08.jpg[/img] [img]http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz282/CDPII/SA_image_080211_2m.jpg[/img] [img]http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz282/CDPII/SA_image_060817_1m.jpg[/img]
  2. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1295112199' post='2576127'] First, two quick and dirty pictures hardly portray a collection. Second, please don't bring Admin into these discussions as I doubt they are a favorite topic of theirs. Third, while I understand and appreciate your concerns re: the 5.56 round, it also has many proven advantages. Fourth, yes, we love our ARs but if you think for even a nano second that we are limited to that platform, you need to see your shrink and get your meds changed. Fifth, If you are tired of seeing ARs from us know, just wait until we start posting all of our custom builds with our new Custom FAN Lowers. Have a good day. [/quote] The epic FAN-15 build is getting closer. I cannot wait. Sneak peek for you. [img]http://i836.photobucket.com/albums/zz282/CDPII/FANlower.jpg[/img]
  3. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1295113983' post='2576150'] So when one of your members rushes into my channel telling me that "he is coming for me" is he acting on his own or does he represent the whole of FAN? I understand the "An alliance is responsible for the actions of it's members' bit, however there has always been wiggle room for mistakes. Before you ask, I can't remember who it was, it was about 2 months ago. It wasn't anyone I knew. [/quote] This sounds like propaganda to me. If someone told me they were coming for me I would not only remember who it was but would have saved documentation of such an event.
  4. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295022647' post='2575138'] MFO hasn't been going around acting like an idiot. [/quote] IMO a 1000+ day old nation flying an MFO flag committing an act of terrorism on FAN is classic idiot.
  5. What is all the !@#$%*ing and moaning about? I don't get it. You go around acting like an idiot and you may get away with it for awhile till you pick the wrong target then *BAM* you get clubbed for being stupid.
  6. Hey at least there was a little fun for those involved if only for 10 days. Its better than everyone hugging their infra so tight because they feel one day they will cash it in and retire debt free in RL.
  7. Hell yeah. Great job from all who participated.
  8. Woot. Cannot wait for these to get done. Hopefully I get all of mine transferred in before Christmas hits. Gonna ask Santa for some furniture and parts kits:)
  9. [quote name='Australian Warlord' timestamp='1290034736' post='2516182'] Personally I think that this has turned into a tiny fiasco. The alliances in question obviously weren't given clear instructions on what to do with battle reports etc. I won't say more as people will complain, but I hope that if there's another event like this, that better structure & organisation occurs. [/quote] Every alliance involved was given clear instructions of what to do. Weather they were able to process the clear intructions or forgot or are to lazy to add up the numbers in a reasonable time frame is the problem. That is all.
  10. [quote name='Mr. Smyth' timestamp='1287104666' post='2484865'] Well, looking over the battle reports so far on the official forums, we have this nailed down. [/quote] Nice, its looking good for FAN and not so good for the Fan haters. [color="#FF0000"][size="7"]Don't forget to check out fangamers and get your FAN-15 lower while you can.[/size][/color]
  11. [quote name='Cable77' timestamp='1286919842' post='2482857'] Fark or Sparta will win, FAN's too old and feeble! [/quote] If over 18 is old then ok. Feeble, not so much! Drunk, most likely, but not feeble!
  12. [quote name='brass' timestamp='1287005901' post='2483868'] Like Squeebo said, they are like a lego kit. 2 screws, a few pins and springs, and it's hard to put it together "wrong" (other than losing the springs, they tend to go near the speed of sound to a place in the workroom you didn't know existed. [/quote] Lol. A spring shot out of a lower I was building 2 days ago and it took me about a half hour to find the damn thing. This is a great opportunity to get a custom base for a slick gun build and the rest of the parts can be purchased as you go. Its much easier for most people to spend $100 - $200 at a time then buying a complete gun for $1000 - $3000. Just start with the stipped lower and come over to fangamers and let us know what you are looking to get out of your rifle. Not only will you have something you made yourself but it will allow you to break up the purchase cost, customize to your application, save money overall, and pull from the experience of FAN on assembly and part selection.
  13. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1286255760' post='2475614'] Someone should attack FAN the day before so everything gets ruined. [/quote] Hahahaha.
  14. Great presentation and delivery. Welcome
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