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Posts posted by autosave36

  1. I disagree with that statement, because in some situations it is true however, think of alliances like MI6 or Atlas that were made in the last two years, I would argue that alliances like those alliance are what helps to build the game up.

    I think MI6 is going to be in a different boat than most micros. Similar to how sengoku is probably going to be in a different boat. It's not like we in sengoku built up from nothing, NS wise or experience wise.. We formed with a lot of people who've been playing for a long time. Similar to MI6. I remember when their entire gov lineup was in a different AA and in a lot of cases gov in another alliance.

  2. (Almost) Thursday Tribal Tidbit from OMFG




    Today OMFG awakens  from its slumber to pledge support towards TGE and their amazing Kaiser, Auctor. By any means requested or necessary.




    PF Prevails,



    OMFG Gov.


    Auto,  Chieftain

    Jedaye, Drunken Elder


    Edit: We also have a dual membership thing going on.

  3. WHAT DID I DO? WHATEVER YOU THINK I DID I DID NOT. As second in command I made desicions. I attempted to get them approved but I got no answer. I would love to be czar again, but if no, just leave me alone. I STARTED THIS ALLIANCE. NOT OUR KAISER. I am sorry for caps but seriously


    Auctor started the alliance. Our beloved Kaiser started it, and as whatever I am of TGE I took the privilege of registering the intellectual property to our holding company, New Order Sengoku Order, LLC. I'm afraid that you have not a leg to stand on. Why would you be an imposter and pretend to be CZAR of our beloved alliance?

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