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Posts posted by NationRuler

  1. [quote name='Biazt' date='04 May 2010 - 09:19 PM' timestamp='1273025943' post='2287157']
    Equating /b/ with \m/ and GOONS is pretty stupid, even for you.

    I really should either stop posting here entirely, or explain in full detail all things I could possibly NOT be implying.

    Guys. I'm not equating them. I'm just friends with none of them. Why do you all have to take connotations that are simply NOT THERE out of these posts?

    I guess I am speaking to the OWF peanut gallery...

  2. [quote name='silentkiller' date='04 May 2010 - 06:32 PM' timestamp='1273015945' post='2286932']
    In that case await our wars of vengeance against your alliance and most of Karma then :rolleyes:
    [quote name='Owned-You' date='04 May 2010 - 06:39 PM' timestamp='1273016352' post='2286946']
    Then I assume you'd be advocating war on GOONS, \m/, and /b/?[/quote]

    You guys are good at jumping to conclusions. I never said a thing about declaring on anybody, I simply will not trust or look kindly upon alliances that have so long been my enemy. I don't want to roll you for existing, that would be Hegemonic. I just would rather not make friends. Ever.

  3. [quote name='Owned-You' date='04 May 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1273013106' post='2286868']
    Now, would you not agree that it it would be the greatest injustice of all to simply withhold this same gift to the NPO for the events of an ancient time?

    No I wouldn't. It's the same NPO. And I don't give a clean slate to GOONS, \m/, or /b/. If they didn't want to be the same alliance, they wouldn't have the same name.

    I want people to remember all of the honorable things CSN has done. I'll remember all the things those alliances did too. Not grudges, just judgments based upon past actions.

  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='04 May 2010 - 01:20 AM' timestamp='1272954021' post='2286183']
    [color="#0000FF"]There are too many alliances these days anyway. Quite frankly we could do with less. Mainly the ones with no flash or style. Alliances like your own, for example.[/color]

    Oh hey, thanks Rebel Virginia.

    You know, you're currently residing in an alliance that is one of CSNs greatest allies. RIA has stood by CSN for almost 4 years. RIA, CSN, and TTK were ONOS's greatest allies. I find it pretty disturbing that you would talk about these alliances in such a way if you are truly a RIer now. (and for people who are going to say "why didn't GUARD help ONOS?"...ONOS told them not to help. ONOS told them not to help. ONOS told them not to help. ONOS told them not to help. Did you get that?)

    Anyway, to skip a bunch of useless angry typing, I hope you leave soon so we're on opposite sides of the next war. I can't imagine the idea of fighting on your behalf.

    And CSN, no flash or style? Classiest alliance 2008 was it? I can't remember. I suppose it's difficult to formulate an opinion of an alliance when you're kickbanned from all of our channels. Edit: View sig for lols

  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='03 May 2010 - 11:58 PM' timestamp='1272949077' post='2286107']
    [color="#0000FF"]Yes, which is what Karma did to the NPO, and again to TOP. I do not believe that any alliance should be forced out of commission for a year's length. NPO not once ever demanded a sum of reparations that took that long to pay off.[/color]

    Yeah, but it's ok to destroy an alliance forever apparently.

    [quote name='WorldConqueror' date='04 May 2010 - 12:44 AM' timestamp='1272951833' post='2286150']
    Hi. I was here for the ONOS war, check my nation age. Back then, espionage was still a valid CB, unlike now, apparently. They got what they deserved. You can argue against the validity of viceroys if you wish, but they were also acceptable back then. And ONOS was not permanently destroyed, they merged with DUAL to form CORE. :rolleyes:

    I can't believe I have to type this all again. For the millionth time.
    [*]ONOS. NEVER. SPIED. Using google isn't spying, it's using Google.
    [*]ONOS [b]was[/b] permanently destroyed. Any member who was REALLY an ONOS member went out with a bang and went elsewhere. ONOS was not going to allow itself to be ruled by a viceroy. Stirex (or whatever his name was) never was and never will be considered a Godfather of ONOS by anyone who knew ONOS.
    [*]The number 6 alliance merging with DUAL to form CORE? You don't consider that being destroyed? What if NPO merged with TTK to form The Pacific Knights. I'd consider them destroyed.

  6. Maybe instead of changing it permanently to one length of time or another, it could change a bit each round so that everyone's strategy has to change. Announce it before hand. Round 12 will be 50 days. Round 13 will be 80 days. You know? Could be fun.

    Ignore me...I just type things....

  7. I told you we'd be back, better than ever. GIANT FLAG!


    [center][b]I'm happy to announce that SMUG is back for our first full round, and we're ready to DO THIS THING.[/b]

    Our [url="http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4726/looksw.jpg"]MDoAP[/url] is still in effect with the [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Army%20Of%20Darkness"]Army of Darkness[/url]. Good luck to everyone and may we all have a frightfully glowing round.[/center]

    [b][size=4]Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness[/size][/b]

    Head of State: NationRuler of The Commonwealth

    Minister of War: montypython of Arggg
    Minister of DEFCON: Captain Impavid
    Minister of Tech : WickedJ

  8. As much as I want to let this thread die, I must say that you can't really call Penkala cowardly. He's basically fought nonstop since his nation was created. The guy's 1k infra and has over a million casualties. He's no infra-hugger, if that's what you're suggesting.

  9. I am ashamed by this thread. AUT, thanks for coming and creating a situation that would make everyone involved look moronic. Penkala, thanks for going on and on with this instead of walking away.

    Thanks guys. Thank you for staining both of our alliances with large amounts of stupidity.

    I am so sick and tired of e-peen fights.

  10. [quote name='sk1mf' date='01 April 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1270170949' post='2244639']
    Why don't you go be a jerk somewhere else???

    He only does it for attention. If you just keep posting hails and continuing the conversation without acknowledging his misbehavior, he gets discouraged and finds another alliance that's better than his to bother.

    Speaking of the OP....>_>.....

    That's one fine erection you have there, Fark. :ehm: May we all be doomed together!

  11. [center][img]http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4726/looksw.jpg[/img]
    [size=6][color=maroon][b] :smug: Sovereign :smug: Mongers :smug: of :smug: Uber :smug: Greatness :smug:[/b][/color][/size]

    [size=4]The Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness (SMUG) hereby declare their existence[/size].[/center]

    [b][size=4][font="Arial Black"]Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness[/font][/size][/b]

    Head of State: NationRuler of The Commonwealth

    Minister of War: montypython of Arggg

    Hey, it's TE, what else is there?

    SMUG facts:

    1) We're better than you. :smug:
    2) We're CSN's TE presence
    3) We realize that starting in the middle of a round is silly. We'll be better next round, promise.
    4) Helloooooo Black Team
    5) I just lost the game
    6) We're pretty much a CSN thing. If you really wanna join and you're not in CSN, ask me.
    7) Our forums piggyback on the CSN forum: http://cncommonwealth.com
    8) Party in #SMUG-TE

    [center][size=7][b][font="Arial Black"]Army of SMUGness[/font][/b][/size]


    Article 1- The Army of Darkness and the Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness think that each other are pretty cool.

    Article 2- It's an MDoAP, dudes.

    Article 3- Cancellation is silly. There's only 30 days left.


    [i]Sovereign Mongers of Uber Greatness[/i]
    NationRuler of The Commonwealth

    [i]Army of Darkness[/i]
    ADude of Adude

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