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Blog Comments posted by Megamickel

  1. "Odin didst promise bloodshed, and there was much rejoicing. And Odin saw that ale was consumed and soldiers' goodbyes were said, and he saw that it was good."

    Book of Æsir, 2:10

    "And the drums of war did sound o'er the howling of the Fimbulwolves, and the soldiers went forth to the field of battle. Runes were inscribed on their shields, and Odin did smile upon those who died honorably; they were granted a feast in his hall at Asgard to await their spot in Gimli. Those who hid or felled their enemies without honor were cast straight into Niflhel. And the Æsir saw that it was good."

    Book of Ragnarok, 4:10

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