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Sgt Shidner

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Status Updates posted by Sgt Shidner

  1. Haha well glad to see someone remembers me. :P I just hope i'm around long enough to be able to put my designs to good use.

  2. Yes i am indeed the one who does the vehicle designs :P

  3. Hey fizzy! Don't know if you remember me, its been a couple years since i've actively been on here. How's it going?

  4. Ok well i am officially back! Time to find myself some land and get back to the good old CNRPing! :)

  5. I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sgt Shidner

      Sgt Shidner

      Yeah dude. Its been hell but college and fast internet is being very good for me. :) Working on getting everything set back up.

    3. Fizzydog


      Well, as you may know, I destroyed all the crops and oil fields in your nation, took over your nation, and made it die by fire(well fire from F-22's and tanks) Wasn't me who made it collapse though. :smug:

    4. Sgt Shidner

      Sgt Shidner

      I know about all that, i read the demise of my nation....quite sad realy. :'( I'll get my revenge, haha jk.

  6. Getting my wisdom teeth removed today......24 hours of drug-induced sleep to follow.

    1. Nythera


      Ugh... Teeth removal. Ick. And ow.

    2. Sgt Shidner

      Sgt Shidner

      Yes.....ick and ow indeed. But luckily i've been hiked up on vicodin so its all good. :)

    3. Fizzydog


      I got my one molar pulled, but they didn't give me any loop gas. :3

  7. Adorable? Haha. Ehhh.........maybe.

  8. Yesh. So demanding. Haha.

  9. Yeah....you lucky lucky lucky bum. :P can't wait to be done with all this crap.

  10. I'm sorry. I've been super busy for this last couple weeks. Graduation and finals and crap. Its really quite tiresome and annoying.

  11. Well i think its more my dial-up internet thats the problem more than anything.

  12. I would. I really would post. But unfortunately i no longer have access to a computer that allows me to post in threads since i am out of school now.

  13. I did! I've posted again. Your turn.

  14. There! I posted. happy now?

  15. Alright alright. I'ma writing.

  16. Yeah. I'm gonna post. I've just been trying to figure out what to post. But i will.

  17. It is...it is. I ordered my first xbox 360 and it came through UPS.......it came in three pieces. Broken. Never using UPS again. >:(

  18. Nope. I'll end up broken and everything because those darn trucks have zero suspension and they'll probably just toss me out the back of the truck.

  19. Yeah. Like that'll help. :P

  20. Haha. I can do that i suppose. I just hope that its not TOO long of a trip. That might be slightly uncomfortable. Maybe i'll pack myself with a mini dvd player so i can watch the rest of Requiem for a Dream 'cause i haven't seen all of it yet.

  21. Well....you can try. But being as i am a ninja...stealing me would be really hard. haha

  22. Well, lucky i am such a ninja. :)

  23. Haha. Well, being asian and all, i am a ninja so i suppose its possible to steal both. :)

  24. Steal one what? Car? Computer?

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