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the wompus

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Posts posted by the wompus

  1. Some things work surprisingly well together
    Take the grilled peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwich.
    Elvis made it famous and many folks are probably afraid to even try it.
    Honeydew Melon wrapped in Prosciutto
    I don't like honeydew at all, but if you haven't tried this combo....you are not living life to the fullest.
    How about beer and peanut m&m's?
    If you haven't had it (and of course are of legal age to do so) you need to.
    Enough of the food talk though.
    TPC and OP have a long history, and most of it may NOT fall directly into the 'goes well together' category.
    However, we've always had fun despite our differences and always had a mutual respect which does go very well together.
    Well, tonight, we're mixing the beer, bacon, honeydew, nukes, tanks, and everything else and letting it rip.
    Sometimes you reap what you sow, and Avengers need some of our attention.
    OP and TPC DECLARE WAR on the Avengers.
  2. :/ I never understood why none of you guys hit avengers to begin with? You keep letting them grow stronger and stronger. Honestly, I figured you guys were going to make a big plan to put a dent into avengers then you just make these odd declares? I think poor war choices from everybody is what has made this round become rather poor. I know where you are coming from avengers. Understandably.



    It's the rest of TE's fault that they pulled a D-bag move.


    They had PLENTY of opportunity to hit any number of targets prior to this.


    They wanted to be amply large and comfortable prior to hitting anyone anyone (which is understandable, as others were doing it too) but the 'We're too big to hit anyone' excuse has been exhausted many times.




    But anyways, at risk of growing to insane NS levels, and not being able to ever go to war, we must war now.


    We wont attempt to destroy your nations with blockades and IRS ops etc where we can avoid it. We would like you to rebuild once this is over.



    You go into a war that you KNOW you will crush your opponents who are at war AND are signifcantly smaller than you, which will only make that gap larger when you can't be touched.


    The fact that you even try to justify this is simply insulting.


    Go sell your BS elsewhere.

    We tried a war a few days ago, but it didn't work out due to our target going into war, so here we go again.  
    Lots of idioms and phrases come to mind....
    This one dates back to 1941 WWII, stemming from an editorial cartoon of all things, but referring to an engineer's need to re-design something when it goes wrong.
    This one goes back to the 1950's anyway and most likely comes from either the children's game Snakes and Ladders or Hopscotch.
    [slightly creepier than the more Americanized 'chutes and ladders' I remember from my youth]
    or how about...
    NOT THISscratch.jpg
    Rather, this is generally attributed to the sports world, where a line would be scratched into the dirt to serve as a starting line and then the slower runner would be given a head start and the presumed favorite would 'start from scratch'.  
    Anyway, getting back to task - we're going back to war.
    Generally speaking, I like holidays.
    There's a lot of reasons to like Halloween.
    Fun Costumes
    Carving Pumpkins
    Oh I could go on and on.....
    The best part about Halloween for me is that it also happens to be my birthday.  
    [insert overused 'wearing your mask all year' joke here.]
    We've done some fun things over the years, but this year, I'm declaring a War as a present to myself.
  6. "to have a chance to take out those larger nations....good, bad or otherwise."


    I can see your point. However, I don't think you see ours. We weren't "playing the victim card" for ourselves. 15 OP nations could have hit our top 5 and we still would have had enough money after the war to rebuild and come out just as rich as we were pre-war (perhaps barring a bunch of IRS ops). We were "playing the victim card" because of our lower tier. I understand you wanted to take out our top nations. But if that was the prime objective, why hit our nations who had taken the brunt of the damage in the WDs war and were still in (or just coming out of) anarchy? 



    I get your point very clearly.  The vast majority of your top nations were out of anarchy and had collected (Not all, but most).  We could not leave the other nations free....one collection they'd be right back in it fully restocked.  The biggest fish to fry was clearly the top tier.  Regardless of how it was done....your top tier (which was about 1/2 of your nations) was impressively STACKED.   Your 'smaller' nations weren't exactly helpless either just for the record.


    You're a good example of why OP would have been rolled by us even without the D1 nations.

    I'm done with this issue.  You are dead wrong and living in a dream world.



    During their blitz they only sent our top nations CM's and they sent our nations still in anarchy full attacks including coordinated quads. This war was about screwing their rounds the most.


    Paul already more or less addressed this.  Maybe you have never been at such a disadvantage, but sometimes even a quad is a long shot.   The size advantage for our top few nations WAS that large.




    You brought it upon yourselves by hitting while we had nations in Nuke Anarchy. If not for that, we would have had good ol fight. I never wanted the extra 100k NS, but regardless of what anyone says we NEEDED their 20 odd nukes.


    They brought much more to the table than the 20 nukes though.  I'm confident it would have been a "good 'ol fight" as things were at the time of the declaration.  


    Obviously you felt your guys couldn't handle it and did what you had to do.  I honestly didn't anticipate you bringing in reserves, so well played I guess. 

  7. Even without the D1 nations, the outcome so far wouldn't be much different. They haven't launched, destroyed or thwarted any nukes and look at the amount of NS OP have lost. They will eventually help when our daily nuke purchases are mostly thwarted. OP you made your bed, now you can sleep in it.



    I disagree.  Our top nations were paired against Avengers nations 3 on 3 that were significantly larger than they were (10k+ ns in some instances).  Adding 3 more nations changes the scope of that war significantly.  Fighting 6 significantly larger nations  VERY DIFFERENT than 3.  To say otherwise is simply foolish.




    SDIs will help soak your nukes up yes, but some of you also have SDIs. Without those 5 nations we currently sit at 0 nukes, using our daily rations to fight. They were needed for their nukes, because you idiots decided to hit us recovering.



    As confusion said, you cannot just stockpile nukes for half of the round, and hit us like that after we have been the most active warring AA. And while some of us may be able to instantly be back on our feet the day we come out of anarchy, that does not apply for the majority.


    Just because we have 5 monster nations, does not give you the right!


    The new nuke restrictions really are a game changer....it does not take much to work through 10 nukes.


    Additionally, needing the 2k infra for rebuying makes it really tough.  Even after a few nukes...your nations are still large enough to buy and fly.


    As you can see....the nuke advantage isn't nearly as big of a factor as you may have originally thought.


    I burned through 8  this morning to nuke 2 nations.  That was about 1/4 of our remaining nukes.


    I fully understand why you would want to protect your top nations.  And they were certainly in a position to take some losses throughout the course of the war.  


    OP has the same amount of nations (15) and adding 5 of any size is statistically relevant....not to mentions 5 big ones.




    It might not be personal to you, but I assure you it is to us. God forgives, OP is $%&@ed. 


    This is a little comical (in a witty way)


    As $%&@'d as you may think we are....It's nothing to brag about when the scope of the war was so drastically changed with addition of the D1 nations.

    We will never know how it would have worked out.  


    I haven't heard anyone say that our DoW was a curbstomp - because IT WASN'T.


     Sure, the timeliness with the prior war explorations was sooner than the norm and arguably a 'low blow'.  The reasoning for this has been explained and I stand firm that it was necessary to have a chance to take out those larger nations....good, bad or otherwise.




    I'll just say that perhaps Avengers are playing the 'victim' card a little heavily here.

  8. First of all, this has nothing to do with WD at all.


    If that was the case, we would have gotten involved much earlier.


    I wasn't super keen on hitting when we did and as we did.


    Many of their nations (particularly the big ones) were out of A and rebuilt and buying nukes aready.


    I have no doubt if we would have waited, we were in the crosshairs next and would have been in deep crap BEING THAT WE ARE OUTSIZED NOW even though we declared under the circumstances we did.

  9. So - just to be clear for the stat lovers out there.


    Prior to the blitz, Avengers had a 50k overall NS advantage as well as the edge in every other stat besides nukes.


    (and NO nukes have even flown yet so that advantage hasn't been exploited)



    Their largest nations were around 10k NS larger than ours.


    The recent 'reinforcements' that were brought in added an additional 100k of NS to the fray.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining....just pointing out the facts.



    It seems pretty clear to me that the high tier nations in Avengers must have had pretty easy wars to get to (and maintain) the size they have.  


    Kudos to Avengers for good planning and teamwork to get things to that point I suppose.


    However, bringing an influx of huge nations in to fight your battles for your largest nations before they even really get hit is pretty lame.  (see earlier post about only CM's being thrown at blitz - maybe this is due to being over-sized in every aspect and needing the nuke advantage to make a dent).


    It is unfortunate that some of the smaller Avengers nations had to be hit as well and didn't get the chance to get back on their feet after the last war..but it is part of the game.  


    Just a little fodder to chew on when analyzing the end result of this war.   

  10. NewOPFlag.png


    Who are these Avenger Characters and what can be done to stop them?


    Let's see....


    2 full wars and somehow they maintain incredible size and strength.


    Are they something special?









    They don't seem so scary....


    Except for perhaps the hulk (with some help).





    Well....we have plenty of nukes and they seem to have plenty of pretty much everything else....so we figure we may as well have at them before they come at us.





  11. NewOPWarFlag.png
    Tonight, we're kicking off the second set of wars this round against the misfits.
    I don't think we've had any wars with them before and their name is intriguing, so I did a little research and basically it comes down to one of 3 origins.
    1.  The highly acclaimed Horror Punk band.
    I like all kinds of music, but I can't say know any of their tunes.  They certainly have an interesting look though.  They've been playing since the early 70's...so that speaks volumes.
    2. Popular British Sci-fi TV program.
    A bunch of teens in a community service program get struck by lightning and develop super powers.
    I have not seen this program on my side of the pond, but it's been around for several seasons so apparently someone is watching it.
    or, option 3....
    I referred to my old standby, the Urban Dictionary and got this:


    A misfit is someone that nobody wants. They are on their own little island where they sit alone and hide from attacks and verbal abuse. Just like in Rudolph the red nose reindeer, misfits are irrelevant and just shipped away because nobody cares about them



    Well, we couldn't help but notice that instead of having wars when everyone else was, you guys must've been hiding on your island hoping to slide under the radar.
    We want you misfits....
    for attacks - YES
    for verbal abuse -NO
    For war....YES
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