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Posts posted by Farnsworth

  1. On 6/12/2016 at 4:49 AM, Walshington said:


    Maybe bringing back your Tom Waits avatar would help.  Certainly couldn't hurt.

    Somebody remembered! Actually not sure how that photo got removed tbh. Anyway, what do you think of the new one? It reflects my age on Bob.


    EDIT: Also, glad to see this thread active and the ASR still kicking. ;)

  2. This is a great but a bit outdated. Posting to remind people to list treaties here. Lol. 


    Not sure if there are rules on who can post (i.e. does it have to be a member or leader of one of the treatied AAs?), but just looking at recent posts in Alliance Announcements, it looks like the following connections (some levels not known/indicated by me) have recently come about:


    DK-FTW (PIAT) -- Probably not a treaty-level reflected on this tool.

    DK-Invicta (ODoAP) -- Also a level not reflected on tool? Consider including option to reflect o-level?


    DS-Devil's Brigade (ODoAP)

    DS-FTW (ODoAP) -- Another O-level treaty (not reflected on tool). 

    DS-Stripes (ODP)

    DS-SN-X (ODoAP)

    Kaskus-SPaTR-Stripes (ODoAP Bloc)

    Monsters, Inc.-SPaTR (PIAT) -- Not reflected, I get it. Lol.

    Sparta-VE (MDoAP) -- Exact level unknown, but looks to be at least MDoAP.

  3. Congratulations to all, particularly my old friend Farnsworth!  How you been man?

    Hey there! I've been alright. A law school just opened in the nation of Pinnacle. As an enlightened despot, I thought I'd set an example for my people. Thus, I have been busy ruling Pinnacle and learning torts, etc. Will have to invite people over to #dt for drinks and smokes one hot summer's evening on the veranda... Anyway, how've you been? 




    especially that Farnsworth fellow...

    Three cheers! One for EEjack! One for OG! And one for OF (old friends)!


    Successful coup is successful.

    o/ DT

    Didn't know we were going public with that but ok... lulz


    :) new gov or is it old gov

    Valid question. It's a new tri lineup at least. And zeke is a blast from the past. So there's that. 


    We need to have a reunion sometime. 


    Congrats TK! And it's good to see some other familiar faces up there too.

    Reunion! Let's coordinate our shirts for cheesy pics, k?


    They dragged me out of retirement. FML

    I feel ya, man! ;)

  4. I'd tease for Valhalla for squeaking into that sanction spot by not joining in the current war, but I'm fairly certain that's how DT first made "sanction" too. Congrats to my former allies at the reformed Valhalla. o7 

  5. Alliance of the Year: DBDC
    Most Powerful Alliance: DBDC
    Best Military: DBDC
    Best Rookie Alliance: 
    Most Powerful Bloc: AZTEC
    Best Flag: 
    Most Active Alliance: DBDC
    Most Honorable Alliance: OBR 
    Best Diplomatic Team: IRON
    Best Economic System: Umbrella
    Best Recruiting Staff: 
    Best Propagandist: hartfw
    Scariest Alliance: DBDC
    Best Alliance Growth: VE / NoR
    Best War Flag
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    Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2015: DBDC
    Most Immoral Alliance: DBDC
    Most Controversial Alliance: DBDC
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    Best Poster: Auctor
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    Most Active Player: Mogar
    Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2015
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    Most Hated Poster: Tywin
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    Biggest Controversy: Umbrella-MI6?
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    Worst Diplomatic Move: NpO War Against DBDC Tech Suppliers
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    Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Ardus
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    Worst Alliance: Riot Society

    Worst Sphere: SuperFriends remnants (break up already)

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    Quietest Power Player: Bob

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