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Lex Quintus

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Posts posted by Lex Quintus

  1. On 12/12/2016 at 7:48 PM, Auctor said:

    Opus is third declension neuter, not second declension masculine. The correct rendering would be "Magnum Opus".


    On 12/12/2016 at 9:52 PM, SirWilliam said:


    Check the charter, the title is just a typo.  ;)


    17 hours ago, Walshington said:



    Even so, Auctor just scored a solid 92 on the Lex Quintus Lexicon and Verbiage Assessment with that comment, just one Oxford Comma away from a perfect score.


    I heartily applaud his comment, and the diatribe which brought it forth.


    All Opus and no Ludi makes Jack a dull puer

  2. 20 hours ago, Walshington said:

    Lex Quintus, as I live and breathe!  Good to see you back -- it completely underscores the "us vs. the philistines" narrative this war is taking on.  For the Oxford comma!


    In the name of the Oxford comma, the passive periphrastic, ablative absolute, and deponent verbs everywhere, let the Eye of Agamotto's bright light remove the Monsters from under our bed. 

  3. So:

    • A wiki
    • About an alter-ego
    • In a spreadsheet game

    Gets created


    ~still~ letting that sink in


    And then:


    • People, in the guise of their various and sundry alter-egos
    • Go on for what is sure to be pages and pages
    • About the relative merits of the wiki
      • And the alter-ego
        • And the other alter-egos with the temerity to question The Way Things Are

    ~still-still~ letting that sink in, too



    I see a trail of facepalms going back to the dawn of time.  It's like we have taken Prometheus' gift and turned it into a pilot light for farts.

  4. So Kashmir got the crap kicked out of it too hard and needs help. I guess that's what terrible mini alliances do these days. Even though I like NSO a lot I can't wish you good luck. I wanted Kashmir to burn more.



    Why are we even addressing the haters? SUN is the alliance that called in Invicta and Legion to help them with an alliance 1/4 their size. Are we supposed to be ashamed of something?

    Good to see you NSO, you guys are gr8! Looking forward to warring with you


    Oh, hi Ken


    I'd say Hakai has the right of it, here.  This is really not much different from the coordination there should have been between other alliances and GOONs all those times the first page got rolled.  Difference being, this time it's happening.

  5. And now for a word from our sponsor:




    Come on down to Lex's House of Used B-1s!


    We are dealing, Dealing, DEALING!


    These babies have one owner, low mileage, and most of the bombs are still aboard!  All avionics and targeting software tailor-made for resale to the despotic regime of your choice! Planes are practically dropping onto the lot, and Lex won't be undersold!


    Don't mind the scratches, they'll rub right out, and Lex's Collision Center is right around the corner for all your fuselage repair needs!


    Low credit, no credit, bad credit--NO PROBLEM, Lex keeps finding boatloads of cash and he'll finance ANYBODY with a trade circle and a Red Light District.

  6. Perhaps we could have resolved this by actually, ya know, discussing it like reasonable, responsible adults who don't have to politick every move. Everyone loves to hate politicians, but give them a little power and they become one.






    Nope we tried explaining in the first place, you lot didn't want to hear/process it, and so we acted in the manner we described before you said la-la-la and quit listening.


    As a reasonable, responsible adult and Senator I still stand ready to hear who lifted my sanction.


    Failing that verbal response we will converse in the realm of actions.  Actually the actions will continue regardless, at this point.


    The State of Unified Nations recoginzes a state of war with Kashmir and The JavahouseLeague.  Unlike the first attack against our peaceful alliance, at least this attack serves a obvious purpose to benefit the attacking alliances, and SUN fully expects the ending terms of this war to finally settle important questions for our future on the Yellow team together such as: 


    1. Is it acceptable to message member nations of other Yellow alliances with offers of trade circle management without permission of the sovereign government of the alliance being messaged?
    2. What are minimal standards for Yellow team alliances in regard to the use of sanctions during times of war?
    If we, through the course of war, we can resolve these issues, then we have a chance for peaceful coexistence on Yellow in the future.



    Since we're rhetoricalizing, let's not fail to add:


    3. What are minimal standards for Yellow team alliances in regard to the lifting of sanctions?

    4. What are minimal (and, perhaps, even reasonable) standards for Yellow team alliances in the answering of Senators' questions by other Senators?


    I'd say the first two are about as likely to get resolved through the course of war as the last two.


    And if that's the way we as Yellow talk, then by gum that's the way we as Yellow will walk.  We're chill dudes but if unity entails hegemony then forget it.

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