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Posts posted by KCToker

  1. From what I know, an alliance that is able to get sanction and is in the top 12, gets bolded.

    An alliance that is unable to get sanction, but is in the top 12, is italicized.

    How an alliance is shown if it IS sanctioned, is by adding or removing the flag before it.

    I could be wrong, that's just my understanding of it.

    Thanks for the update Arrnea.

    Italics are for any alliance that is under the 200 member requirement for sanction.

    Bolding is for the top 12 alliances with 200 or more members (IE the 12 you can select from the drop-down in-game). These are the sanctioned alliances. We use to wait to update the bolding until the Alliance Audit, but sanctioning is automatic now, so the bolding is updated at the update following an alliance gaining sanction.

    An alliance that has been sanctioned for 10 days and has it's flag appear under its stats gets a mini-flag next to its name.

    An alliance that has 200 or more members but is not in the top 12 is neither bolded nor italicized.

    Just because an alliance does not yet have their flag on their stats page does not mean they are not sanctioned until they do. The wording from the update log announcing automatic auditing says "If an alliance gains sanctioned status in the game and holds that position for 10 days a representative from that an alliance may contact me via email or via private message on the forums to have their alliance flag added to the game."

    Sanctioning comes first and is a requirement to have the flag added. Not the other way around.

  2. Hi. Please keep the politics out of this thread.

    GPA isn't sanctioned in-game yet, if that's what you mean. We have to wait the ten days, then their name gets bolded.

    I don't believe that's how it works. I believe we wait 10 days to add their flag to the race, but they are immediately bolded, as they are sanctioned in-game (their alliance is an option on the drop-down).

  3. What happens if they're big enough to take the #12 spot? In-game they'll be picked up.

    And I sure as heck hope that MS Paint mock-up of a flag isn't seriously adopted. Just a white flag should suffice.

    Or we could just shrink down the Karma banner down to flag size and have it be the first coalition flag to be added to the game.

  4. I find it odd that you founded your alliance on something that does not exist.

    OOC: Alliance Announcements is an IC board, you are not allowed to talk about "Real World" stuff here. This will probably be moved.

  5. I thought Add/Drop lines were frozen? /me shrugs

    Oh well.

    GPA is getting pretty close to sanction.

    :o 2 Neutrals getting sanctioned at the same time? o.O

    In the context of the Sanction Race, "frozen" simply means that alliances aren't added or dropped. How that is portrayed varies from updater to updater. Some may update the lines like normal, just not remove or add anyone. Others may blank the lines entirely.

  6. Except that "Total War" is a complete misnomer.

    Total war is a conflict of unlimited scope in which a belligerent engages in a mobilization of all available resources at their disposal, whether human, industrial, agricultural, military, natural, technological, or otherwise, in order to entirely destroy or render beyond use their rival's capacity to continue resistance.

    While it's true that all of our forces are mobilized for this conflict, our goal (speaking only for Karma) is not the total destruction of the other side.

  7. Admin officially call it Great War IV

    Therefore it's GW IV - Karma War.

    The Wiki already calls the UJW Great IV, Unjust War.

    We can't have two GWIV's now can we.

    And truthfully: It doesn't matter what admin wants to call it, the name Karma War has stuck, it's not going away.

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