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Everything posted by Arathog

  1. The Fascist Regime of Italica would like to open diplomatic relations with Transvaal. If the answer is yes, we suggest Giacomo Loreno as ambassador.
  2. Dipartimento di Giustizia - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo Department of Justice - Great Council of Fascism The Great Council of Fascism approved. Alberto Sassuoli, Consul general of MVSN and Chief of Department of Justice
  3. Dipartimento di Giustizia - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo Department of Justice - Great Council of Fascism The Duce wants the assurance from the Malvinas that Mr. Quaroni and Mr. Grossi will be not allowed to conspire against the Fascist Regime from within your country. If a new Secret Police report confirms that Quaroni and Grossi are still in their plans to overthrow the Government of Italica, the OVRA will be authorized to take all necessary measures to neutralize them. Alberto Sassuolo, Consul General of MVSN and Chief of Department of Justice
  4. Dipartimento di Giustizia - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo Department of Justice - Great Council of Fascism As a sign of good will and in honor of the celebrations for the independence, the Duce decided that Mr. Quaroni and Mr. Grossi will be extradited in the Malvinas. The Duce personally assured that their families will not suffer any retaliation. Alberto Sassuolo, Consul General of MVSN and Chief of Department of Justice
  5. Comando Strategico - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo Strategic Command - Great Council of Fascism After the recent diplomatic developments between Italica and the Italian Republic, the Great Council has reported the alert level to DEFCON 5. Marco Ferrante, Consul General of MVSN and Chief of Strategic Command Comando Operazioni OVRA OVRA Operational Command Report N°1 Population Happiness: Italian People is in love with the Regime Crimes: Mr Antonio Quaroni and Mr Osvaldo Grossi were arrested on charges of illegal Anti-fascist activities. They appear to be members of the banned Communist Party. They will be processed in two days. Sentence: Life Imprisonment. Carlo Renzi, OVRA Commander
  6. IC Department of Foreign Affairs - Great Council of Fascism Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri - Gran Consiglio del Fascismo Il Gran Consiglio del Fascismo RICONOSCE formalmente la Repubblica Italiana e Junio Borghese come suo Duce. Lunga vita al Popolo Italiano, ovunque si stabilisca! Renato Foggia, Console Generale della MVSN e Capo Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri The Great Council of Fascism RECOGNIZES formally the Italian Republic and Junio Borghese as its Leader. Long life to the Italian People, wherever it's settled! Renato Foggia, MVSN Consul General and Chief Department of Foreign Affairs OOC Now i can't move my capital city for 5 days, but don't worry, it is between ethiopian east border and somali west border. We'll be great friends
  7. You're right, i used the wrong word...not coward, but bully. However i never feared bullies...
  8. No one foreign State is allowed to interfere with our internal affairs. I'm not trembling for your threats, in fact, they make me smile. Your attitude reveals little wisdom and a lot of stupidity. Free threats are weapons of cowards. L'Italia domina! Matteo "Arathog" De Falco, Duce of Italica
  9. When Junio Borghese took power in Italy proclaiming the Italian Republic, many Italians of the Empire of East Africa, led by former Army colonel Matteo " Arathog " De Falco, refused to accept the fascist republican form of Italy. After some months they decided to found a new totalitarian State, Italica, that would respect the canons of the first Mussolini's Regime. In a famous speech to the Roman Forum of the new capital city Littoria, Arathog declared the secession and the establishment of a new Fascist Regime. Arathog assumed the title of Duce and recreated the Great Council of Fascism. Communists, Pacifists, Environmentalists and Democrats were outlawed by decree of emergency. The Duce looks at the first division of MVSN to serve in the new army of Italica Cinema, television, newspapers, books and the Internet came under the direct control of the Party and exploited as propaganda tools. The Regime restricted the freedom of expression, dissolved the Antifascist Associations, recreated the dreaded Secret Police, the OVRA, and the Party Militia, the MVSN. From the last interview given by the Duce of Italica: " We decided, in full consciousness of our actions, not to recognize the republican system of government imposed by Junio Borghese to our Motherland, which is not reflected in the doctrine of Benito Mussolini. We strongly affirm that the only way to govern the Italian people is the totalitarian dictatorship. However there is not suspicion or hostility between us and the Italian Republic. We are children of the same Motherland and we'll never take up arms against each other ... I hope. We'll be happy if Junio Borghese cames to Italica to sign a pact of mutual recognition and eternal friendship. After that, I'll do the same. " Speaking about the Somali population: " The Somalis are our labour force and they are treated with dignity and respect. They know that we rule here and they don't try to rebel. The consequences of a revolt would be unpleasant ..." Speaking about Religion and Racism: " In Italica everyone has the right to profess freely the religion but Muslims are not so well seen here. Racism? We believe that the Italians are a spiritually superior race , not biologically " Celebrations in Littoria for the birth of the new Fascist Regime The Fascist Regime of Italica promotes the international cooperation and recognizes all Soviet States and Federations. The Fascist Regime of Italica supports the development and the use, if necessary, of Nuclear Weapons. The Fascist Regime of Italica punishes with 20 Years of prison the Drug Traffic. Here's how the famous historian Emilio Gentile has described the Fascism of Italica: " The Italica Fascism is a modern political phenomenon. It is Nationalist, Revolutionary, Anti-Marxist, organized into a Party-Militia with a totalitarian conception of the State and an ideology sanctified as a secular religion, which asserts the absolute primacy of the Nation as a community ethnically homogeneous and hierarchically organized into a Corporate State. It has a warrior vocation for power and conquest, in order to create a New Roman Empire and a new civilizations. " Symbols of the State: The Great Council of Fascism The MVSN The OVRA
  10. ok ok...what should i do now? we have the same flag but not the same state
  11. ITALICA CAPITAL CITY: Littoria GOVERNMENT: Totalitarian Fascist Regime LEGISLATURE: Great Council of Fascism CHAIN OF COMMAND: 1) Matteo Arathog - Il Duce 2) Angelo Moretti - National Fascist Party Leader 3) Gabriele Tebaldi - Consul General of MVSN ( National Security Volunteer Militia ) 4) Giorgio Fierossi - Head of OVRA ( Fascist Secret Police ) ESTIMATED POPULATION: 5780 RELIGION: Roman Catholic CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS: High Treason ( Conspiracy against the Italic People, Desertion, Sabotage, Terrorism ) = Death Antifascist Activities =Life Imprisonment Pedophilia = Life Imprisonment Sexual Abuse = 45 Years Omicide = 35 Years Drug Possession = 20 Years Corruption = 20 Years Theft = 15 Years The Fascist Government supports the development and the use, if necessary, of Nuclear Weapons
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