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Status Updates posted by vgmmaster

  1. Your comment about my avy being distracting is made funnier by your avy and how it appears to be looking at my avy. :P

  2. Heh. Well, I'm not sure where I'm going, but that's going to be changing a little bit in the next couple of months. That 3 hours might become 4. :P

  3. I have a funny story to tell you. :P

  4. I like to tell people that I was cursed into the form of a tiger by the NPO so I wouldn't be able to pass Pius in post count. The move to the new forum broke the curse and I can now change back and forth at will . =p

  5. Wait...And who said I was a tiger? Maybe I was, but I suppose you don't know the full story on that one, don't you? ;)

  6. I have no idea. Maybe I can ask Esau for some ideas.

  7. I figured you weren't, although I was planning on asking if you were, if just for a laugh.

  8. It would be nice if I was her, but sadly, no, I'm not.

  9. /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  10. Don't pay any attention to Smoogles. :)

  11. But not as evil as you, am I Betsy? ;)

  12. Yes. I'm very evil. MWHAHAHAHA!!!.


  13. Heh. It's perfectly ok.

  14. I'm not really sure. I just found the picture on DeviantART somewhere. ;)

  15. Hey there Jouney. :)

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