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Posts posted by Lurunin

  1. On 8/8/2018 at 8:44 PM, wes the wise said:

    Ginger, where he at? Also, hello to the both of you and all my old mateys at PPO. I hope you are well. 


    Got marooned on a sandbar with only a pistol and a vast store of rum. Years passed and the rum finally dried up, so I hitched a ride on two sea turtles and made my way back to civilization.

  2. 9 hours ago, TurnipCruncher said:

    I would like to thank Lurunin, a tough fighter. It took some serious coordination and a stroke of fortune to get to grips with him. Well fought. 


    likewise. you guys definitely gave me a run for my money in the last round


    1 hour ago, Caustic said:

    That's why you don't go to bars in the middle of West Virginia with @Shurukian :P


    word of advice...stay away from Bluefield....Beckley...maybe


    2 hours ago, Walshington said:


    Pretty sure they knew it was a lost cause when they entered.


    As far as Sir William goes, since I came back the peace mode thing was only brought up once either in-game, on forums or IRC.  And that was by Sir William.  Never was an issue for our coalition as far as I can see.


    yea...no pretty sure about it. We knew we were going to get pounced by a couple different AAs who were just waiting for our DoW to go up. they only shocking thing were a couple of the fringe AAs who hopped in

  3. 28 minutes ago, gowfanatic said:

    It's been a good fight boys and girls! First rounds on me! But only domestic.




      Reveal hidden contents

    Why do seagulls fly over the sea?


    Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels!


    does Canada even have any good domestic?

  4. 40 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    If you were loyal to NoR you would fight the enemy in front of you, rather than aim for your comrades back who is already fighting up ahead.


    Lol anything to serve your own interests Huh?


    Sorry to hear about internal strife going on over there and hope you guys get everything straightened out. I will say he's a very active fighter and has been fun to deal with so far haha

  5. Alright that's enough NSO talk in this thread....Xanth...seriously dude...I don't know what we're going to do with you lol...


    We in the PPO have always held our word above all else. We also view treaties in much higher terms than almost any other AA on Bob and this can be seen throughout our history. The PPO will always be there to assist our allies in need, whether they want us to or not. We will jump into hell fire for those we view strongly enough to call allies. 


    We knew what we were getting into as soon as the initial declarations against Kashmir went through. The main reason it took so long is because we were trying to figure out the best way to enter since Kashmir were not initially requesting help.


    We hold no ill will towards Polar, though we do not support their war in any way. NG...well...that's a different story for some :P. War is here so enough !@#$%*ing and get to work on spying Red Army into a Capitalist govt



  6. isn't vandesland that guy lulu and I hit for aiding sigrun back in the day? 
    oh well, hoist the main sail! 
    no quarter!
    o/ PPO
    o/ Causalities
    See you on the seas me hearties

    You mean the guy who literally begged for peace with a slew of messages? I think it might be hahaha.

    Been awhile Razor. As a reminder, pirates don't take kindly when the Queen's navy is brought to their shores
  7. Has anyone else seen this? I saw it the other day and it's been confirmed by my sources in GPA, NPO, TBC, MI6, Monsters Inc, TDO, TLR, TLC, Kashmir, PPO, Oculus, IRON, STA, TSA, KoRT, KoRn, Confederiso Asair, NpO, Fark, Total Farkistan, GOONS, MW, Umb, GATO, LUE, MK, ODN, and Admin. Not trying to start anything between NSO and NG but I think it's worth looking into and want to know if NG can confirm.

    100% can confirm
    I really don't understand what you mean with your last sentence. But then again, I'm not involved in politics, so maybe these AA's have something to do with my raid after all.

    Drege is talking about the war...3?4? (When the hell was grudge war) Years back when KofN and PPO jumped in to help MHA and we all countered countered to high hell.
    I really don't understand what you mean with your last sentence. But then again, I'm not involved in politics, so maybe these AA's have something to do with my raid after all.

    Drege is talking about the war...3?4? (When the hell was grudge war) Years back when KofN and PPO jumped in to help MHA and we all countered countered to high hell.
  10. I'll just go ahead and reiterate Xanth on this one. If an individual is part of an alliance and someone is trying to recruit them from said alliance, that is poaching. If a nation who does not currently have an alliance is trying to be forcefully recruited by another, that is gun boat recruiting. Are these nations not allowed to join other alliances or else face continued war?


    Finally I will add that while these nations may be without an alliance, Smurth's half-joke is all that will happen from the PPO. Any nation is free to apply to our alliance, however, if they have a history of treason and/or working to overthrow their alliance why would anyone want members who took part in these actions?

  11. Oh come now Xanth. Give pity to those less fortunate than ours. Not everyone can be a pirate and that is a sore subject for many. Alas, the Hitchcock lad must have been orphaned at a young age to not understand the concept of Honor and civility that we adhere ourselves to. That is our Pirate Code and one of which that has lasted us for times as old as this world.

    I do hope that the good citizens of the corporation of monsters are able to invest in infrastructure and literacy in an effort to properly engage with the denizens of Bob. Unfortunately, though, i feel that any charity we may be able to provide would just be embezzled as has been shown in the past.

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