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Posts posted by Hansarius

  1. I'm afraid I'm not good with speeches, so it is then very lucky for me that there are people who have already expressed what I need to say to Illuminati, very well:

    "So far war has been the only force that can discipline a whole community, and until an equivalent discipline is organized, I believe that war must have its way." - William James

    Ps: Besides, I think they're swedes!

  2. GR-Flag-New02-Final1.gifUPN_flag.jpg


    Hey, it's me again. New PIAT and stuff. w00t!

    United Purple Nations and Greenland Republic are both alliances that greatly appreciate the values of Peace, Honour, Friendship and last but not least, a bit of good fun. Because we both share these values UPN and GR finds it quite natural to sign this treaty in hope that our two alliance can work side by side and prosper

    I. Peace

    I.A. United Purple Nations and Greenland Republic commits to peaceful coexistence and guarantees each others sovereignty. Neither signatory alliance shall engage in or in any way endorse hostile action against the other. The use of spies shall be considered a hostile action.

    I.B. In the unlikely event of troubles arising between UPN and Greenland Republic, all reasonable attempts shall be made to find a diplomatic solution to preserve the peace.

    I.C. In the event of unauthorized hostile action between signatory alliance nations, the alliance of the aggressor nation shall be responsible for bringing said nation into compliance with this pact and for paying reparations to the attacked nation equal to damage caused and bring him back up on his feet.

    II. Intelligence

    In the event that either signatory alliance becomes aware of information relating to the security of the other, such information shall be shared as soon as possible.

    III. Aid

    Signatories are encouraged but not required to provide one another with aid as needed should the need of it arise. Be it Financially or diplomatically.

    IV. Termination

    This treaty may be terminated at the request of either signatory. To cancel the treaty an official cancellation notice must be posted in the respective alliance's embassy and after which there will be 72 hours before the treaty ceases to be in effect.

    Signed by:

    Greenland Republic:



    The Axel





    United Purple Nations:

    Altheus- Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius - Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Magister Agricolarum - Minister of Defense

    Queen Elizabeth X - Minister of Recruitment

  3. 200px-MHA_Small_Flag.gifUPN_flag.jpg

    We made a treaty 'n stuff, Huzzah!



    The Mostly Harmless Alliance and the United Purple Nations are both alliances that are seeking the meaning of 42. They have decided that, to better find the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, they should team up and look for the answer together. However, both parties respect that they're leading their separate quests to find the answer - they're just helping each other out, that's all.


    Both parties agree to do everything they can to promote peace and friendship with the other, and to do what they can to make sure hitchhikers of either alliance don't accidentally read Vogon poetry to the other, steal the other's homemade Scrabble pieces, or shoot at the other with Kill-o-Zaps. Should any of these things happen anyway, then each party shall do its very best to make sure a peaceful agreement is reached.



    To make sure that small incidents (such as the Earth being destroyed because no one bothered to tell the Earthmen that the Earth was going to be demolished to make a brand new bypass on interstellar highway) don't repeat themselves, both alliances are obligated to share information that is deemed to be of interest of the other.


    Neither alliance is to spy against the other .... 'cause that's bad. Besides .... we already know that the answer is 42.


    Should either party run out of Janx spirits and perfectly ordinary beast sandwiches, the other signatory is encouraged to help by getting the other more resupplied. Should it look like a brawl might arise with a third party, then both signatories should try to help each other out by finding solutions to the problem which don't lead to bruises and Kill-o-Zap injuries.


    For this treaty to be terminated, one party has to go to the local planning office and sign the termination paper, which is on display in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, which is located in the lavatory in the basement (it's dark, so bring a flashlight). After this occurs, a 72 hour cancellation period will remain in effect, before a Vogon constructor fleet shows up and demolishes this treaty. Oh ... and beware of the leopard!

    Signed for MHA:

    Denzin, Triumvir.

    Madoverseer, Triumvir.

    Working Class Ruler, Triumvir.

    Signed for UPN:

    Altheus - Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius - Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    Kauti123 - Minister of Communication.

    Kernewek_Blonde - Minister of Finances.

    Magister Agricolarum - Minister of Defense.

    Queen Elizabeth X - Minister of Recruitment.

    tl;dr <42

  4. My 2nd Announcement :o

    Anyway... at about 22.00 GMT The United Purple Nations hit a milestone when we reached 200 members

    It's been hard work getting here and I would like to give a personal thanks to all our recruiters for sacreficing their time to help our alliance grow.

    anyway... before you start yelling; pics or it didn't happen, here's the proof:


  5. Hey this is my first Announcement on these forums .... so please be gentle :awesome:

    Anyway, I'm proud to present to you this treaty between the UPN and the MA:

    The Marple Act

    United Purple Nations and Monos Archein are both alliances that greatly appreciate the values of Peace, Honour, Friendship and last but not least, a bit of good fun. Because we both share these values UPN and MA finds it quite natural to sign this treaty in hope that our two alliance can work side by side and prosper

    I. Peace

    I.A. United Purple Nations and Monos Archein commits to peaceful coexistence and guarantees each others sovereignty. Neither signatory alliance shall engage in or in any way endorse hostile action against the other. The use of spies shall be considered a hostile action.

    I.B. In the unlikely event of troubles arising between UPN and Monos Archein, all reasonable attempts shall be made to find a diplomatic solution to preserve the peace.

    I.C. In the event of unauthorized hostile action between signatory alliance nations, the alliance of the aggressor nation shall be responsible for bringing said nation into compliance with this pact and for paying reparations to the attacked nation equal to damage caused and bring him back up on his feet.

    II. Intelligence

    In the event that either signatory alliance becomes aware of information relating to the security of the other, such information shall be shared as soon as possible.

    III. Aid

    Signatories are encouraged but not required to provide one another with aid as needed should the need of it arise. Be it Financially, diplomatically or optionally even militarily.

    IV. Termination

    This treaty may be terminated at the request of either signatory. To cancel the treaty an official cancellation notice must be posted in the respective alliance's embassy and after which there will be 72 hours before the treaty ceases to be in effect.

    Signed for Monos Archein

    Ace072199 - Archein & First Triumvir

    Hickersonia- Least Holy of Triumvirs

    KaitlinK- Most Troublesome of Triumvirs

    Signed for United Purple Nations

    Altheus - Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius - Minister of Forreign affairs

    Keyring_Killer - Minister of Internal Affairs

    tl;dr - we made love and it was rather nice actually.

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