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Posts posted by HDSupreme

  1. B-)

    Admirers,haters,followers and unassuming humans... Friends all !!!

    T-23is rapidly coming to its final weeks. RE has been Tumbled Down by the (most of the time combined) forces of many enemies,old and new...The Face of TE has changed. All the big and Powerful have had their time under the Sun...(even SUN isn't any more)...And Serps slither with cunning and Cold blooded patience and enjoyment the Halls once threaded by roman sandals ...

    Down the road, around the lower echelons of the bloodied fields of TE, lifeless stagnancy, lackluster and pitch-black obscurity reigned undeterred... 'til now. NOW we, small and micro AAs are going to have some Fun as any of the "biggies"...

    So, is in that Spirit that the Cult of SKARO AA is "DoW-ing" the Alliances of SCOPERS.WULLS and BLOODLESS FIENDS FOREVER, to a rapid and Fun Warming-up Slap- Fest among minis.as a Preamble to the Conflagration of the Final Week of T-23!!!

    PD...: Of course,this is a Blitz...and of course, DALEKS ARE SUPREME!!!

    Whom ever try and shout the "D.D." phrase,could be UTTERLY "Exterminated". Thanks.
  2. B-)

    Well coolkidd903, let me offer you AVALANCHE!

    As the name suggest, we are a pretty cool gang where your options will always be opened to any decision you make ...staying or looking forward to better destinies ...!

    You'll have $$$ Aid and all the help you need to understand this game and get big and powerful soon... we are a family, a nice,COOL bunch you'll like to check out...!

    Come to ...: [url="http://www.ski-lodge.net/index.php?board=3.0"]http://www.ski-lodge...php?board=3.0 [/url] Allow us the pleasure of your visit !!! :D

    PD...: Once there, if they ask, Don Supremo(HDSupreme) sent you...!
  3. B-)

    And So, you know the rest of the story...
    IRON-TOP-VOC offered White Peace To The Brave People of the snowy Mountain Top, who after conversations with their Treaty partner, NpO, accepted it together with the positive words of recognitions from both, opponents and Friends... Later,after celebrations on the acceptance of Peace, The VOC went into Peace mode too and,sadly, months later have to disband and join the numbers of one of it's treaty partners,IRON...

    AVALANCHE continues forward alogside NpO, and now Oceanía, towards the coolest of destinies on Bob's Planet...!
  4. B-)

    The Cult of SKARO congratulates each and all of the participant on this War.

    HELLAS has been a Great companion to SKARO.

    NDO,(another friend), ADS and Catharsis,gave the best they had and to the max...!

    Let's re-build and prepare for the End of Tournament "Ceremonies"...!I propose to call this

    War action: "The Friendship War". ;)
  5. [quote name='Lorlax' timestamp='1353516357' post='3055588']
    i'm having fun, is anyone else having fun?


    Surely, i am...! :

    3 Nuclear hits on my enemies... :frantic::D

    3 Attempted Nuclear hits against me,completely thwarted ... :lol1: Great SDI...!!! :wub:

    2 Lucky Nuclear Hits against me... :o:psyduck: SDI piece of Crap...!!! :facepalm: LOL!!

    9k Infras lost/ over 150techs/ and 30thou. casualties :gag: ...So far... :smug: ha!

    PD...: Oh, i forgot...2 days in sweet Anarchy... yeah, that too...LOL!!

  6. [quote name='14dwright' timestamp='1353478848' post='3055456']
    I'm not close to losing my two wars. Both of my wars involve my enemies now glowing green :D Lol I got put into Anarchy on the first day because, not being an official AA yet, I wasn't expecting to be declared on.


    That's great news 14dwright...! What a Quaky wake up call...! :nuke::frantic:

  7. [quote name='theProfessor' timestamp='1353489204' post='3055489']
    And again missed Update :(

    [color=#800080] B-)[/color][color=#800080] [/color]

    [color=#800080] You'll make it one of this days,Professor... ;)[/color][color=#800080] [/color]

    [color=#800080] [/color]

  8. B-)

    YeP...! IT Is just Autumn {"...The season from the September Equinox to the December Solstice..." - Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary of the English language,On-line edition}, but a good cleaning is never out of place nor a bad idea if you ask your mother...Lol! ^_^

    So, Avalanche is doing what "Mother" always said... and, friends this is a good time to get into active FA mode and pay a visit to one of your most favorite AA's of all...US ! ... the AVALANCHE Alliance !!! :frantic::awesome:
  9. [quote name='ARCHEIN' timestamp='1353311561' post='3054461']
    Thanks to SKAROS; sending in an attacker obviously too strong for a GA, who then sends escorted air attacks against a nation with not a single aircraft:: how thoughtful. :smug: .
    Wake me when its over. :ehm:


    You're Welcome Archein... ;)
    We at SKARO pride ourselves of giving out a real nice service to our "customers" and future subjects,in order to get them to repeat our "offer" to them. So, sending those birds over there was a a nice way to be sure our might and technology was easily understood and accepted...! :D

    [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1353344732' post='3054541']
    That is funny :P

    You boys have a happy Thanksgiving.


    Thanks,Your Majesty...! Nice to "see" you again! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Gang too...! :war::nuke::gun:

  10. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1353164621' post='3053707']
    I have to disagree with you there.


    Well, ADude has seen way much "anarchied" almost dead nations pulling the "zombie" resurrection... :lol1: !

    [quote name='kongland' timestamp='1353242513' post='3054124']
    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]Citadel and Bloodless Fiends Forever will have peace starting from 18/19th of November update, following BFF's request.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]The wars with the rest of opponents will continue.[/size][/font][/color]


    BFF has just accomplished its purpose... to confront a superior Force in a honorable fashion...!

    CITADEL is assuming a "Class Act" form and ways...!

    Way to go,guys! :D

  11. B-)

    Just what a really big BLT sandwich last at noon from the bottom of a brown paper bag to the mouth of a hungry construction worker ...! Ah, and that worker belongs to SKARO Alliance...!!! LOL! :P:frantic::ehm::smug:

    How are you doing Kavia..!!! So now you are a WAPA survivor...??? LOL!!! :awesome:

    Your name now is a very nice one...! Is it Spanish...? :v::D
  12. B-)

    Surely...! But i have to recognize these Scopers dudes have demonstrated that they can fight back and be brave and can organize attacks too... Very nice ! That has made this War more interesting,no doubts...! And helps us to get more on time to our own planning and development's secret gatherings... LOL!!! :P

    The 14th of October is the "Official" end of the war, and i have send a PM to Lord6Dread, SCOPERS Leader, reminding him of this... and other very important things about wrong way of riding a Nation, like his nation member of CatsLand did, even more when THAT Nation belongs to the Cult of SKARO...!

    So hopefully, there will be PEACE back to us again... well, if Scopers understands what a Peace Accord is...! ;):huh::popcorn:

  13. B-)

    Well, here we are, people...!

    After a very interesting three way run for the leadership of the Ski-Lodge of AVALANCHE, the very young but very experienced Sir Exodus got the upper hand at last and won the tightly contested elections for the second time this year, Congratulations to the new ALPINE PATROLLER, Rightful user of the "Lazy Dude Armschair Throne" We know he'll do even GREATER this second time ...!!!

    So as part of this new Ava's Administration, i am extending an invitation to all the good friends around CN to come by and stop at Ava's place and get together in celebration, plus all rulers interested in try out a membership with US, come and ask it, we'll welcome you with Chocolate chips Cookies and hot Cocoa to your heart's desire...!!! :P

    At your service,

    Don Supremo,Ava's diplomat and Recruiting Officer. :facepalm:
    Come by at :http://www.ski-lodge.net/index.php?topic=1373.0
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