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Everything posted by Bearer

  1. Sorry Been a bit busy, Damn I am sore, why does working out have to be so damn painful, for years I have wondered this and thought to myself "were ou the kid who kept sticking the pennies in the light socket"? Then the scary part, I answer myself "Yes you were now lift the damn wieght". I am about ready in about 2 weeks to up the recruitment bonus.
  2. You should offer something the can use like grenades (for fishing) or maybe Willy P (for clearing yard debri). An AK is nice and all and good for when you get out of the car, what about while your in, a roof hatch 50 cal. some james bond head light machine guns or a rear il slick. Just an AK, I mean this is America,
  3. Thats feasible as long as the live within distance of a place that accpets online delivery orders. The limitations of recruitment is an issue. Up the bonus? I am uncertain of how to proceed on that one,
  4. Pills today are damn magic, I won't go into the details but even an average joe can take em and destroy stuff. I perfer mass amounts of whiskey course thats a good way too lose a girlfriend. ::Kids take it from me, drugs are not a play thing and you should never do them to gain awesome powers in the gym, in life or in the bedroom. Seriously, don't end up like me. Sleeping on stained mattresses in alley ways and eating leftover take out, topping it off with a bottle of bums farm isn't for everybody, but when your as sexy as I am you have to keep up appearances.::
  5. I enjoy reading the threads, it beats the depressing damn RL news and I love seeing the collection of missinterpretations at work. It a wonderful brave world out there. JOIN TODAY, Free beer in K-town for new members.
  6. Roger, Join, its for a good cause, seriously it is!
  7. Hit you with a PM on the charter front. All in all good doc. you guys have been keeping this going for awhile.
  8. Yeah, unfortunately there not as iron cladas they should be. Good for this bad for companies. What are you gonna do.
  9. Enter stage left, -> in the past I could browse these all i wanted. Posting, well another story, as well as how I was able to get around the evil fire walls.
  10. Because up until now, the restrictions placed on the server of where I am wouldn't let me. See how long this lasts.
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