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Ivan III

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Posts posted by Ivan III

  1. Uhm, we have an MDP with them sir.

    Now this is what I like, civility :D

    I understand that you have a MDP, I'm just saying that I was surprized that Nordreich was even on there.

    And As for how the list went, our embassies are alphabetical by color.

    Naturally Aqua comes first.

    And Athens starts with A.

    That is the only reason that it is on the top.

    I can think of another :P

    But I was also thinking that Athens started with an 'A'.... etc etc.

  2. If you haven't noticed, Athens openly slandered our credibility as allies in their thread. I believe we have a right to an explanation as to what made them reach this conclusion.

    So what? Suck it up and MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD! It's not that hard, you go to the top of the page......

    I am here to see who Athens is cutting out from their loop, I don't want to hear you complaining and spamming this. I come here to enjoy the COMMENTS not the debate(s)

  3. This thread isn't about the Hegemony or Karma. This is about TSI and Athens. They can't prove that we did anything wrong. If that's the case, our question is why our alliance's name had to be slandered when there's no concrete reason to do so? If there's a reason, how come it has not been given for the past 20 pages?

    This is all based on cause and effect. Proof = point made. No proof = severe backfiring of intent (which is happening now, because Athens still can't seem to figure out why they decided TSI should take the hit for something that went on during the war.

    Actually, this thread is about Athens only. What you are putting in here SHOULD NOT be in here. this thread is about ODP cancellations, not about who is right or wrong or proof/no proof. Get real or GET YOUR OWN THREAD. Sheesh, people <_<

  4. I have yet to locate the truth in this statement. You never call, we barely talk; this long-distance relationship can't go on like this, Londo. To accuse us of sharing information that you trust us with is simply low, as I have no heard anything of Athenian affairs since the start of the war in general; being a member of government, I can only assume that we are constantly informed of this private information, which we did not receive too often. We honor our allies and their privacy, as others can vouch, so this is rather out of the blue.

    Let me make this clear, so that everyone understands what's going on. We at TSI have recently voted on dropping our treaty with Athens simply because there was a lack of communication between the both of us; simply put, it wasn't working out. For Athens to have the balls to fabricate such an excuse as us giving away their private information is both unsavory and ludicrous. I assume we are both basing it on the same lack of communication, and that we were separately planning the same thing, except that you beat us to the post.

    I'm fairly disappointed that things turned out this way; when we started the treaty, we were all around good friends. But this whole lack of communication, along with the Karma War, forced our two alliances apart. But seeing the accusations that Athens so ungraciously laid upon us, it is now no wonder to me as to why things are the way they are now.

    ^^This was not needed at all. If you wanted to rebuttal, there's no way you should have put that here.

    Now, it's either me making sense or it's my cold.... DON"T ANSWER THAT! :lol1: yea, that part was the cold.....

    I don't know what they've told you about us but I'm not gay.

    Of coarse not, that would be the Romans; just joking. You know I like both sides of the Roman-Greek thing. :awesome:

  5. Thanks for the explanation, LaHire.

    That being said, we (RoA) have extended the hand of friendship to TGE in hopes that all this foolishness can be put behind us all, since in reality this is not an issue with the EU at all, but between RoA and TGE, and based on our conversations with TGE, it is my hope and belief that cooler heads on all sides, ours included, will eventually prevail.

    I think we both will, Vald. :D

  6. Oh and what about this blackout business? What if you were to disobey this order not to speak to RoA? Is he not dictating your speech there as well?

    You want to talk ego? How about I come to your alliance and tell you who you can and cannot have in your membership? How about I ban you from our IRC channel because you have voiced an opposing view to mine? How about I boast of my destruction of your alliance openly and proclaim my work unfinished until I see one of your members in high standing in ruin? Oh I know ego. And your Kaiser displays it in droves.

    Red: That came off very very rude and disrespectful.

    Blue: So, if an alliance tried to bait another alliance into war or whatever, what is the best policy? Not talking to an alliance so that no "Heated arguments" (Noticed how I said arguments and not debates) and no more "Hostilities" happen, I find that is an ok thing to do. If this stops all uncivilly and disrespect for at least a while, along with stopping the "No-U" arguments, ok fine. I really don't want a "Heated Debate" to turn into a war; so to speak.

  7. You're right, I don't like it. Especially since your "new" charter is highly discriminatory.

    Also not a change. When I was in TGE government I questioned government practice openly as well. I even ran a campaign to drop certain allies. It is not until after you are removed from the alliance that the Kaiser and his cronies will slander your name. When you are a legitimate member they cannot be seen talking ill of you as that would only sow seeds of confusion and panic in the alliance. But take my campaign in TGE to drop the CPCN MDP for example. When the idea was brought before government it was debated and discussed in length. There was even government that voted in favor of the cancellation. In the end it did not pass and the motion died there and I didn't hear another thing on it. However, after my removal from the alliance I hear that I was a saboteur and provocateur for suggesting such radical things. The slander only comes at a time when it is most advantageous. Those in RoA, the same people your government is trying to enforce a blackout upon, were once TGE's high government. Were they spoken ill of while there? Absolutely not. But now that it is advantageous to do so, your membership is told that they are traitors and deserve to be shunned. No change at all. Not one bit.

    Oh and what about this blackout business? What if you were to disobey this order not to speak to RoA? Is he not dictating your speech there as well?

    You want to talk ego? How about I come to your alliance and tell you who you can and cannot have in your membership? How about I ban you from our IRC channel because you have voiced an opposing view to mine? How about I boast of my destruction of your alliance openly and proclaim my work unfinished until I see one of your members in high standing in ruin? Oh I know ego. And your Kaiser displays it in droves.

    ^^this is what I am talking about. No civility, no respect. In other words, I should not even be quoting him AT ALL.

    No one speaks freely in TGE. Last thing I saw before heading out the door was your Kaiser superseding the Reichstag to implement a law requiring 'respect and civility' on the forum after several members spoke out against what government officials were doing following the war. The criticisms in question were hardly disrespectful or uncivilized, but the criticism tends to turn that way once the leadership has made up its mind to silence you. What really irked me was they used the terms 'civility' and 'respect' to promote this and other censorship. Last time I checked civilized and respectful people allowed freedom of speech.

    When did you leave? Depending on what your time frame is, things may have changed, as i stated earlier

    Alright, can we please put this topic to bed? I do not care for the flavor of this conversation anymore (despite the addition of JAM ♥). I have contacted TGE's government and hope to get this all taken care of so that we can be friendly again. Please allow us to take care of this private matter in PRIVATE.

    What are you talking about? We are not getting rude or anything now, well, except Flanders. He's the exception as always :P

    this has turned the corner, we have (Most of us) are civil now. Not to mention that this is now a debate, a true debate until something goes uncivil/disrespectful.

  8. Then please answer the question I keep posing so civilly. You said that TGE has changed in the past five months. Most of us have seen evidence to the contrary so can you please show me how practices and/or attitudes have changed in TGE?

    1)The Constitution shows changes. (Though you may not like this one)

    2) you said that Fritz cracks down and punishes people who speak against what he wants, I believe. Or someone said that, the change there is that people speak freely as ever. I question him, I question the gov. as a whole, I have debated Fritz's ideas. Not one scratch has come to me. Also, people inside TGE (Not just me) do the same. I would post his name here but I do not have his permission. If I did I would most definally say it. I have even critizezed some people in gov. for some things.

    3) Some say that Fritz has an ego. from what I see (And I see Fritz a lot on IRC and forums) he has no ego. He's open to ideas, and he even said he apologized on an action. (Same with Chris too)

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