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The Mongol-Swedes

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Posts posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. The USA, for all of its shortcomings as a n00bish alliance, are a credit to the CN Left by having the courage, honor and integrity to weather this storm alone.

    \o/ USA

    Looks like a wasted diplomatic opportunity for Ordo Verde.

  2. It's incredibly chauvinistic and disrespectful to jump in and fight on behalf of an alliance after they specifically request you keep yourselves out. For all the 'treaty lawyers' here, the letter of the law has been followed to a t. End of story. If you're going to make a treaty with an alliance in the first place, it usually implies that, first and foremost, you respect the sovereignty of the alliance(s) you're making the treaty with. I think the USA has a considerable amount of honor in this situation by not wishing to see their allies damaged in this situation because of their own shortcomings in the diplomatic arena, more honor than those who make war at the drop of a hat for the slimmest "CB" imaginable.

    USA \o/ WP

    Hereby endorsed by the Mastabo-Gelibolist Tendency.

  3. Fascinating stuff, USA. If you ever need a friendly outside opinion of your actions before you eat another footbullet, feel free to pop by the forums. LSF'll fix it for ya!

    Best of luck to the 'WMC' and UNSC settling their differences.

  4. the WMC is a coalition for the Christmas war,the USA along with another alliance will probably leave the war in a day or so.

    You ought to save up that epic for a formal announcement. Maybe link to this in your OP and we can hitch up a bandwagon train and head on down that dusty trail.

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